2048-c | | Console version of the game 2048 |
3dsconv | | Script to convert Nintendo 3DS CCI (.cci, .3ds) files to the CIA format |
4ti2 | | Solve algebraic, geometric, combinatorial problems on linear spaces |
7-zip-zstd | | 7-zip with support for additional codecs |
7z-bin | | Extract, list, and test files in 7z archives (Linux binary) |
8bc | | B compiler for the PDP-8 |
8cc-git | | Small C Compiler |
a2ps-sharatype | | Cyrillic fonts for a2ps (a part of sharatype project) |
abc | | System for Sequential Logic Synthesis and Formal Verification |
accountsservice | | Set of D-Bus interfaces for accessing account information |
acl | | Commands for Manipulating POSIX Access Control Lists |
acme-client | | Secure Let's Encrypt client |
acme-dns | | Simplified DNS server to automate ACME DNS challenges |
acpiclient | | Displays information about ACPI devices |
acpid | | Linux ACPI event handler |
act | | Run your GitHub Actions locally |
actionlint | | Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files |
actor-framework | | Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++ |
ad2vcf | | Add allelic depth info from a SAM stream to a VCF file |
ada_gnat | | Tools for ada lang |
ada_xmlada | | Adacore XML suite for the ada lang |
adamem | | Emulator for the Colecovision game console and Adam computer system |
adasat | | Implementation of a DPLL-based SAT solver in Ada |
adept | | Combined automatic differentiation and array library for C++ |
adguardhome | | Network-wide ads- and trackers-blocking DNS server |
adjustmtu | | Detect MTU size and set MTU size of routing table |
adms | | Verilog to C code compiler |
admsmb | | Security scanner for Samba |
adobe-source-sans-pro-ttf-otf | | Adobe Source Sans Pro TTF fonts |
advancemame | | Arcade game emulator with advanced video support |
ae-fonts-decorative | | Other collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs |
aegis-devel | | Infrastructure meta-package to develop on Aegis |
aegisub | | Free, cross-platform tool for creating and modifying subtitles |
aespipe | | AES encryption pipe from the loop-aes project |
afflib | | Advanced Forensic Format library |
afl-cov | | Produce code coverage results with gcov from afl-fuzz test cases |
agile | | Interface for a variety of Fortran-based Monte Carlo generators |
ags | | Adventure Game Studio runtime engine |
aichat | | All-in-one AI CLI tool |
air | | Live reload for Go apps |
aircrack-ng | | WiFi security auditing tools suite |
alac_decoder | | Apple Lossless Audio Codec files decoder |
alacritty-dev | | Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator |
alberta | | Adaptive hierarchical finite element toolbox |
aldo | | Morse code training program |
aldumb | | Allegro support for audio/dumb |
alertmanager | | Prometheus Alertmanager |
alive | | Login software for Swedish Telia ADSL/Comhem cable Internet users |
alsa-lib-git | | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) |
alsa-plugins | | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture plugins |
alsa-plugins-jack | | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - OSS plugin |
alt-ergo | | Automatic theorem prover for program verification |
am-utils | | Berkeley automounter suite of utilities |
am-utils-git | | Berkeley automounter suite of utilities |
amavis-logwatch | | Amavis log reporting utility |
amlogic-meson-fwtools | | Trusted Firmware packaging tools for the Amlogic Meson family of SoCs |
analizo | | Extensible source code analysis and visualization toolkit |
angelscript | | The AngelScript programming language |
ansible-junos-stdlib | | Ansible library for JunOS routers |
anthy-dic-jis34 | | Dictionary of JIS level 3 and 4 for Anthy |
antlr | | ANother Tool for Language Recognition |
antlr3-c | | ANother Tool for Language Recognition, C bindings |
anvil | | Plan 9 acme-like editor written in Go |
aoi | | Open source 3D modelling and rendering studio based on Java |
aokell | | AOKell is a Java implementation of the Fractal component model |
aols-freetds | | FreeTDS database access module for aolserver |
aols-openssl | | OpenSSL module for aolserver |
aols-postgres | | Postgres database access module for aolserver |
aolserver4 | | America Online's open source web server |
ap2-auth-imap | | Module to allow apache2 authentication against an IMAP server |
ap2-auth-pam | | Apache2 module for PAM authentification |
ap2-evasive | | Evasive maneuvers module for Apache |
ap2-jk2 | | Apache2 JK2 module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X |
ap2-macro | | Apache module for using macros in config files |
ap2-mpm-itk | | Apache module that allows to run each vhost under a separate uid and gid |
ap2-passenger | | Passenger module for Apache 2.x |
ap2-zeroconf | | Allows apache2 to register on a Zero Configuration network |
apache-arrow | | Cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics |
apache-commons-beanutils | | Utility for manipulating JavaBeans |
apache-commons-codec | | Encoder and decoders such as Base64 and hexadecimal codec |
apache-commons-collections | | Set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations |
apache-commons-configuration | | Java based library providing a generic configuration interface |
apache-commons-dbcp | | Database Connection Pooling Services |
apache-commons-digester | | Rule based XML Java object mapping tool |
apache-commons-io | | Common useful IO related classes |
apache-commons-lang | | Extension of the java.lang package |
apache-commons-logging | | Commmon wrapper interface for several logging APIs |
apache-commons-pool | | Pooling implementation for Java objects |
apache-log4j | | Logging facility for Java |
ape | | Another Programmer's Editor |
apel-git | | Portable Emacs library |
apinger | | IP/icmp based device monitoring tool |
apk-tools | | Alpine Package Keeper Tools |
apple-codesign | | Code signing for Apple platforms |
apstget | | This is an apt-get like tool for pkgsrc |
apvlv | | PDF/DJVU/UMD/TXT Viewer which behaves like Vim |
aqemu | | GUI for virtual machines using QEMU as the backend |
aquaria | | Aquaria Open Source Edition |
aquatone | | Tool for domain flyovers |
ar7 | | Diagnosis tool for certain ADSL modems |
arabeyes-qr-ttf | | Fonts to be used to display the Qur\'an text |
arachne-pnr-git | | Place and route tool for FPGAs |
arangodb | | Native multi-model database with flexible data models |
ARC | | Genomics pipeline for de novo assemblies |
arcan | | Graphical development toolkit |
archimedes | | 2D Monte Carlo simulation software for submicron semiconductor devices |
arduino-cli | | Arduino command line tool |
arduino-ctags | | Arduino ctags, based on Exuberant ctags |
arduino-dfu-discovery | | Arduino pluggable discovery for dfu devices |
arduino-esp8266 | | Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip |
arduino-mdns-discovery | | MDNS (Bonjour) pluggable discovery tool |
arduino-serial-discovery | | Arduino pluggable discovery for serial ports |
arduino-serial-monitor | | Arduino pluggable monitor for serial ports |
argo-cd | | Command line tool for interacting with Argo CD |
argouml | | UML design tool environment with cognitive support |
argparse | | Argument Parser for Modern C++ |
argtable2 | | ANSI C Library for parsing GNU style command line arguments |
aribas | | Interactive interpreter for big integer arithmetic |
arla-3.99.14 | | Free AFS implementation from KTH |
arm-eabi-binutils | | Cross binutils for bare metal classic ARM EABI |
arm-eabi-gcc5 | | GCC for bare metal classic ARM EABI |
arm-eabi-gdb | | Cross GDB for bare metal ARM EABI |
arm-elf-binutils | | Cross binutils for bare metal classic ARM ELF |
arm-elf-gcc47 | | GCC for bare metal classic ARM ELF |
arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_a64-crust | | ARM Trusted Firmware, patched for crust SCP firmware |
arpdig | | Arp digger utility |
arphic-ukai-ttf | | High-quality Chinese Unicode TrueType font, Kaiti style |
arphic-uming-ttf | | High-quality Chinese Unicode TrueType font, Mingti style |
artemis | | Genome viewer and annotation too |
arx-libertatis-git | | Cross-platform, open source port of the Arx Fatalis RPG |
ascii2binary | | Convert between textual representations of numbers and binary |
Aseprite | | Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool |
asm-lsp | | Language server for NASM/GAS/GO Assembly |
aspell-dictionaries | | meta-package for aspell spell checker dictionaries |
asql | | Query Apache logfiles via SQL |
asterisk11-vicidial | | The Asterisk Software PBX |
atac-seq | | Core tools needed for ATAC-Seq analysis |
atanks | | Multi-platform Scorched Earth clone |
atlas | | Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software |
atompaw | | Projector Augmented Wave code for electronic structure calculations |
audacity-cmake | | Multi-track audio editor and recorder |
audiere | | Audiere is a high-level audio API |
audio-mml | | Real-time Audio Tool |
audit-system | | Check the NetBSD base OS for known vulnerabilities |
ausweisapp2 | | Authenticate with your German ID or residence permit |
auto-admin | | Portable tools for automating systems management |
auto-complete-git | | Auto Complete Mode for emacs |
auto-complete-mode | | The most intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs |
auto-dev | | Tools for automating code development and documentation |
autoproject | | Creates a skeleton source package for a new program |
autopsy | | Browser interface to sleuthkit |
autossh | | Monitor and automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels |
avida2 | | Avida is an auto-adaptive genetic system |
avidemux | | Graphical video editing program (Core) |
avidemux-cli | | Graphical video editing program (CLI UI) |
avidemux-plugins | | Graphical video editing program (Plugins) |
avidemux-qt | | Graphical video editing program (QT UI) |
avp | | OpenSource Alien vs. Predator |
avr-gcc | | GCC for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers |
avr-gdb | | GNU gdb for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers |
avr-libc | | C and math library for Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers |
avra | | Assember for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family |
avrdude | | Downloader/uploader for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers |
awesome6-otf | | The iconic font and CSS toolkit |
awesome6-ttf | | The iconic font and CSS toolkit |
aws-iam-authenticator | | AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes |
aws-nuke | | Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources |
aws-session-manager-plugin | | AWS CLI plugin to start/end sessions to your instances |
axe | | Manipulate contents of Atari 8bit disk image files (.ATR, .XFD) |
axel | | HTTP/FTP download accelerator |
axpbox-git | | AXPbox is a fork of the discontinued es40 emulator. It emulates Alpha processor and can OpenVMS,Tru64,Linux and NetBSD |
ayatana-ido | | Ayatana Indicator Display Objects |
azureus | | Bittorrent client written in java |
backintime | | Simple backup system for the GNOME desktop |
backplane | | Innovative RDBMS database by Matthew Dillon |
bagel | | Domain specific compiler for lattice QCD |
ballerburg | | Classical castle combat game |
bamf | | DBus daemon and C wrapper library of applications matching framework |
bamtools | | API and toolkit for handling BAM files |
bareos-webui | | PHP-Frontend to monitor and manage Bareos |
baresip | | SIP User-Agent with audio and video support |
barony | | First person rogue-like |
barony337 | | First person rogue-like |
barrier | | Let a user share a mouse and keyboard among computers |
basepkg | | NetBSD system packages (Experimental stage of syspkg) |
bashdb | | The Bash debugger project |
bashtop | | Linux resource monitor |
basic-stats | | Command-line tool to perform basic statistics on tabular data |
bastard | | Disassembler for ELF x86 binarys |
bats-core | | Bash Automated Testing System |
bazel | | Fast and correct build automation tool |
bcf-score | | Bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis |
bcftools | | Tools for manipulating BCF and VCF variant call files |
bcryptcpp | | C++ wrapper around bcrypt password hashing |
be | | Binary hex editor with retro disassemblers |
Bear | | Tool to generate compilation database |
bedtools | | Swiss army knife for genome arithmetic |
beignet | | OpenCL implementation for Intel GPUs |
belle-sip | | C object oriented SIP Stack |
bertini | | Software for Numerical Algebraic Geometry |
bfgminer | | Modular ASIC/FPGA Bitcoin miner |
biblesync | | Multicast shared co-navigation library for Bible programs |
bicon | | Bidirection text console |
bifrost | | Parallel construction, indexing and querying of de Bruijn graphs |
bigdft | | Massively parallel electronic structure code using a wavelet basis set |
bigloo | | Scheme development environment |
bind920 | | Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.20 |
bindgraph | | Tool that makes graphs from BIND queries |
binutils | | GNU binary utilities |
binutils-git | | GNU binary utilities |
binutils-gold-git | | Fast linker for ELF files |
bio-mocha | | Bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis |
biolibc | | Low-level high-performance bioinformatics library |
biolibc-tools | | High-performance bioinformatics tools based on biolibc |
bioruby | | Intergrated environment for Bioinformatics using Ruby |
biostar-tools | | Meta-package for Biostar Handbook tools |
bip | | IRC proxy |
bitkeeper | | Distributed Source Control System |
bitlbee-purple | | IRC to other chat networks gateway (libpurple) |
blackbox_exporter | | Prometheus blackbox exporter |
blad | | Bibliotheques Lilloises Algebre Differentielle |
blast2go | | GO annotation and functional genome analysis |
bleachbit | | Bleachbit is a privacy and cleaning tool |
blink-git | | Tiniest x86-64-linux emulator |
blis | | Framework for instantiating BLAS libraries |
blueprint-compiler | | Markup language and compiler for GTK 4 user interfaces |
blueproxy | | RFCOMM <-> TCP proxy |
bluez | | Bluetooth scan, pair, connect and power toggle |
bluez-alsa | | Stream audio from/to a Bluetooth device |
bluez-gnome | | BlueZ helpers for Gnome |
bluez-hcidump | | Bluetooth packet analyzer |
bluez-hciemu | | HCI device emulator |
bluez-libs | | Linux Bluetooth Stack libraries |
bluez-utils | | Linux Bluetooth Stack utilities |
bmap | | Forensic tool to perform low-level operations on ext2 filesystems |
bmp-docklet | | BMP Dock applet |
boa | | Small HTTP server |
bogomips | | Unscientific measurement of CPU speed |
boinc-git | | Open-source software for volunteer computing |
bolt-lmm | | Statistics for testing association between phenotype and genotypes |
bonnie++-current | | Enhanced performance Test of Filesystem I/O |
boost-asynchronous | | An asynchronous C++ library |
boost-libs-2017Q1 | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (binary libraries) |
boost-mp11 | | A C++11 metaprogramming library |
boost-test-suite | | Run the Boost test suite |
boost-threadpool | | Cross-platform C++ thread pool library |
bore | | DNS query tool |
boringssl | | Fork of OpenSSL designed to meet Google's needs |
boron | | Scripting language similar to REBOL |
botan3-git | | Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v3) |
bowtie2 | | Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner |
bpcscripts | | Gast Illumina processing |
bpytop | | Stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes |
brain-mesh-builder | | Surface mesh building based on 3-dimensional image stacks |
breakpad | | Client and server components for a crash reporting system |
breeze | | Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop |
breeze-gtk | | Breeze widget theme for GTK 2 and 3 |
bridge-utils | | Ethernet bridging utilities for GNU/Linux |
briquolo | | 3D breakout based on OpenGL |
briskmenu | | Modern Menu for MATE-Desktop |
brlcad | | Cross-platform solid modeling system |
brogue | | Brogue is a modern Roguelike game |
brogue-ce | | Community edition of the brogue roguelike game |
browserpass-native | | Browserpass native client app |
brumbrumrally | | Racing game with randomized tracks |
bsa | | Cross-assembler for 6502-like processors |
bscript | | Portable, fast, lightweight BASIC interpreter |
bsdbuild | | BSD-licensed portable build system |
bsddialog | | TUI Dialogs and Widgets |
bsfilter | | Bayesian spam filter written in Ruby |
bsh | | Java scripting environment |
bsnmp | | Minimal SNMP daemon |
bss | | Bluetooth Stack Smasher |
bstone | | Source port of Blake Stone game engines |
bsvc | | Extensible hardware simulation framework with MC68K support |
btop-git | | Colorful TTY resource monitor |
bub-n-bros | | Multiplayer crazy clone of Bubble Bobble |
buddy | | Github based (newer) version of devel/buddy |
budgie-desktop | | Budgie desktop env |
budgie-screensaver | | Requirement for budgie desktop |
bugsx | | Draws biomorphs based on parametric plots and lets you play with them |
bugzilla | | Web based bug tracking system |
bulk-test-llvm | | Meta-package for testing LLVM |
bun | | The Bun JavaScript runtime |
bup-git | | Highly efficient file backup system based on the git packfile format |
bupstash | | Easy and efficient encrypted backups |
busybox | | The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux |
bwa | | Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome |
byzanz | | TODO: Short description of the package |
c-graph | | Convolution Theorem Visualization |
c-news | | The 3rd generation USENET news server |
c2go | | Tool for transpiling C to Go |
c2rust | | Translate C modules into semantically equivalent Rust code |
cabal2pkg | | Tool to automate importing/updating Haskell packages in pkgsrc |
cacti-plugin-aggregate | | Aggregate plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-monitor | | Monitor plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-realtime | | Provides a method to view Cacti graphs with a resolution of upto 5 sec |
cacti-plugin-rrdclean | | Cacti RRD File Cleaner |
cacti-plugin-settings | | Settings plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-thold | | Treshold plugin to cacti |
cacti-plugin-weathermap | | Generate maps and diagrams using data collected by Cacti |
cairo-dingbat-ttf | | Outline version of old Macintosh font |
cairo-dock | | Dock application |
cairo-java | | Cairo bindings for Java |
calypso-git | | CardDAV/CalDAV server (git version) |
canna | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (meta-package) |
canna-canuum | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (canuum) |
canna-dict | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (dict) |
canna-lib | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (lib) |
canna-server | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (server) |
canto-daemon | | The next generation Canto RSS daemon |
canu | | Single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small |
capicxx-core-runtime | | GENIVI common API C++ core runtime |
carburetta | | Fused scanner parser generator |
cardpeek | | Cardpeek is a tool to read the contents of ISO7816 smart cards |
cargo-about | | Cargo plugin to generate list of all licenses for a crate |
cargo-c | | Build and install C-compatible libraries from Rust lang |
cargo-deb | | Cargo helper to build Debian packages |
carla | | Audio plugin host |
cartago | | Framework for programming and executing environments in multi-agent |
casady-fonts | | TrueType fonts by Robin Casady |
cask | | Project management tool for Emacs |
castget | | Command-line RSS enclosures dowloader |
cataclysm-dda | | Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (text-only version) |
cataclysm-dda-sdl | | Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (tileset version) |
catfish | | Versatile file search utility for the Xfce desktop |
catpoint-git | | Simple presentation software written in curses |
cb2bib | | Extract and organize bibliographic references |
ccnet-server | | Framework for writing networked applications in C |
ccrypt | | Encrypts/decrypts files using Rijndael block cipher |
cddlib | | C-library implementation of the Double Description Method |
cdogs | | SDL port of the classic DOS arcade game |
cdpr | | Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter |
cedet | | Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools |
celluloid | | Simple GTK+ frontend for mpv |
centrifuge | | Novel microbial classification engine |
cereal | | C++11 library for serialization |
cfiles | | Ncurses file manager written in C with vim like keybindings |
cgal | | Computational Geometry Algorithms Library |
cgic | | Thomas Boutell's ANSI C library for CGI Programming |
cglib | | Code generation library for Java |
cgnslib | | CFD General Notation System |
cgterm | | Commodore Graphics Telnet Client |
chakracore-git | | Core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge |
chani | | Tool for transient simulation of charge transport |
chapel | | The Chapel programming language |
chartsrv | | Daemon which renders SVG plots from Prometheus data |
charybdis | | Freenode's IRC server daemon |
chbg | | Changes destop background pictures with some period |
cheat | | Convenient unit testing framework for the C programming language |
check-update | | Check pkgsrc trees for newer version |
checkstyle | | Static code analysis tool for Java |
chemeq | | Chemical Equation Parser and Renderer |
chems | | The geekest content helper management system |
cherokee | | Flexible and fast web server |
chezmoi | | Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines |
chezscheme | | Cisco implementation of the Scheme programming language |
chezscheme-racket | | Racket's fork of Chez Scheme |
Chinput | | Chinese input server |
chip-seq | | Core tools needed for ChIP-Seq analysis |
chirpstack | | Open-source LoRaWAN Network Server |
chkugenids | | Command line tool to get info on USB device through /dev/ugenN.EE |
chntpw | | Offline registry tools and password resetter |
choosefont | | Choosefont permit you to choose fonts out of a big amount of fonts |
chora | | Another CVS-via-web system |
chromium | | Open source web browser |
chromium-depot_tools | | Chromium depot tools |
chromium-next | | Open source web browser |
chronograf | | Monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack |
chrsh | | Chroot jail wrapper for ordinary Unix shells |
chruby | | CLI tool which allows you to manage/use multiple Ruby environments |
cilium-cli | | CLI to manage Kubernetes clusters running Cilium |
cingg-netbsd | | Professional video editing and compositing environment |
cinnamon-desktop | | Additional UI API for cinnamon |
cinnamon-menus | | Additional UI API for cinnamon |
cinnamon-screensaver | | Cinnamon screensaver |
cinnamon-session | | Cinnamon session |
cinnamon-settings-daemon | | Settings daemon for Cinnamon |
ciwiki | | CiWiki is a small and simple WikiWikiWeb implementation written in C |
cl-alexandria | | Alexandria is a collection utilities for Common Lisp |
cl-anaphora | | Anaphora is the anaphoric macro collection |
cl-babel | | Babel is a character encoding/decoding library for Common Lisp |
cl-bordeaux-threads | | Portable shared-state concurrency for Common Lisp |
cl-cffi | | The Common Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp |
cl-fad | | CL-FAD is a thin layer atop Common Lisp standard pathname functions |
cl-flexi-streams | | FLEXI-STREAMS - Flexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp |
cl-portable-clx | | CLX module which is mostly used with SBCL |
cl-ppcre | | CL-PPCRE is a portable regular expression library for Common Lisp |
cl-ppcre-unicode | | CL-PPCRE-UNICODE is the CL-PPCRE package with Unicode support |
cl-split-sequence | | Common Lisp utility to split sequences |
cl-trivial-features | | Trivial-features ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp |
cl-trivial-gray-streams | | Trivial-gray-streams is a compatibility layer for Gray streams |
cl-unicode | | CL-UNICODE - A portable Unicode library for Common Lisp |
cl-who | | CL-WHO - Yet another Lisp markup language |
clamassassin | | Simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV |
clang | | C language family frontend for LLVM |
clang-tools-extra | | Extra Clang tools |
clasp | | Answer set solver for normal and disjunctive logic programs |
classgen | | Java tool to generate class frameworks and visitor patterns |
classic-mac-font-pack | | Outline fonts modeled after those of the vintage 68k Macintosh era |
clearsans-ttf | | Clear Sans TrueType font from Intel |
clfswm | | A(nother) Common Lisp FullScreen Window Manager |
clhep | | Class library for high energy physics |
clic | | Common LISP terminal based gopher client written |
cligen | | Tool to generate interactive command-line interfaces |
clipmenu | | Clipboard management using dmenu |
cliquer | | C routines for finding cliques in an arbitrary weighted graph |
clisp | | CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation |
clisp-hg | | CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation |
clixon | | YANG-based configuration manager |
clixon-pyapi | | Network services API for the Clixon controller |
clock-signal | | Emulator of 8- and 16-bit platforms |
clockspeed | | Suite of clock synchronization utilities |
cloud-nuke | | Clean up cloud accounts by nuking (deleting) all resources within it |
cloudflared | | Cloudflare Tunnel client |
clustershell | | Python library to execute commands on local or distant cluster nodes |
cm-unicode-ttf | | Computer Modern Unicode fonts |
cmetrics | | Size and complexity metrics for C source code files |
cmoc | | 6809-generating cross-compiler for a large subset of the C language |
cmvnd-fonts | | Tiny bitmap fonts |
cockatrice | | Virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games |
cockroach | | CockroachDB is a cloud-native SQL database for building global, scalable cloud services that survive disasters. |
coin-or-lemon | | Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks |
colm-devel | | Programming language for computer language analysis |
colobot | | Real-time strategy game |
colord | | Device color profile management daemon |
colorfull | | ColorFull is a C++ code for calculations in QCD color space |
colorize | | Command colorizer useful to distinguish remote shells |
comblas | | Combinatorial BLAS library: an extensible parallel graph library |
commandergenius | | The ultimate Commander Keen interpreter |
common-mml | | Common multimedia library required by mbone tools |
commoncpp2 | | Portable and highly optimized class framework for C++ |
compare | | Fast binary comparision between two files |
compat32_expat | | XML parser library written in C |
compat32_fontconfig | | Library for configuring and customizing font access |
compat32_freetype2 | | Font rendering engine and library API |
compat32_giflib | | GIF image format library |
compat32_jpeg | | IJG's jpeg compression utilities |
compat32_lcms2 | | Little Color Management System - a color management library |
compat32_libgcrypt | | GNU cryptographic library |
compat32_libgpg-error | | Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components |
compat32_libuuid | | Generate unique identifiers for objects |
compat32_libxml2 | | XML parser library from the GNOME project |
compat32_libxslt | | XSLT parser library from the GNOME project |
compat32_mit-krb5 | | MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system |
compat32_ncurses | | CRT screen handling and optimization package |
compat32_png | | Library for manipulating PNG images |
compat32_tiff | | Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files |
compat80-x11 | | Shared X11 libraries for NetBSD 8.0 compatibility |
compiler-rt | | LLVM runtime libraries |
compiz-boxmenu | | Desktop menu for compiz, forked from compiz-deskmenu |
complexity | | Tool designed for analyzing the complexity of C program functions |
concorde | | Combinatorial Optimization package |
confkerndev | | Command line tool to disable drivers in binary kernel file |
conkeror | | Extensible keyboard-oriented web browser based on Mozilla |
conky | | Free, light-weight system monitor for X |
consul | | Tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration |
cool-retro-term | | Terminal emulator which mimics old cathode display artifacts |
cops | | Computer Oracle and Password System |
copytape | | Copytape duplicates magnetic tapes, with only one drive |
corert-git | | Microsoft .NET Core runtime optimized for AOT scenarios |
cortex-var | | TODO: Short description of the package |
cortextool | | Tool to interacts with Cortex APIs and backend storage components |
cosmo-engine | | Game engine to play Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure |
courier-imap | | IMAP server for access to maildir-style mailboxes |
courierpassd | | Password changing daemon using courier-authlib |
cowpatty | | Designed to audit the security of PSKs selected in WPA networks |
coxeter | | Computer program for the study of Coxeter group theory |
cozy | | Listen to audio books |
cpluff | | TODO: Short description of the package |
cpm | | Console Password Manager |
cpqarrayd | | Monitor HP SmartArray controllers |
cpuminer-multi | | multi-threaded CPU miner |
cqlsh | | Command-line client for running CQL commands on Cassandra |
crchack-git | | Reversing CRC for fun and profit |
creal | | Exact real arithmetic library (constructive reals) for ocaml |
cream | | Usability add-on for Vim |
crispy-doom | | Limit-removing enhanced-resolution Doom source port |
crm114 | | Fast and accurate learning classifier, good for spam |
cronolog-devel | | Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames |
cropsr | | Complex genome-wide CRISPR gRNA design and validation |
cross-binutils | | Unified GNU binutils for cross build environments |
cross-m68k-coff-gcc-4.2.0 | | C cross compiler for MC68000 (coff) |
crossguid | | C++ GUID library |
crossroads-io | | Fork of ZeroMQ, high-performance asynchronous messaging library |
crosswrench-git | | Python wheel installer written in C++ |
crrcsim | | Crrcsim is a model-airplane flight simulation program |
crust-firmware | | SCP firmware for sunxi SoCs |
cryptcat | | Standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption |
crystal | | Statically typed, compiled language, with Ruby-like syntax |
crystal-bin | | Language with Ruby-like syntax and static type checking |
cskk | | Cobalt SKK library |
csoap | | SOAP C Framework C API functions |
csound6 | | Software synthesizer and sequencer |
csp2b | | The csp2B Tool written in Moscow ML |
csstidy | | Opensource CSS parser |
csv-mode | | Emacs mode for editing comma-separated value files |
csv2 | | Fast CSV parser and writer in C++ |
ctags-git | | Maintained ctags implementation |
cubature | | Multi-dimensional integration |
cudd | | Package for the manipulation of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), etc |
cuelang | | Validate and define text-based and dynamic configuration |
cultivation | | Game about a community of gardeners |
cup | | LALR parser generator for java |
cups-browsed | | |
cups-filters | | Backends, filters, and other software for cups |
CuraEngine | | Converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers |
cut-and-run | | Split a text file into segments and process in parallel |
cvc3 | | Automatic theorem prover for SMT problems |
cvs-syncmail | | Automatically send cvs commit messages via mail |
cvs2darcs | | Convert CVS repositories to Darcs version control |
cvs2fossil | | Tool to convert from CVS to fossil |
cvs2git | | Convert CVS repository to git |
cvs2hg | | Convert CVS repository to Mercurial |
cvsanaly | | Source code management tool analyzer |
cvsnt | | CVSNT is advanced multiplatform version control system |
cvstrac | | Web-based bug and patch-set tracker for CVS, Subversion and GIT |
cwebx | | CWEBx system is a system for Structured Software Documentation |
cyclone | | Scheme-to-C compiler |
cyclone-bootstrap | | Bootstrap for the Cyclone scheme-to-C compiler |
cygwin | | GNU C Compiler for win32 cross development |
cygwin-binutils | | GNU binutils ported to Win32/Cygwin environment |
cyrus-imapd30 | | Cyrus IMAP server |
cyrus-imapd34 | | Cyrus IMAP server |
cyrus-imapd36 | | Cyrus IMAP server |
cytopia | | City building simulation game |
d-feet | | D-Feet is a powerful dbus debugger |
d1x-rebirth | | Source port of the Descent 1 engine |
d2 | | Modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams |
d2x-rebirth | | Source port of the Descent 2 engine |
dangerzone | | Convert PDFs to safe PDFs |
daphne | | Emulator for Laserdisc arcade games |
darcs-to-git | | Convert a Darcs repository into a Git repository |
dart-git | | Programming language for building web, server, and mobile apps |
dash-el | | Modern list api for Emacs. No 'cl required |
dasht | | Search API docs offline, in terminal or browser |
datamash | | Command-line program for basic textual and statistical operations |
dates | | Dates is a small, lightweight calendar |
davegnukem | | 2D sidescrolling platform shooter |
davical-git | | Simple CalDAV server using a PostgreSQL backend |
dbf | | Converts dBASE files to comma separated values text files |
dbus-dfbsd | | Message bus system |
dcdis | | Simple Dreamcast disassembler |
ddate | | The enhanced Discordian date program |
ddocent | | Bash pipeline for RAD sequencing |
deadbeef | | Modular music player |
debian_base | | Debian Linux compatibility base package |
debian_glib | | Debian Linux glib1.2 package |
debian_gtk | | Debian Linux gtk1.2 package |
debian_x11 | | Debian Linux X11 compatibility libraries |
debootstrap | | Debian GNU/Linux (and Ubuntu) cross-bootstrapping utility |
debugger-git | | X86/x86_64 debugger with the goal to drop-in replace gdb |
decode-dimms | | Memory SPD ROM decoder |
dee | | Model to synchronize mutiple instances over DBus |
deforaos-accessories | | DeforaOS Accessories |
deforaos-framer | | DeforaOS desktop window manager |
deforaos-init | | DeforaOS system session |
deforaos-probe | | DeforaOS system monitoring infrastructure |
deja-dup | | Trivial-to-use personal backup tool |
deluge | | Lightweight, free software, cross-platform BitTorrent client |
delve | | Go debugger |
dendrite | | Second-generation Matrix homeserver |
denise | | Commodore-64 and Amiga emulator |
depsolver | | Multimaterial 3D electrostatic solver |
descent3 | | Descent 3 open source engine |
deskcribe | | DeskScribe is a usability testing suite |
deskflow | | Let a user share a mouse and keyboard among computers |
desktop-installer | | Quickly configure a NetBSD desktop system |
desmume | | Nintendo DS emulator |
detab | | Replace tabs with spaces in a text file |
detachtty | | Utility that lets you run interactive programs non-interactively |
deutex | | Command-line tool for building Doom WAD files |
devd | | Local webserver for developers |
deviceatlas-enterprise-c | | DeviceAtlas Device Detection C API |
devkitARM-buildrules | | Build rules for devkitARM |
devkitARM-newlib | | Newlib for devkitARM toolchain |
devkitARM-tools | | General tools for devkitARM |
devpub-mount | | NetBSD devpubd-based automounter |
dfam | | Collection of genome annotation data |
dhcpd-snmp | | Extension for the Net-SNMP agent and the ISC DHCP server |
diablo | | Newsfeeding and newsreading server software |
dict-client-current | | Dictionary Service Protocol client |
dict-est-rus | | DICTD data for Estonian-Russian dictionary |
dict-freedict-eng-ara | | Dict package for English-Arabic Freedict dictionary |
dict-freedict-eng-fra | | DICTD data for FreeDict English-French dictionary |
dict-server-current | | Dictionary Service Protocol server |
diff-pdf | | Simple tool for visually comparing to PDF files |
diffsitter-git | | Tree-sitter based AST difftool to get meaningful semantic diffs |
digestif | | Language server for TeX and friends |
digikam | | Advanced digital photo management application |
digitemp | | Reads temperature from serial and USB thermometers |
ding | | Dictionary lookup program for the X window system |
dionysus | | Dionysus is a database engine for for universal constants |
discordo | | Lightweight, secure, and feature-rich Discord terminal client |
diskonaut | | Terminal disk space navigator |
dispred | | Tools for calculating DIS cross sections at LO and NLO in QCD |
disque | | Distributed message broker |
distbb-git | | DISTributed Bulk Build tool for pkgsrc |
divecmd | | Download and process dive computer data |
diveintopython | | Free book for experienced Python programmers |
divoom | | Rust Library for controlling divoom devices that support REST APIs |
dlib | | Toolkit for machine learning and data analysis applications |
dlib-cpp | | Machine learning framework written in C++ |
dlt-daemon | | GENIVI Diagnostic Log and Trace |
dlt-viewer | | GENIVI Diagnostic Log and Trace viewing program |
dma | | The DragonFly Mail Agent |
dmake | | SunPro parallel make |
dmarcaroni-client | | Free and open source software to do DMARC monitoring |
dmarcaroni-server | | Free and open source software to do DMARC monitoring |
dmd | | Digital Mars D compiler |
dmd-bin | | The D Programming Language from Digital Mars |
dmenu-git | | Dynamic menu for X |
dmt-ux | | DSL modem tool for Unix |
dnrd | | Dnrd is a caching forwarding DNS proxy |
dns2tcp | | Dns2tcp is a tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS |
dnsdist | | Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer |
dnswalk | | DNS debugger |
docbook-xsl-ko | | DocBook XSL customization layer for Korean |
docbook-xsl-ns | | Docbook XSL modular stylesheet |
docbook2X | | Convert DocBook documents into traditional Unix man page format |
docdiff | | Show char word line difference |
docker-buildx | | Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit |
docker-cli | | Command-line tool for controlling Docker |
docker-compose | | Define and run multi-container applications with Docker |
docker-compose-cli | | Run your Compose application to the cloud |
docker-machine | | Machine management for a container-centric world |
doctest | | Fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20/23 single-header testing framework |
docviewer | | Generic command to automatically select a document viewer |
dokuwiki | | DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use Wiki |
doomlegacy-devel | | The legacy of Doom |
doorman | | Open ports when requested by a *secret knock* |
dosbox-staging | | DOS/x86 emulator focusing on ease of use |
dosbox-svn | | Multi-platform DOS emulator using SDL |
dosemu2 | | Run DOS programs under UNIX |
dotproject | | Webserver base project management |
dovecot2-fts-xapian | | Full text search plugin for Dovecot |
downtimed | | Downtimed is monitoring system downtime |
doxy2man | | Create man pages from doxygen XML output |
dpic | | Replacement for pic/gpic that supports more output formats |
driftctl | | Detect, track and alert on infrastructure drift |
drist | | Simple hosts deployment tool |
dropbox | | Dropbox sync server |
drow | | Low-level ELF file analyzer |
drumpiler | | Drum machine compiler |
ds2 | | Debug server for LLDB |
dscan | | Network scanner |
dsniff | | Password sniffer (webspy) |
dsniff-nox11 | | Password sniffer |
dstp | | Run common networking tests against your site |
duali-data | | Arabic dictionary |
dub | | Package and build management system for D |
duf | | Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better df alternative |
dumb | | IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library |
dune-common | | Contains the basic classes used by all DUNE modules |
dune-geometry | | Includes everything related to the DUNE reference elements |
dune-istl | | Iterative Solver Template Library |
dunst-git | | Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon |
duplo | | Find duplicated code blocks in large C/C++/Java/C |
dvbsnoop | | DVB / MPEG stream analyzer program |
dvegas | | Parallel Adaptive Monte Carlo Integration in C++ |
dwarf_fortress | | Single-player fantasy game in a randomly generated, persistent world |
dwepcrack | | Dwepcrack uses varioius methods to extract WEP keys |
dwm-git | | Dynamic window manager |
dxmake | | Yet another make tool |
dzen-git | | General purpose messaging and notification program |
dzen2 | | General purpose messaging and notification program |
e00pg | | Converting ESRI-E00 coverages into PostgreSQL/PostGIS sql instructions |
easymesh | | Mesh generator |
eboard-extras | | Extras sets, pieces and sound or eboard |
ecasound | | Multitrack audio processor |
ecb | | Emacs Code Browser |
eciadsl-usermode | | Driver for Globespan chipset-based ADSL USB modems |
eclipse | | Java IDE |
ecrire | | Simple text editor for the enlightenment desktop |
edb-debugger | | Cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger |
edb-debugger-git | | Cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger |
edbrowse | | Command Line Editor Browser |
ede21 | | Equinox Desktop Environment |
edelib21 | | Libraries for Equinox Desktop |
edencommon | | Shared library for Watchman and Eden projects |
edid-decode | | Decode EDID information from monitors |
editorconfig-checker | | Verify that your files are in harmony with your .editorconfig |
eduke32 | | Engine for Duke Nukem 3D |
efgallery | | Minimilistic photo gallery generator in Perl |
efibootmgr | | Tool to modify the EFI boot manager |
efl | | Enlightenment foundation libraries |
efltk | | Extended Fast Light Toolkit |
eic | | C style scripting lang |
eiskaltdcpp | | Cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols |
ekermit | | Implementation of the Kermit file transfer protocol |
eksctl | | Official CLI for Amazon EKS |
electricsheep | | Distributed fractal flame screensaver |
electron32 | | Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS |
elegent | | Generator of elastic (anti)proton-proton collisions |
elementary-calculator | | Elementary Calculator |
elfhash-git | | Manipulate Hash tables in ELF files |
elinks-dev | | Feature-rich text mode web browser |
elinks-libmm | | Extended/Enhanced Links |
elinks-snapshot | | Extended/Enhanced Links 0.13 |
elixir-cross-ref | | Elixir Cross Referencer |
elk | | All-electron full-potential linearised augmented-planewave |
elmerfem | | Finite element software for multiphysical problems published |
elogind | | Fork of logind daemon from systemd |
elpa | | Eigenvalue soLvers for Petaflop Applications |
elscreen-git | | Window manager within Emacs |
elvish-dev | | Expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell |
emacs-compat | | |
emacs-git | | GNU editing macros (development version) |
emacs-nox11-git | | GNU editing macros (editor, no x11) |
emacs-pr-el | | Modified version of GNATS send-pr.el |
emacs-session | | Session Management for Emacs |
emacs-viewer-git | | Web frontend for your Org-files |
emacs-w3m | | Simple w3m interface for Emacs |
emacs-w3m-cvs | | Emacs frontend for w3m browser |
email-oauth2-proxy | | IMAP and SMTP proxy supporting Oauth2 authentication |
emerald | | Emerald window decorator for compiz |
emerald-themes | | Themes for the Emerald window decorator |
emirror | | FTP mirroring tool with nice HTML logfiles |
emovix | | Tiny GNU/Linux distribution that plays video files when booted |
end_of_eden | | Slay the Spire-like roguelite fully in console |
engauge-digitizer | | Converts an image file with graph or map into numbers |
enigma | | Puzzle game similar to Oxyd/Rock'n'Roll/Marble Madness |
enigma2000 | | Enigma2000 is a mixing of boulder dash and sokoban |
enlightenment-current | | The Enlightenment window manager |
enlightenment-desktop | | All the apps associated with the enlightenment dekstop environment |
enlisp | | An elisp interpreter based on Emacs 21.4+ |
entityx | | Fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system |
eolie | | Simple Web Browser for GNOME |
eor | | Exclusive OR bit operation to protect your files |
eot | | Expire Old Threads |
epacts | | Efficient and Parallelizable Association Container Toolbox |
ephoto | | Image viewer and editor for the enlightenment desktop |
epiphany | | Web browser for the GNOME desktop |
epix | | Collection of batch utilities that create figures, plots, and movies |
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr | | Epson Inkjet Printer Driver (ESC/P-R) |
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 | | Epson Inkjet Printer (ESC/P-R) Driver 2 |
erlang-basho | | Erlang/OTP fork by Basho |
erlang-git | | Concurrent functional programming language |
err113 | | Golang linter to check error handling expressions |
es40-cvs | | AlphaServer ES40 emulator |
es40-firmware | | AlphaServer ES40 firmware image |
esdl | | SDL and OpenGL library for Erlang |
et | | Remote shell to automatically reconnect |
ethtool | | Display or change ethernet card settings |
ETL | | C++ template library for synfig |
etoile | | Desktop environment built on GNUstep |
etoile-services | | Desktop environment built on GNUstep - services |
etos | | Efficient technology of spike-sorting |
eureka1 | | Doom/Heretic/Hexen map editor |
eventd | | Small daemon to act on remote or local events |
ever-note-mode | | Refer and edit Evernote notes directly from Emacs |
evilvte | | VTE based, highly customizable terminal emulator |
evisum | | System Monitor for the enlightenment desktop |
evolution | | Mail and calendar client from GNOME |
evolution-data-server | | Libraries and services for storing addressbooks and calendars |
ewm | | An elegant window manager |
exabgp4 | | Userspace BGP daemon written in python |
exact-image | | Fast, modern, and generic image processing library |
exhume | | Monte Carlo simulation of central exclusive production |
exomizer | | Compressor for Commodore 64 programs |
exonerate | | Generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison |
expiretable | | Removes entries from pf tables based on their age |
exult-snapshot | | Open-source Ultima 7 engine |
ez-pine-gpg | | Scripts for using gpg with pine |
ezbounce | | Highly Configurable IRC Proxy |
f1spirit | | Remake the Konami MSX1 classic F-1 Spirit |
f2bgl | | Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Fade To Black |
f3 | | Tests capacity and performance of flash media |
faast | | Library for Fast Arithmetics in Artin-Schreier Towers |
facedetect | | Simple face detector for batch processing |
fairymax | | AI for playing user-defined Chess variants |
fakenes | | Portable Open Source NES emulator |
fala | | Simple text reader |
falcons-eye2 | | A 3D Falcon's Eye nethack game |
fallout1-ce | | Re-implementation of Fallout for modern operating systems |
fallout2-ce | | Re-implementation of Fallout 2 for modern operating systems |
famsa | | Algorithm for large-scale multiple sequence alignments |
farsi-ttf | | Mothanna is a sans-serif like Arabic OpenType font |
fasda | | Fast and simple differential analysis |
fasm | | Open source assembly language compiler |
fasta | | FASTA sequence comparison programs |
fastahack | | Utilities for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files |
fastaunique | | Sort and uniq fasta files |
fastbit | | Efficient Compressed Bitmap Index Technology |
fastcol | | A Free Colonization game |
fastjet | | Software package for jet finding in pp and e+e- collisions |
fastool | | Simple and quick FastQ and FastA tool for file reading and conversion |
fastp | | Ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor |
fastq-trim | | Lightening fast sequence read trimmer |
fastqc | | Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data |
fastrpc | | Protocol based on the XML-RPC which uses binary format for data |
fasttree | | Approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments |
fastx-toolkit | | CLI tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing |
fatsort | | FAT sorting tool |
faun | | High-level C audio library |
fbida | | Image viewer and editor |
fbneo-latest | | FinalBurn Neo - the arcade game emulator (SDL2 version) |
fbpager | | Fluxbox pager with transparency and mouse gestures |
fbpanel | | Desktop panel with menu, pager, and other plugins |
fbsd2pkg | | Convert a FreeBSD port framework to a pkgsrc package |
fceux | | NES, Famicom, and Famicom Disk System (FDS) emulator |
fcft | | Simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization |
fcitx5-cskk | | SKK input method plugin for fcitx5 that uses LibCSKK |
fdm_materials | | FDM Material database |
feathercoin | | Open source Internet currency |
felt | | Free system for introductory level finite element analysis |
festvox-awb | | Scottish English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-bdl | | US English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-clb | | US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-em | | Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-hl | | Welsh voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-jmk | | Canadian English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-ks | | Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-mv | | Finnish voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-rms | | US English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-slt | | US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-tp | | Croatian male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
fetchmail | | Batch mail retrieval/forwarding utility for pop2, pop3, apop, imap |
feynedit | | Tool for drawing Feynman diagrams |
feynhiggs | | Fortran code for the diagrammatic calculation of the masses |
ffmpeg-git | | Decoding, encoding and streaming software |
fftjet | | Multiresolution jet reconstruction in the Fourier domain |
fftw-mpich | | Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs |
ffxvid | | Small script to encode to Xvid video |
fiche | | Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output |
fidocrypt-git | | U2F/FIDO-based key derivation and encapsulation |
filepp | | Generic file preprocessor |
filerunner | | Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk |
filevercmp | | Filevercmp function as in sort --version-sort |
fim | | Lightweight universal image viewer |
findugendev | | Command line tool to find the right /dev/ugenN.EE from USB device info |
firebird | | SQL database, opensource version of InterBase |
fireflysung-ttf | | AR PL New Sung TrueType fonts by Firefly |
firefox-hg | | Web browser with support for extensions (version 61) |
firefox-wrapper | | Firefox binary wrapper |
firefox102 | | Web browser with support for extensions (version 102ESR) |
firehose | | Super fast throughput over cheap ethernet |
fl_logbook | | FLTK-based amateur radio log book |
flag | | Frontend/wrapper for pkgsrc |
flam3-svn | | Cosmic Recursive Fractal Flames |
flameshot | | Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software |
flang | | Fortran compiler targeting LLVM |
flasm | | Flasm is a assembler/disassembler of Flash ActionScript bytecode |
fldiff | | Graphical diff program |
flexdock | | Swing windowing and docking framework |
flexdump | | Flexible backup tool |
FLIF | | Free Lossless Image Format |
FLIF-git | | Free Lossless Image Format |
flim | | Emacs lisp library for message representation/encoding |
flimp | | Generic GUI for image manipulation |
flimsel | | Fast Light Image Selector |
flint | | Fast Library for Number Theory |
flintqs | | Program using quadratic sieve to factor integers |
flite2 | | Small and fast run-time synthesis engine |
flnews-devel | | Fast and lightweight USENET newsreader with GUI |
flowblade | | Multitrack non-linear video editor |
flpsed | | Postscript and PDF annotator |
fltk11 | | Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces (old 1.1 branch) |
fltk2 | | Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces |
flux2 | | Continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes |
fluxspace | | Fluxbox workspace manager, environment |
flvmeta | | Metadata injector for FLV video files |
flwm | | The Fast, Light Window Manager |
flyback | | Backup software inspired by Apple's Time Machine |
fnaify-extralibs | | Additional libraries for running games with fnaify |
fnord | | Small HTTP server |
fnteditfs | | Small, simple font editor, designed for editing console fonts |
fogleman-craft | | Simple Minecraft clone written in C |
folly | | Open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook |
fontaine | | CLI utility to display font meta information |
fonttosfnt | | Modular X.org fonttosfnt utility |
foot | | Terminal for Wayland |
forgejo | | Git hosting software |
fossil1 | | High-reliability, distributed software configuration management (v1) |
fox | | Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit |
foxtrotgps | | GPS application |
fpc | | Pascal compiler |
fprobe | | Collect network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows |
fractal | | Matrix group messaging app |
fragrouter | | Tool for testing network IDS implementations |
FreeBASIC | | A free BASIC compiler |
freebsd-svn | | Subversion with FreeBSD commit template |
freecad | | General purpose parametric 3D CAD modeler |
freecell | | Console version of the solitaire game Freecell |
freedict-tools-xsl | | XSL files from FreeDict tools |
freedup | | Free disk space by hard linking duplicate files |
freedup16 | | Free disk space by hard linking duplicate files |
freefem++ | | PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method |
freefilesync | | Folder comparison and synchronization software |
freegish-git | | Free version of the game Gish |
freej | | Instrument for realtime video manipulation |
freem | | Implementation of the MUMPS programming language and database |
freeserf | | Settlers 1 (Serf City: Life is Feudal) clone |
freeswitch-core | | FreeSwitch SoftSwitch |
freeswitch-music | | FreeSwitch Music - All Bitrates |
freesynd | | GPLed reimplementation of the engine for the game Syndicate |
freetalk | | Console based Jabber client |
freetds | | Implementation of TDS protocol used by Sybase and MS-SQL servers |
freevrrpd | | BSD licensed implementation of the VRRP protocol (V2 and V3) |
fribid | | FriBID is a web browser plugin for BankID |
fricas-svn | | FriCAS is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system |
frida-capstone | | Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework |
frida-glib2 | | Some useful routines for C programming (glib2) |
frida-gum | | Low-level code instrumentation library used by frida-core |
frida-libffi | | Foreign function interface |
frobby | | Computations with monomial ideals |
frobtads | | Portable TADS toolkit |
frogatto | | The Frogatto and Friends game |
frp | | Reverse proxy to expose local server behind NAT/firewall to Internet |
fs2open | | Freespace 2 source code project |
fs2open-git | | Freespace 2 source code project |
fsharp | | Fsharp compiler and interpreter |
fslsfonts | | Lists fonts served by the X server using pattern-matching |
fsom | | Tiny C library for managing SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) neural networks |
fstobdf | | Reads a font from a font server and writes bdf-format output |
fstrcmp | | Library for fuzzy comparisons of strings |
fswatch | | Cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends |
ft8-lib | | C++ implementation of FT8 protocol, for use on microcontrollers |
ftpsesame | | Automatic packet filter configurator for FTP |
fuse-cryfs | | FUSE Encrypted Filesystem |
fuse-exfat | | FUSE file-system and utilities for exFAT file systems |
fuse-google-drive-git | | FUSE filesystem wrapper for Google Drive |
fuse-mp3fs | | MP3 transcoding FUSE file system |
fuse-s3fs | | FUSE file-system and utilities for S3-compatible APIs |
fuse-smbnetfs | | Mount a Samba/Microsoft share as a regular Unix filesystem |
fuse-squashfuse | | FUSE filesystem to mount squashfs archives |
fuse-zip | | FUSE file system to navigate, extract, create, and modify ZIP archives |
fusefs-btfs | | Bluetooth Filesystem for FUSE |
fusionpbx | | Full-featured multi-tenant GUI for FreeSwitch |
fvwm-crystal | | Easy to use, powerful desktop environment |
fxrays | | Computes extremal rays with filtering |
fxt | | FFT code and related stuff |
fynedesk | | Desktop environment based on Fyne toolkit |
g-golf | | Guile Object Library for GNOME |
g21k-binutils | | Assembler and linker tools for Analog Devices 21k series DSPs |
galib | | GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects |
galoisfieldarth | | Galois Field Arithmetic Library |
gambas3 | | Complete Gambas development environment |
gambas3-devel | | Gambas compilation tools |
gambas3-gb-args | | Program arguments parser for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-cairo | | Vectorial drawing for Gambas based on Cairo |
gambas3-gb-chart | | Gambas Chart Component |
gambas3-gb-clipper | | Polygon clipping library for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-complex | | Complex number implementation for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-compress | | Compression library for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-compress-bzlib2 | | Gambas bzip2 bindings |
gambas3-gb-compress-zlib | | Gambas zlib bindings |
gambas3-gb-crypt | | MD5/DES crypting for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-data | | More container datatypes for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-db | | Database access for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-db-form | | Data bound controls for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-db-mysql | | MySQL driver for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-db-odbc | | ODBC driver for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-db-postgresql | | PostgreSQL driver for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2 | | The Gambas SQLite 2 driver (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3 | | SQLite driver for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-dbus | | D-Bus interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-dbus-trayicon | | System tray icon management for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-desktop | | Desktop management component for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome-keyring | | Gnome keyring support for Gambas desktop component (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-desktop-x11 | | X-Window library support for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-eval-highlight | | Syntax highlighter routines for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-form | | Enhanced GUI controls for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-form-dialog | | Enhanced version of the standard dialogs for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-form-editor | | Enhanced text editor for Gambas with syntax highlighting |
gambas3-gb-form-mdi | | Multi-document interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-form-stock | | Default stock icons for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-form-terminal | | Terminal emulator for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-gmp | | GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-gsl | | GNU Scientific Library interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-gtk | | GTK+ toolkit implementation for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl | | OpenGL library interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-gtk3 | | GTK+ 3 toolkit implementation for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-httpd | | HTTP server for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-image | | Image management component for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-image-effect | | Image filtering routines for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-image-imlib | | Image routines for Gambas based on the Imlib2 library |
gambas3-gb-image-io | | Image loading and saving for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-inotify | | Filesystem event monitoring for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-jit | | Gambas JIT compiler |
gambas3-gb-libxml | | Old XML tools for Gambas based on libxml (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-logging | | Flexible log message handling for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-map | | Online map viewing component for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-markdown | | Gambas Markdown markup syntax |
gambas3-gb-media | | GStreamer library interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-media-form | | Media player controls for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-memcached | | Memcached client for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-mime | | MIME message management for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-mysql | | MySQL specific routines for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-ncurses | | NCurses library for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-net | | Network access for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-net-curl | | Network high-level protocol management for Gambas based on libcurl |
gambas3-gb-net-pop3 | | POP3 client for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-net-smtp | | SMTP client for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-openal | | OpenAL library interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-opengl | | OpenGL library interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl | | OpenGL Shading Language for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-opengl-glu | | OpenGL utility component for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-opengl-sge | | Simple OpenGL game engine for Gambas based on MD2 format |
gambas3-gb-openssl | | OpenSSL library routines for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-option | | GNU-style command-line arguments parser for Gambas (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-pcre | | Perl Compatible Regular Expression matching for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-pdf | | PDF renderer for Gambas based on Poppler |
gambas3-gb-qt5 | | Qt5 toolkit implementation for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-qt5-ext | | Qt5 toolkit extension for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl | | OpenGL for Gambas applications with Qt5 |
gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit | | Web browser component for Gambas based on WebKit/Qt5 |
gambas3-gb-report | | Report designer for Gambas (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-report2 | | Report designer for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-scanner | | Scanner management library for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-sdl | | SDL library interface for Gambas (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-sdl-sound | | Sound library for Gambas based on SDL (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-sdl2 | | SDL2 component interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio | | SDL2 audio component interface for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-settings | | Gambas Application settings management |
gambas3-gb-signal | | POSIX signals management for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-term | | Terminal manager for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-term-form | | Gambas Terminal Applications Forms |
gambas3-gb-util | | Miscellaneous utility functions for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-util-web | | Miscellaneous utility functions for Gambas web applications |
gambas3-gb-v4l | | Video capture for Gambas (deprecated) |
gambas3-gb-vb | | Visual Basic compatibility for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-web | | Gambas web applications development |
gambas3-gb-web-feed | | Gambas web feed parser and generator |
gambas3-gb-web-form | | Gambas web application GUI component |
gambas3-gb-xml | | XML tools now made in Gambas |
gambas3-gb-xml-html | | HTML generator for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-xml-rpc | | XML-RPC protocol implementation for Gambas |
gambas3-gb-xml-xslt | | XSLT tools for Gambas based on libxslt |
gambas3-ide | | Integrated Development Environment for the Gambas programming language |
gambas3-runtime | | Gambas interpreter and basic runtime |
gambas3-scripter | | Gambas scripter |
gambatte-dev | | Game Boy Color emulator |
gappa | | Formal tool for certifying numerical applications |
garage | | S3-compatible object store for small self-hosted deployments |
gat | | GTK ACPI Tray Battery Monitor |
gauche | | R7RS Scheme implementation aimed to be a handy tool for daily works |
gauche-dbd-pg | | PostgreSQL back-end for Gauche-DBI |
gauche-fastcgi | | Fastcgi bindings for gauche |
gauche-pib | | Gauche library for the IRC protocol |
gcalcli-git | | Command line interface to Google Calendar |
gcc10-aux | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) with Ada support v10 |
gcc10snapshot | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series |
gcc12 | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 12.0 Release Series |
gcc13 | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 13.0 Release Series |
gcc14 | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 14.0 Release Series |
gcc14-gnat | | GNAT Compiler and Ada tools |
gcc14-gnat-libs | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries |
gcc42 | | This is the GCC 4.2.3 compiler |
gcc43 | | This is the GCC 4.3.2 compiler |
gcc44 | | GNU Compiler Collection 4.4 |
gcc45 | | GNU Compiler Collection 4.5 |
gcc46 | | GNU Compiler Collection 4.6 |
gcc46-libs | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries |
gcc47 | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.7 Release Series |
gcc47-libs | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries |
gcc7-contrib | | GNU GCC helper utilities |
gcc9snapshot | | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 9.0 Release Series |
gconf-cleaner | | Cleaning tool for GConf |
gcr4 | | Library for crypto UI and related tasks |
gcta | | Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis |
gdal-docs | | Documentation for GDAL |
gdb-git | | Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends |
gdb5 | | Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends |
gdb6 | | The GNU Project Debugger |
gdb8 | | Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends |
gdcm | | Grassroots DiCoM for processing DICOM medical files |
gde | | Genetic Data Environment |
gDesklets-rssgrab | | RSS/RDF News Feed Grabber |
gDesklets-starterbar | | Icon bar for GNOME where you can put starters into |
gdk-pixbuf-jxl | | JpegXL GDK pixbuf loader |
gdm | | Gnome Display Manager |
gdsreader | | Calma Stream Format (GDSII) reader |
gdstk | | C++/Python library for GDSII and OASIS files |
geant | | Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter |
gecode | | Toolkit for developing constraint-based systems |
geekcode | | The Geek Code Generator |
gef | | Modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging features |
gemma | | Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association |
generand | | Generate random genomic data in FASTA/FASTQ, SAM, or VCF format |
GenericRepeatFinder | | Detect repeated sequences in genomes |
geners | | Generic Serialization for C++ |
geneweb | | GeneWeb is a genealogy database that runs as a web server |
genus2reduction | | Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves |
geocode-glib2 | | GNOME convenience library for geocoding |
geodiff | | Diff program for geopackages |
geoloc | | The geoloc app is an unix socket which delivers geo data |
Geomyidae-git | | Gopher daemon |
gerris | | Software solution of the PDE describing fluid flow |
gerris-snapshot | | Software the solution of the PDE describing fluid flow |
getdns | | Modern asynchronous DNS API |
getdp | | General environment for the treatment of discrete problems |
getssl | | Obtain free SSL certificates from letsencrypt ACME server |
gf2x | | Library for fast multiplication of polynomials over GF(2) |
gfa | | Gfa a GTK+ fast address |
gfan | | Program for computing with Groebner fans |
gfeedline | | Social network client for GNOME |
gffread | | GFF/GTF format conversions, filtering, FASTA extraction, etc |
gfontview | | Outline font viewer for X11 |
gforth-git | | Fast interpreter for the Forth language |
gfsview-snapshot | | Graphical viewer for Gerris simulation files |
ggobi | | TODO: Short description of the package |
ggz-gtk-client | | GGZ Gaming Zone libraries |
ggz-gtk-games | | GGZ Gaming Zone libraries |
ggz-server | | GGZ Gaming Zone - Server package |
gh-dash | | GitHub CLI extension that provides dashboard for PR and issues |
ghdl-dev | | Open-source simulator/compiler/analyzer for VHDL |
ghdl-yosys-plugin | | VHDL synthesis plugin based on GHDL and Yosys |
ghmm | | General Hidden Markov Model Library in C |
ghostpcl-urwfonts-ttf | | PCL 80 std ttf fonts under AFPL (except for PostScript 35 std fonts) |
ghostscript-cidfonts-ryumin | | Enable Ryumin-Light and GothicBBB for ghostscript |
gin | | GIN is Guice for Google Web Toolkit client-side code |
git-bug | | Distributed offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges |
git-cinnabar | | Remote helper to use mercurial repositories with git |
git-cinnabar-devel | | Remote helper to use mercurial repositories with git |
git-docs-html | | GIT Tree History Storage Tool (HTML documentation) |
git-extras | | Little git extras |
git-modes-git | | Git-modes submodule for magit.el |
git-multimail | | Send notification emails for Git pushes |
git-spindle | | Command-line interface to GitHub and other central git services |
git-toolbelt | | Suite of useful Git commands |
git-xargs | | Updates multiple GitHub repositories with a single command |
gitea-tea | | Official Gitea command-line client |
gitg | | Git repository browser |
gitlab | | GitLab |
gitlab-assets | | Complete software development platform around Git |
gitleaks | | Protect and discover leaked secrets |
gitless | | Experimental version control system built on top of Git |
gitsome | | Supercharged Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI) |
givaro | | C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations |
gjs | | Javascript binding for GNOME based on Spidermonkey |
gleam-stdlib | | Gleam standard library |
glib-java | | Glib bindings for Java |
glibc | | GNU C library |
glide3 | | Software needed for 3dfx voodoo3 cards |
glimmerm | | Gene finder developed specifically for eukaryotes |
glimpse | | Fork of the GNU Image Manipulation Program |
glista | | Simple task list management utility |
glkgit | | Interpreter for Glulx interactive fiction |
glkloader | | Glk library that loads real glk implementation at runtime |
glkterm | | Curses port of Glk interface |
globalprotect-openconnect | | OpenConnect GUI for GlobalProtect protocol |
glslang | | Front end for GLSL/ESSL, HLSL (partial) and SPIR-V generator |
glulxe | | Interpreter for Glulx text adventures |
glusterfs | | Cluster filesystem |
gm2calc | | Calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon |
gmap | | Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program for mRNA and EST Sequences |
gmetadom | | C++ bindings for GDome2 DOM implementaion |
gmm | | Gmm++ is a generic C++ template library for sparse |
gmp-ecm | | Elliptic Curve Method for Integer Factorization |
gmpc-lyricsplugin | | Lyrics plugin for GMPC |
gmrender-resurrect-git | | Resource efficient UPnP/DLNA renderer |
gmrun | | Customizable program to run programs, with tab-completion |
gnat-glade | | GNAT Library for Ada Distributed Environment |
gnatcoll-bindings | | The GNAT Components Collection (GNATcoll) - Bindings |
gnatcoll-core | | The GNAT Components Collection (GNATcoll) - Core packages |
gnatcoll-db | | The GNAT Components Collection (GNATcoll) - Database packages |
gnocchi | | Complexity analyser for C++ |
gnochm | | CHM file viewer for Gnome2 |
gnokii | | Open source tools for your mobile phone |
gnomad2 | | GTK+2 tool for managing Creative and Dell mp3 players |
gnome-apps | | Meta-package for the GNOME applications |
gnome-bluetooth | | Fork of bluez-gnome focused on integration with GNOME |
gnome-boxes | | View, access, and manage remote and virtual systems |
gnome-builder | | IDE/toolsmith for GNOME-based applications |
gnome-calculator | | Desktop calculator for GNOME |
gnome-clipboard-daemon | | Program that keeps the content of your X clipboard in memory |
gnome-core | | Meta-package for the GNOME core libraries |
gnome-desktop4 | | GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library |
gnome-js-common | | GNOME JavaScript common modules and tests |
gnome-maps | | Maps application for GNOME |
gnome-mount | | Work-in-progress packages |
gnome-paint | | Simple, easy to use paint program for GNOME |
gnome-settings-daemon | | GNOME settings daemon |
gnome-shell | | Next generation GNOME shell |
gnome-todo | | Personal task manager for GNOME |
gnome-tweaks | | Graphical interface for advanced GNOME 3 settings |
gnome40 | | Meta-package for the GNOME 40 desktop environment |
gnormalize | | Gtk2::Perl frontend for audio conversion |
gnucash-devel | | Personal or business finance management program |
gnujump | | GNUjump is a clone of the simple yet addictive game Xjump |
GNUMail-pgp | | Bundle for PGP support in GNUMail |
gnump3d | | The GNU Streaming MP3 / Media Server |
gnunet-go | | GNUnet implementation in Go |
gnupoc-makesis | | GNU SIS file generator for SymbianOS |
gnuradio-core | | Core part of GNU Radio, all others need this |
gnuradio-monolithic | | GNU Software Defined Radio Monolithic version |
gnutls-guile | | Guile bindings for the GnuTLS library |
go-atomic | | Wrapper types for sync/atomic which enforce atomic access |
go-bin | | Bootstrap toolchain for lang/go* |
go-bindata | | Small utility to generate Go code from any file |
go-bindata-assetfs | | Serves embedded files from jteeuwen/go-bindata with net/http |
go-clir | | Simple and Clear CLI library |
go-curlie | | The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie |
go-cyclo | | Calculate cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code |
go-discord-irc | | Discord and IRC bridge with puppets |
go-dither | | A fast, correct image dithering library in Go |
go-ethereum | | Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol |
go-flaggy | | Idiomatic Go input parsing with subcommands, positional values |
go-flags | | Go command line option parser |
go-genny | | Elegant generics for Go |
go-godot | | Linter that checks if comments end in a period |
go-gorilla-securecookie | | Encodes and decodes authenticated and optionally encrypted |
go-httpsnoop | | Httpsnoop provides an easy way to capture http related metrics |
go-incremental | | package incremental provides concurency-safe incremental numbers |
go-jennifer | | Jennifer is a code generator for Go |
go-jettison | | Fast and flexible JSON encoder for Go |
go-jira | | Simple Go command line client for Atlassian's Jira service |
go-jsonparser | | JSON parser for Go that does not require schema |
go-junit-report | | TODO: Short description of the package |
go-ksuid | | K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs |
go-makezero | | Linter to ensure that slices are not initialized with non-zero length |
go-mewn | | Zero dependency asset embedder for Go |
go-mobius | | Hotline server |
go-mock | | Mocking framework for Go |
go-python | | Naive go bindings towards the C-API of CPython-2 |
go-rice | | Working with resources such as html, js, css, images, templates |
go-riff | | Resource Interchange File Format parser |
go-rsrc | | Go Tool for embedding .ico & manifest resources for Windows |
go-shellescape | | Escape arbitrary strings for use as command line arguments |
go-tail | | Go package for reading from continously updated files |
go-upspin | | Secure, shared, distributed, information system |
go124 | | The Go programming language |
goattracker | | Crossplatform C64 Music Editor |
godura | | Simple GTK2-based notepad text editor |
goldendict | | Dictionary lookup program |
golly | | Fast Game-Of-Life (and similar automata) visualizer |
gonepass-git | | Password manager compatible with 1Password (git version) |
google-perftools | | Multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools |
goon-linux | | goon's personal GNU/Linux distribution |
gopass-jsonapi | | Gopass Web Browser Bindings |
gopher-validator-git | | Gopher validator and happy helper |
gorilla-audio | | Library for playing real-time audio |
gosec | | Golang security checker |
gotify | | Unified Push server |
goyq | | Portable command-line YAML, JSON and XML processor |
gp-toric | | Toric varieties and some combinatorial geometry |
gpak | | Small package installer |
gpatch | | GNU Patch |
gplbasic | | Basic interpreter for Unix |
gprlib | | LIBGPR development libraries |
gpsdrive | | GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system |
gptfdisk | | The standard in gpt partition editing |
gpx2shp | | Converts GPX to ESRI shapefile format |
gqrx | | SDR GUI using GNU Radio |
gr-fcdproplus | | Addon for funcube dongle pro+ to GNU Radio |
gr-fcdproplus-git | | Addon for funcube dongle pro+ to GNU Radio |
gr-gsm | | Gnuradio blocks and tools for receiving GSM transmissions |
grabtitle-git | | HTML title grabber |
gradle | | Groovy-based Java build system |
grafana | | Metrics dashboard and graph editor |
gramscii | | Simple editor for ASCII box-and-arrow charts |
grandr | | GTK2 utility for changing RandR settings |
granite | | Elementary OS Gtk+/GLib extension library |
graphmonkey | | GTK#-based graphing calculator |
grass | | Geographic Information System |
grass-Spearfish | | Example data set for Grass 5.0 |
graveman | | GTK2 frontend for CD writing and audio conversion |
grc | | Generic colouriser |
greenbone-security-assistant | | Web application that connects to OpenVAS |
gretl | | Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library |
greybird-theme | | Desktop Suite for Xfce |
grisbi | | Personal Finance Manager under Gnome/GTK |
groovy | | Dynamic language for the Java platform |
grpc-java | | The Java gRPC implementation. HTTP/2 based RPC |
grpcui | | gRPC UI |
grsync | | Grsync is a GUI for rsync |
grub2-current | | GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (development snapshot) |
GSAlign | | Ultra-fast intra-species sequence alignment |
gscan2pdf | | GUI for producing a multipage PDF from a scan |
GSCommander | | Simple Unix command monitor for GNUstep |
gsdpdf | | Gaunt-Stirling double Parton Distribution Functions |
gsettings-desktop-schemas | | Collection of GSettings schemas for the GNOME desktop |
gsmartcontrol | | Hard disk drive health inspection tool |
gst-plugins1-gl | | Open source multimedia framework - GL plugin |
gst-plugins1-svt-vp9 | | Open source multimedia framework - gstreamer svt-vp9 plugin |
gstat | | Geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation |
gsview | | Graphical interface for ghostscript |
gtg | | Personal organizer for GNOME |
gtimelog | | Small Gtk+ app for keeping track of your time |
gtk-d | | GtkD is a D binding and OO wrapper of GTK+ |
gtk-gnutella-git | | GTK-based gnutella client, GIT snapshot |
gtk-grdc | | Grdc is a remote desktop client based on GTK+ |
gtk-imonc | | GTK version of the fli4l monitoring tool |
gtk-server | | Small tool to enable GUI access for shell scripts |
gtk-theme-switch | | Allows quick & easy switching of GTK1 themes |
gtk2-engines-aurora | | Aurora Gtk+ 2 theme engine |
gtk2-engines-dwerg | | Theme engine for GTK+ 2.x |
gtk2-engines-galaxy | | Another theme engine for GTK+ 2.x |
gtk2-engines-magicchicken | | MagicChicken theme engine for GTK+ 2.x |
gtk2-murrina-fancy-clearlooks | | Murrine fancy clearlooks themes pack |
gtk2-theme-pack | | Art for your GTK+ 2.x desktop |
gtkada | | Ada graphical toolkit based on gtk |
gtkaml | | Gtkaml is an xml parser that extends the Vala |
gtkglextmm | | C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt |
gtkglk | | Gtk+ 2 port of Glk interface for text adventures |
gtkhash | | GTK+ utility for computing message digests or checksums |
gtkhotkey | | GtkHotkey library Platform independent hotkey handling for Gtk+ |
gtkmathview | | MathML renderer with gtk widgets |
gtkmmorse | | Morse Code Trainer |
gtksourceview2 | | Text widget that extends GTK2's GtkTextView widget (v2) |
gts-snapshot | | GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library |
guest-oslogin | | OS Login Guest Environment for Google Compute Engine |
guichan | | Portable C++ GUI library for games |
guile-colorized | | Colorized REPL for Guile |
guile-fibers | | Go-like concurrency for Guile in the tradition of Concurrent ML |
guile-goblins | | Distributed programming system with local transactions |
guile-persist | | Persistance programming framework for GNU Guile |
guile-reader | | Extensible reader framework for GNU Guile |
guile-sjson | | JSON reader/writer for guile |
guile-stis-parser | | Parser combinator framework for GNU Guile |
gunison | | GTK3 frontend for unison |
gupnp-ui | | GTK+ widgets for use with GUPnP |
gvariant | | GVariant is a new datatype in glib that stores complex values |
gvfs | | Userspace virtual filesystem |
gwhois | | Flexible whois client and proxy |
gwyddion | | Gtk2 based SPM data visualization and analysis tool |
gxconsole | | Gxconsole is gtk-based reading system console messages like xconsole |
gxmms2 | | Graphical GTK+2-based XMMS2 client |
gzdoom | | Zdoom game engine |
h8300-elf-binutils | | Cross utility for h8300-elf |
h8300-elf-gcc | | GCC compiler for h8300-elf |
hackgen-ttf | | Japanese programming font, composed of Hack and GenJyuu-Gothic |
hackgennerd-ttf | | Japanese programming font, composed of Hack, GenJyuu-Gothic and Nerd |
halfempty | | Fast, parallel test case minimization tool |
halloy | | IRC application written in Rust |
hammer | | Parser combinator library in C |
hanazono-ttf | | Hanazono font (HanaMin) contains all UCS CJK glyphs |
haplohseq | | Identify regions of allelic imbalance |
hare | | The Hare programming language |
harec | | Compiler for the Hare language |
harmony | | Web based bug tracking system |
hasciicam | | Live ascii video on the web |
haserl | | CGI wrapper for mixing HTML with shell script |
hashcat-utils | | Set of small utilities that are useful in advanced password cracking |
haskell-mode | | Haskell mode for Emacs |
hawknl | | Free, open source, game oriented network API |
haxe | | Programming language that produces cross-platofrm binaries |
haxima | | Role playing game similar to Ultima 5 |
haxor-news | | Hacker News command line interface (CLI) |
haydar-fonts | | Free X11 fonts (BDF format) for HaydarLinux |
haze | | Offer a system to generate binary updates for NetBSD |
hcloud | | Command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud |
hdparm | | Linux tool for view and manipulate IDE drive parameters |
heaptrack | | Heap memory profiler |
heatshrink | | Data compression library for embedded/real-time systems |
heimdall | | Cross-platform OSS suite to flash firmware on Samsung Galaxy S devices |
helm | | The Kubernetes Package Manager |
hengband | | Variant of ZAngband 2.2.8 |
hepmc | | C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators |
hepmcvisual | | Interactive Browser for HepMC events |
hercules-server | | MMORPG server package |
hercules4aethra | | The Aethra version of Hercules 4.x (Hyperion) |
heroes | | Feature-packed game, like Nibbles or Tron clone |
herwig | | Monte Carlo package for simulating Hadron Emission Reactions |
hex | | Package manager for the Erlang VM |
hey | | HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement |
hgsubversion | | Subversion plugin for Mercurial |
hiawatha | | Advanced and secure webserver for Unix |
higan | | Nintendo multi-system emulator |
higgsbounds | | Selection of Higgs sector predictions for any particular model |
HiGHS | | Solver for large scale sparse linear programming (LP) problems |
hisat2 | | Alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads |
honggfuzz-git | | Security oriented fuzzer based on code coverage |
honk | | ActivityPub server with minimal setup and support costs |
hoverfly | | Lightweight API simulation tool for developers and testers |
howdoi | | Instant coding answers via the command line |
HP-1973 | | HP-45 emulator |
hpl | | Portable Implementation of the High-Performance Linpack Benchmark for Distributed-Memory Computers |
hpoj | | HP OfficeJet Linux driver; printing, scanning, and photo-card access |
hs-carp | | A statically typed Lisp |
hs-cmark | | Parser for CommonMark |
ht2html | | Simple web page templating system |
html-xml-utils | | Simple utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files |
html2latex | | HTML to LaTeX converter |
htmldoc | | Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript |
htmldoc-x11 | | Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript |
htop-git | | Enhanced version of top utility |
htslib | | C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats |
httrack | | Easy-to-use offline browser utility |
hu-go | | PC Engine emulator (with CD support) |
hungrycat | | Prints file contents, while freeing disk space occupied by the file |
hunspell-dictionaries | | meta-package for hunspell spell checker dictionaries |
hunspell-uk_UA | | Ukraine dictionary for hunspell |
hut | | CLI tool for sr.ht |
hypatia | | 2D RPG game engine written in Python |
hyperrogue | | Rogue clone in a strange, non-Euclidean world |
hztool | | Robust model-to-data comparisons |
i2pd | | Full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client |
i2pd-git | | Full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client |
I2util | | I2 Utility library |
i3-git | | Improved dynamic tiling window manager |
i686-elf-binutils | | Cross binutils for bare metal i686 ELF |
i686-elf-gcc | | GCC for bare metal i686 ELF |
ibus-tutcode | | Japanese TUT-Code input engine for IBus |
ical2pcal | | Convert iCalendar (.ics) data files to pcal data files |
icecat | | GNU version of www/firefox |
ices | | MP3/Vorbis encoder for icecast servers |
ices-vorbis | | Vorbis source client for a streaming server |
icestorm-git | | Project IceStorm |
icmpchat | | Simple chat using ICMP and Rijndael-256 encryptation |
ics2txt | | Convert icalendar .ics file to plain text |
id3 | | ID3 mass tagger |
ifstat | | Tool to report network interface bandwidth |
ifuse | | FUSE filesystem to access the contents of iOS devices |
igal | | Online image gallery generator |
igowin | | Go playing program |
igraph | | Package For Manipulating Undirected And Directed Graphs |
igv | | Visualization tool for genomic datasets |
iir1 | | DSP IIR Realtime C++ filter library |
iisemulator | | IIS emulator |
ilbc-rfc3951 | | Internet Low Bit Rate Codec |
ilohamail | | Light weight yet full featured multilingual webmail |
imgui | | Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ |
imonc | | Command-line version of the fli4l monitoring tool |
include-what-you-use | | Analyze #includes in C and C++ source files |
incron | | Inotify cron system |
inetdxtra | | Collection of inetd based servers |
inferno | | Rust port of FlameGraph |
influx-cli | | CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2 |
influxdb | | Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics |
inform | | Inform 7 programming language |
infraarcana | | Infra Arcana is a Lovecraftian roguelike set in the early 20th century |
inicpp | | C++ ini parser with schema validation |
initware-git | | Suite for management of services and system resources |
innernet | | Private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood |
input-ttf | | Fonts for code from DJR & Font Bureau |
intel-gpu-tools | | Test & development tools for the intel DRM kernel driver |
interactsh | | OOB interaction gathering server and client library |
interbase-docs | | Documentation for InterBase 6.0 in PDF format |
intervaltree | | Minimal C++ interval tree implementation |
inxi | | full featured system information script |
io-base | | All base Io addons |
io-blowfish | | Blowfish addon for Io |
io-cgi | | CGI addon for Io |
io-continuedfraction | | ContinuedFraction addon for Io |
io-distributedobjects | | DistributedObjects addon for Io |
io-editline | | EditLine addon for Io |
io-fnmatch | | Fnmatch addon for Io |
io-lzo | | LZO addon for Io |
io-md5 | | MD5 addon for Io |
io-random | | Random addon for Io |
io-range | | Range addon for Io |
io-rational | | Rational math addon for Io |
io-regex | | Regex addon for Io |
io-securesocket | | SSL socket addon for Io |
io-sha1 | | SHA1 addon for Io |
io-socket | | Socket addon for Io |
io-sqldatabase | | SqlDatabase addon for Io |
io-sqlite3 | | SQLite3 addon for Io |
io-syslog | | Syslog addon for Io |
io-systemcall | | SystemCall addon for Io |
io-thread | | Thread addon for Io |
io-user | | User addon for Io |
io-vm | | Small programming language |
io-zlib | | Zlib addon for Io |
ion3 | | Tiling tabbed window manager |
ioquake3-snapshot | | Open source Quake 3 distribution |
iosevka-aile-ttf | | Slender typeface for code, from code |
iosevka-curly-slab-ttf | | Slender typeface for code, from code |
iosevka-curly-ttf | | Slender typeface for code, from code |
iosevka-etoile-ttf | | Slender typeface for code, from code |
iosevka-slab-ttf | | Slender typeface for code, from code |
iosevka-ttf | | Slender typeface for code, from code |
ipamjfont | | Font for Japanese names |
ipax0208font-ttf | | TrueType IPA fonts based on JIS X0208 |
ipsvd | | Internet protocol service daemons |
iptables | | Interface to Linux netfilter firewalling subsystem |
iptstate | | Display Netfilter state tables in a top-like interface |
ircII-current | | 'Internet Relay Chat' and 'Internet Citizens Band' Client |
irixjoker-ai-utils | | General purpose AI library (also includes machine learning and adaptive systems theory). |
irrxml | | Simple and fast open source xml parser for C++ |
irssi-otr | | Libotr (https://otr.cypherpunks.ca) support for Irssi |
irust | | Cross Platform Rust Repl |
isa-l | | Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Libray |
ised | | Tool for generating number sequences and arithmetic evaluation |
islamic-menus | | Islamic menu categories for applications under GNOME and KDE |
ispell-dictionaries | | meta-package for ispell spell checker dictionaries |
iText | | Java classes to generate PDF files on the fly |
iTextXML | | Java classes to generate and parse XML files |
itools | | Islamic hijri date and prayer time utilities |
ivtools | | Drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and web graphics |
ja-freewnn-cvs | | Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client library) |
ja-ptex | | Meta-package for pTeX et al, supports Japanese language |
jabberd14 | | Instant messaging server |
jabref | | JabRef is an advanced reference manager uses the BibTeX format |
jabref3 | | Open source bibliography reference manager |
jack-example-tools | | JACK example clients and tools |
jacorb-lib | | Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA jar |
jakarta-log4j | | Logging facility for Java |
jakarta-struts | | Struts is struts xD |
jalview | | Jalview is a multiple alignment editor written in java |
jason | | Java-based interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak |
java-asm | | Java bytecode manipulation framework |
java-basicplayer | | Threaded simple player class based on JavaSound API |
java-bcel | | ByteCode Engineering Library |
java-charva | | Java Windowing Toolkit for Text Terminals |
java-frozenbubble | | Java port of Frozen Bubble |
java-getopt | | GNU getopt port for Java |
java-gnucrypto | | Free cryptographic implementation for Java |
java-gnujaf | | GNU Java Activation Framework |
java-gnujaxp | | XML extensions for GNU classpath |
java-gson | | Library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back |
java-iText-RUPS | | Reading and Updating PDF Syntax tool from iText |
java-jbluez | | Java interface for BlueZ stack |
java-jlayer | | Library to decode, convert and play MP3 files |
java-jspeex | | Java Implementation of Speex |
java-mp3spi | | Interface to support MP3 (MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3) audio format |
java-muse | | Java-XML API for networking with modules like Jabber |
java-netty | | Asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tools |
java-protobuf | | Java bindings for protobuf |
java-swingwt | | Swing binding to SWT for java |
java-tritonus-share | | Shared classes required by all other Tritonus plug-ins |
java-vorbisspi | | Java Service Provider Interface for the OGG Vorbis audio format |
java-xmlrpc | | Java implementation of XML-RPC |
jazz2-resurrection | | Open-source Jazz Jackrabbit 2 reimplementation |
jbmgen | | Archos Gmini playlist generator |
jc | | Native java compiler using gcc |
jd | | JSON diff and patch |
jdim-current | | 2ch browser for *nix |
jedit | | Text editor written in Java |
jellyfish | | Fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA |
jellyfish2 | | Fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA |
jetbrains-mono-ttf | | Typeface made for developers |
jfsw-git | | JonoF's Shadow Warrior port |
jgloss | | Add reading and translation annotations in a Japanese text document |
jgraphx | | Java Swing diagramming (graph visualisation) library |
jhbuild | | Build collections of source packages |
jibri | | Jitsi BRoadcasting Infrastructure |
jigasi | | Allows regular SIP clients to join Jitsi Meet conferences |
jira-cli-git | | Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line |
jitsi | | Multi-platform open-source video conferencing |
jitsi-meet | | Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences |
jitsi-sctp | | JNI wrapper around the usrsctp lib |
jjui | | Text user interface for jj |
jlibtool | | Libtool replacement from the apache APR, written in C |
jmol | | Jmol: an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D |
jmtpfs | | Access to MTP devices |
jobd | | Job management framework |
john-jumbo | | Unix Password Cracker (community-enhanced version) |
joomla | | Dynamic web content management system (CMS) |
jpgtn | | Thumbnail generator for JPEG images |
jpicedt | | Interactive picture edtor for LaTeX and PSTricks |
jruby | | Implementation of the Ruby programming language atop the JVM |
js-Gallery | | JavaScript library to create image/video galleries |
jsl | | Standalone JavaScript lint |
json2tsv-git | | Convert JSON to TSV |
jsoncpp-git | | JSON reader and writer in C++ |
jsonrpc-glib | | JSON-RPC library for GLib |
judy | | C library for efficient sparse arrays |
julia | | Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing |
junit | | Automated testing framework for Java |
jython | | Python for the Java Platform |
k9s | | Kubernetes CLI |
kacst-one | | TrueType font designed for Arabic language |
kacst-ttf | | Truetype Arabic fonts created by KACST |
kactivitymanagerd | | System service to manage user's activities and track the usage patterns |
kaf | | Apache Kafka Client and CLI written in Go |
kafkacat | | Generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer |
kahakai | | Window manager with Python scripting |
kakoune-lsp | | Language Server Protocol Client for Kakoune |
kallisto | | Quantify abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data |
kamailio | | SIP server |
kannel-gateway | | Kannel WAP gateway |
kapacitor | | Framework for processing, monitoring, and alerting on time series data |
kapow | | Kapow! If you can script it, you can HTTP it |
kawa | | Scheme interpreter written in Java |
kcgi | | CGI/FCGI library for C/C++ web apps |
kde-baseapps4 | | Base modules for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop |
kde-cli-tools | | Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system |
kde-gtk-config | | Plasma5 GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator |
kde-runtime4 | | Runtime requirements for the KDE integrated X11 desktop |
kde1 | | Meta-package for KDE1 |
kdebase1 | | KDE base for 1.x |
kdecoration | | Plugin based library to create window decorations |
kdegames1 | | KDE games for 1.x |
kdelibs1 | | KDE library for 1.x |
kdenetwork1 | | KDE networks for 1.x |
kdetoys1 | | KDE toys for 1.x |
kdeutils1 | | KDE utilities for 1.x |
kea | | DHCP servers from ISC |
kea-git | | DHCP servers from ISC |
keama-git | | Migration tool from ISC dhcp to kea dhcp |
kermit | | Network and serial communication, file transfer, and scripting utility |
kgamma5 | | Adjust your monitor's gamma settings |
kgrab | | Screen Grabbing Program (KDE4) |
khard-git | | Console carddav client |
khotkeys | | KHotKeys |
kibana | | Explore and visualize your data |
kicad | | Schematic and PCB CAD software (stable branch) |
kicad-footprints | | Component footprints for the PCB CAD software |
kicad-packages3d | | 3D models for rendering and the MCAD software |
kicad-symbols | | Schematic symbol libraries for the schematic CAD software |
kicad-templates | | Project templates for the schematic CAD software |
kind | | Kubernetes IN Docker, local clusters for testing Kubernetes |
kinfocenter | | Utility that provides information about a computer system |
kismet | | 802.11 wireless network detector, sniffer and IDS |
kissme | | Java Virtual Machine (JVM) freely available |
kivaloo | | High-performance key-value storage |
klatexformula | | Convert LaTeX formula to image |
klayout | | Simple GDS and OASIS file viewer and Editor |
klh10 | | PDP-10 KS10/KL10B CPU model emulator |
kmenuedit | | KDE menu editor |
kmscube | | Example KMS/GBM/EGL application |
kmscube-git | | Example KMS/GBM/EGL application |
kmymoney-git | | Personal finance manager for KDE 4, Subversion Snapshot |
koha | | Koha is an integrated library system |
krename | | Powerful batch file renamer for KDE |
kronometer | | Stopwatch application by KDE |
kscreen | | KDE screen management software |
kscreenlocker | | Library and components for secure lock screen architecture |
ksshaskpass | | ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog |
kstest | | Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistic with High Precision |
ktjet | | C++ implementation of the K clustering algorithm |
kubeconform | | Kubernetes manifests validator |
kubectl | | Command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters |
kubectl-ingress-nginx | | ingress-nginx kubectl plugin |
kubectl-who-can | | Show RBAC permissions on different resources in Kubernetes |
kubectx | | Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl |
kubepug | | Kubernetes PreUpGrade (Checker) |
kubeval | | Validator for Kubernetes configuration files |
kuickshow | | Very fast and comfortable imageviewer (KDE4) |
kup | | KDE frontend for bup and rsync |
kustomize | | Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations |
kvirc | | QT based irc client |
kwin | | KDE Window manager |
kwrited | | Plasma5 daemon listening for wall and write messages |
kyototycoon | | Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server for Kyoto Cabinet |
kyra2 | | Sprite engine |
l2tpd | | Implementation of the layer two tunneling protocol (l2tp) |
ladybird-git | | Independent web browser from scratch from SerenityOS |
lambertw | | Lambert W Function for Applications in Physics |
lander | | Lunar Lander clone |
lanq | | Quantum imperative programming language |
lasi | | C++ library for postscript stream output |
layer-shell-qt | | Qt component to allow applications to use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol |
lazyjj | | TUI for Jujutsu/jj |
lbt | | Converts from LTL formulas to Büchi automata |
lcalc | | Lcalc is a program for calculating with L-functions |
lcdproc | | Client/server software to print system info to small LCDs |
lci | | A LOLCODE interpreter written in C |
lcov-git | | Extension of GCOV |
ldapbrowser | | Java based LDAP browser and editor |
ldapdns | | Tiny, fast authoritative nameserver that queries LDAP |
ldc | | LLVM D Compiler |
ldc017 | | D compiler based on LLVM |
ldc120 | | LLVM D Compiler |
lde | | Curses based file system viewer/editor for Linux |
ldtp | | GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project |
lebiniou | | User-friendly, powerful music visualization / VJing tool |
lebiniou-data | | Datafiles for Le Biniou |
leo | | Programmer's editor and a flexible browser |
leocad | | Design virtual models you can build with LEGO(R) bricks |
lfe | | Lisp flavoured erlang |
lhapdf | | Les Houches Accord PDF library and interface |
libaio | | Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library |
libalkimia | | Common finance routines for kde4 applications |
libanimal | | Imaging and computer vision library |
libArcus | | Creating a socket in a thread and using this socket to messages |
libavc1394 | | Interface for the 1394 Audio/Video Controls |
libayatana-indicator | | Ayatana Indicators Shared Library |
libbacktrace | | C library be linked into a C/C++ program for symbolic backtraces |
libbfio | | Library to provide basic file input/output abstraction |
libbgcode | | Prusa Block & Binary G-code reader/writer/converter |
libbpg | | Library for BGP (Better Portable Graphics) |
libbrahe | | Heterogeneous C library of interesting numeric functions |
libbs2b | | Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP |
libbsd-solaris10 | | Adapted for Solaris-10 libbsd |
libbtctl | | GObject Bluetooth controller |
libc++ | | Low Level Virtual Machine libc++ C++ standard library |
libc++-abi | | Low Level Virtual Machine C++ standard library support |
libcdata | | Library for cross-platform C generic data functions |
libcerror | | Library for cross-platform C error functions |
libcfile | | Library for cross-platform C file functions |
libcgi | | Library for authoring cgi |
libcli | | Provides a shared library for including a Cisco-like CLI. |
libclocale | | Library for cross-platform C locale functions |
libcm | | Metacity compositor library |
libcmt | | Composable Memory Transactions Library for C |
libcnotify | | Library to support cross-platform C notification functions |
libconfini | | Yet another INI parser |
libcouchbase | | C/C++ client library to access a Couchbase server |
libcpath | | Library for cross-platform C path functions |
libcpu | | Anything-to-anything binary translation library |
libcsplit | | Library for cross-platform C split string functions |
libcthreads | | Library for cross-platform C threads functions |
libcuba | | Library for multidimensional numerical integration |
libcupsfilters | | Library for cups-filters |
libcxx | | C++ Standard Library |
libcxxabi | | C++ Standard Library |
libdbglog | | C++ library for debugging purposes and runtime logging to file |
libdbh2 | | Library to create disk based Hashtables |
libdialog | | Port of FreeBSD's console menu system |
libdisasm | | Dissassembly library for ELF x86 binarys |
libdjconsole | | DJ Console access library |
libdoom-umapinfo | | Parser for Doom UMAPINFO data |
libdrm-dfbsd | | Userspace interface to kernel DRM services |
libdrm-dfbsd-meson | | Userspace interface to kernel DRM services |
libdxfrw | | C++ library to read/write DXF and to read DWG |
libecc | | C++ elliptic curve library |
libee | | Event Expression Library inspired by CEE |
libei | | Library for Emulated Input |
libeio | | Full-featured asynchronous I/O library for C |
libeio-cvs | | Full-featured asynchronous I/O library for C |
libepc | | Easy Publish and Consume Library |
libeps | | API for parsing RFC2822 email messages |
libevdev | | Keyboard and mouse events, capability bits |
libevhtp | | Flexible replacement for libevent's httpd API |
libexact | | Solve combinatorial exact covering problems |
libfirm-git | | C-Library suitable for optimizing compilers |
libfixposix | | Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls |
libflame | | Portable library for dense matrix computations |
libflame_openmp | | Portable library for dense matrix computations |
libflame_pthread | | Portable library for dense matrix computations |
libfplll | | Library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices |
libfreefare | | Convenient API for MIFARE card manipulations |
libgamecommon | | Utility functions for working with binary files |
libgamemusic | | Library for playing and converting music used in DOS games |
libgda-bdb | | GNU database access library - bdb provider |
libgda-ldap | | GNU database access library - ldap provider |
libgda-mdb | | GNU database access library - mdb provider |
libgda-odbc | | GNU database access library - odbc provider |
libgda-sqlite3 | | GNU database access library - sqlite provider |
libgda-xbase | | GNU database access library - xbase provider |
libGenome | | Development library for bioinformatic software |
libgfbgraph | | GObject library for Facebook Graph API |
libghemical | | Molecular modelling library |
libginac | | The GiNaC symbolic framework |
libglade-java | | Glade bindings for Java |
libglvnd | | TODO: Short description of the package |
libgnome-keyring | | GNOME password and secret manager |
libgnomekbd | | Gnome keyboard configuration library |
libgnuregex | | GNU Regex library |
libgraphqlparser | | GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs |
libgrass5 | | Standalone shared library suitable for use by non-GRASS applications |
libgringotts | | Gringotts data encapsulation and encryption library |
libgtextutils | | Gordon text utilities |
libgtk-java | | Gtk2 bindings for Java |
libgtkhtml-java | | GtkHtml bindings for Java |
libgtkstylus | | Gtk+ 2 third-button emulation library |
libgtop | | Library to retrieve system information, used in GNOME2 |
libgudev | | GObject bindings to libudev |
libguestfs-appliance | | Fixed appliance binaries for libguestfs |
libgusb | | GObject wrapper for libusb1 |
libgweather4 | | Weather information access library |
libgxim | | GObject-based XIM protocol library |
libgzstream | | Gzstream is a small C++ library, basically just a wrapper |
libhttpd | | Library that provides basic web server capabilities |
libi2pd | | i2pd library |
libical2 | | Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and format |
libifstat | | Tool to report network interface bandwidth, shared library version |
libimobiledevice | | Libraries and tools to communicate with iOS devices |
libinput | | Coordinate scaling, relative pointer, acceleration |
libinstpatch | | Software library for editing and manipulating instrument files |
libircclient | | Library which implements client-server IRC protocol |
libitl | | The Islamic Tools Libraries of calculation time and measurement |
libjdksmidi | | C++ MIDI Library |
libjingle | | Google Talk Voice and P2P Interoperability Library |
libkml | | Google's reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2. |
libks | | Foundational support for signalwire C products |
liblingoteach | | Library for lingoteach |
libLLVM35 | | Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure (previous version) |
libLLVM38 | | Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure (old version) |
libltc | | POSIX-C Library for handling Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) |
libm4ri | | Method of the Four Russians Inversion library, shared library |
libmapper | | Distributed signal mapping framework |
libmirisdr-git | | Osmocom Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR library |
libmixed | | Low-level audio mixer pipeline library |
libmobi-git | | C library for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents |
libmpg123 | | MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 decoder library |
libmpq | | Library to extract, create or manipulate mpq archives |
libmusclecard | | MUSCLE SmartCard framework support library |
libncl | | The NEXUS Class Library is a C++ library for parsing NEXUS files |
libndp | | TODO: Short description of the package |
libnest2d-ultimaker | | 2D irregular bin packaging and nesting library written in modern C++ |
libnestedsums | | Library for the expansion of transcendental functions |
libneural | | C++ library for creating 3-layer backpropagation neural networks |
libnfc | | Low level NFC SDK and Programmers API |
libnfo | | Library used to parse and write NFO files |
libnl | | APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces |
libnl1 | | APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces |
libnoise | | Coherent noise-generating library for C++ |
libnsl | | Library for nis(yp) ans nis+ |
libntfs | | Linux-NTFS project utilities for the Windows NT Filesystem |
libode | | Open Dynamics Engine |
liboglappth | | Support libraries of science/ghemical port |
libopenmodeller | | Spatial distribution modelling library |
libopenshot | | Powerful, cross-platform open-source C++ video editing library |
libopenshot-audio | | Library for high-quality editing and playback of audio |
libopensync-dev | | Platform independent, general purpose, synchronization framework |
libopensync-plugin-moto | | Moto plugin for opensync (for Motorola phones) |
libopensync-plugin-palm | | Platform independent synchronization framework, palm plugin |
liboqs | | Post quantum crypto library |
libosinfo | | Library for querying information from the OSInfo database |
libosmocore | | Utility library for Software Defined Radio |
libostree | | Operating system and container binary deployment and upgrades |
libpafe | | Library for SONY PaSoRi card reader |
libpano12 | | Panorama-tools is for making panoramic images from multiple pictures |
libpar2 | | Create or use PAR2 parity volumes |
libpare | | Pointer Array Regular Expressions |
libparsifal | | XML parser with implementation SAX2 |
libpatterns | | Pattern matching from Lua as a library |
libplist2 | | Handle Apple Binary and XML Property Lists |
libportal | | Flatpak portal library |
libppd | | PostScript Printer Descriptions library |
libpsurface | | Library that handles piecewise linear bijections |
libpthread-stubs | | This library provides weak aliases for pthread functions |
libpusb | | Simple and portable USB development interface |
libqd | | Double-double and quad-double package for Fortran and C++ |
libquantum | | Quantum computing simulation library |
libraw1394 | | Functions for converting raw1394 protocol packets |
libre | | Portable library for real-time communications with async IO support |
librecad | | Free Open Source personal CAD application |
librem | | Portable library for real-time audio and video processing |
libreoffice-git | | Office productivity suite from The Document Foundation |
libreswan-4 | | Internet Key Exchange Daemon for managing IPsec |
libreswan-5 | | Internet Key Exchange Daemon for managing IPsec |
libreswan-git | | Internet Key Exchange Daemon for managing IPsec |
libretro-4do | | Libretro core for 3DO emulation |
libretro-beetle-lynx | | Libretro core based on the Mednafen Atari Lynx emulator |
libretro-citra | | Libretro core based on the Citra Nintendo 3DS emulator |
libretro-fmsx | | Libretro core for emulation of the MSX family of home computers |
libretro-mame2003 | | Libretro core based on the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (v0.78) |
libretro-mame2014 | | Libretro core based on the MAME 0.159 arcade game emulator |
libretro-melonds | | Libretro core based on the melonDS emulator |
libretro-prboom | | Libretro core for Doom |
libretro-px68k | | Libretro core based on the PX68K SHARP X68000 emulator |
libretro-tyrquake | | Libretro core for the TyrQuake interpreter for Quake and Quakeworld |
libretro-yabause | | Libretro core based on the Yabause Sega Saturn emulator |
librocket | | The HTML/CSS user interface library |
libs-gui | | GNUstep AppKit Implementation |
libSavitar | | C++ implementation of 3mf loading with SIP python bindings |
libscscp | | Library of the Symbolic Computation Software Composibility Protocol |
libsearpc | | Simple RPC framework based on GObject system |
libseccomp | | Interface to the Linux syscall filtering mechanism |
libslab | | Slab memory allocator in application layer |
libsml | | Smart Message Language (SML) protocol |
libsocialweb | | Personal social data server |
libspt | | Provide unpriviliged secure pty |
libsquish | | Open source DXT compression library |
libstacktrace | | Stacktracing library similar to glibc backtrace(3) |
libstrophe | | Simple, lightweight C library for writing XMPP clients |
libsysinfo | | GNU libc's sysinfo port for \NetBSD |
libtextcat | | Libtextcat library the Cavnar & Trenkle |
libtheorafile | | Ogg Theora video decoder library |
libtirpc | | Port of SUNs Transport-Independent RPC library |
libtlen2 | | Library to access tlen.pl IM system |
libtls-bearssl | | Implementation of libtls on top of BearSSL |
libtogl | | Tk OpenGL widget |
libtxc_dxtn | | S3 texture compression support for MesaLib |
libucl | | Universal configuration library parser |
libuna | | Library to support Unicode and ASCII (byte string) conversions |
libunwind | | LLVM libunwind |
liburing | | Library for the Linux kernel io_uring interface |
libusbmuxd | | Communication interface library for usbmuxd |
libusbsio | | Library to communicate with serial I/O devices on supported NXP boards |
libvc | | VCard library |
libvg | | High-level ptrace library |
libvidstab | | Video stabilization library |
libvips | | Demand-driven, horizontally threaded image processing lib |
libvirt | | Virtualisation toolkit for host operating systems |
libvirt-glib | | GLib-friendly libvirt wrapper |
libvpx-git | | On2 VP8 library from Google |
libwacom | | TODO: Short description of the package |
libwbxml2-patched | | Library to handle WBXML (Patched for MultiSync) |
libxc | | Libxc is the ETSF library of exchange-correlation functionals |
libxdiff | | Library for creating patches for binary and text files |
libxml++3 | | C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library |
libxo | | Library for generating text, XML, JSON, and HTML output |
libxtend | | Miscellaneous functions to extend libc |
libyuv-git | | project that includes YUV scaling and conversion functionality |
libzahl | | Library for arbitrary size integers, bigint |
libzippp | | Libzip c++ wrapper |
libzn-poly | | Libzn_poly is a C library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x] |
libzrtp | | ZRTP Secure VoIP Protocol |
lidia | | C++ Library For Computational Number Theory |
lie | | Computer algebra package for Lie group computations |
lief | | Library to Instrument Executable Formats |
light-desktop | | Fast and lightweight desktop |
lightdm | | Light cross-desktop display manager |
lightdm-gtk-greeter | | GTK+ greeter for LightDM |
lilypond-git | | GNU Music Typesetter |
lilyterm | | Terminal emulator based off of libvte |
lima | | Linux virtual machines for running containerd |
linbox | | LinBox: exact computational linear algebra |
lingoteach-lesson | | Lesson files for lingoteach |
lingoteach-ui | | Language teaching program |
links1 | | Text browser with tables (original version) |
linux-attr | | The extended attribute package for acl |
linux-ch | | Ch is an interactive C development environment |
linux-chprofessional | | Ch is an interactive C development environment |
linux-hotplug | | Hardware autoconfiguration for Linux |
linux-kbd | | Keyboard and console utilities for Linux |
linux-kernel | | The Linux kernel |
linux-kernel-headers | | Linux kernel headers |
linux-makedev | | Script to make and update Linux /dev device nodes |
linux-module-init-tools | | Linux kernel module utilities (kernel 2.5.48 and above) |
linux-modutils | | Linux kernel module utilities |
linux-modutils-old | | Linux kernel module utilities, .old versions |
linux-nfs-utils | | Linux NFS client and server utilities |
linux-ukbgene | | Tool for accessing UK Biobank data |
linux24-kernel | | The Linux kernel |
linux24-kernel-headers | | Linux kernel headers |
linuxdcpp | | DC++-based p2p filesharing application |
linuxtv-dvb-apps | | DVB applications from LinuxTV project |
lire | | Log analyzing tool |
lisp-scripts | | Useful (admin) scripts programmed in Common Lisp |
lisp-sound | | sound file modification system (AIF/AIFF, WAV based using AI) |
lissac | | Lisaac is the first compiled POO based on prototype concepts |
litecoin | | Lite version of Bitcoin using scrypt as a proof-of-work algorithm |
lives | | Linux Video Editing System |
lizardfs | | Open source, distributed file system |
llama.cpp | | LLM inference in C/C++ |
lld | | The LLVM Linker |
lldb | | Next generation, high-performance debugger |
llvm | | Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure |
lmdbg-current | | Lightweight Modular malloc Debugger |
LMtester | | sound file modification system (AIF/AIFF based using AI) |
lnd | | Lightning Network Daemon |
lodepng-git | | PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++ |
logcli | | Grafana Loki's command-line interface |
logfmon-git | | Log file monitor |
logrotate-git | | Daemon to rotate, compress, remove and mail system log files |
logwatch | | Customizable log analysis system |
loki | | Like Prometheus, but for logs |
lorder | | Determine interdependencies in a list of object files |
lpc55-host | | Host-side tooling to interact with LPC55 chips via the ROM bootloader |
lpdsrv | | Non-spooling LPD server (RFC1179) |
lpjs | | Lightweight, Portable Job Scheduler |
lrslib | | Enumerate vertices and extreme rays of a convex polyhedron |
lsw | | Lists the titles of all running X windows to stdout |
lsyncd | | Live syncing daemon |
ltc-tools | | Tools to deal with linear-timecode (LTC) |
ltp-git | | Testing Linux, one syscall at a time |
ltrace | | Track runtime library calls in dynamically linked programs |
ltsmin | | The LTSmin model checking toolset |
lua-cffi | | Portable C FFI for Lua |
lua-htmlparser | | Parse HTML text into a tree of elements with selectors |
lua-lbn | | Arbitrary precision library for Lua based on OpenSSL bn |
lua-ldoc | | LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system |
lua-luacheck | | Tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code |
lua-luv | | Bare libuv bindings for Lua |
lua-MessagePack | | MessagePack library for Lua |
luabind | | Lua bindings for C++ |
LuaJIT-git | | Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language |
LuaJIT2 | | Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language |
LuaJIT21 | | Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language |
luakit-git | | Webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua |
lucene | | Full-text search engine for Java |
lumina | | Lumina Desktop Environment |
lumina-desktop | | Lightweight desktop for Unix-like operating systems |
lvm2 | | Linux userspace toolset for volume management facilities |
lwc | | Lightweight C++ |
lwtools | | Cross-development tools for the M6809 and H6309 microprocessors |
lxdm | | Lxde login manager |
lxmusic | | Minimalist XMMS2-based music player |
lzs-lkm | | NetBSD kernel module for LZS decompression with PPP |
m4ri | | Library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2 |
mac-icon-standard | | 30th anniversary Macintosh icon font |
mac-robber | | Collect mac-times from a computer |
macaulay2 | | Macaulay2 a software system for research in algebraic geometry |
mackerel-agent | | Client software for Mackerel.io |
mackerel-agent-plugins | | Plugin pack for mackerel-agent |
macos-libptytty | | OS independent and secure pty/tty and utmp/wtmp/lastlog handling |
macro11 | | PDP-11 crossassembler |
madonctl | | Command line client for the Mastodon distributed social network API |
magit-git | | Emacs client for scm Git |
mago | | Library and harness for desktop testing |
mailfilter | | Filter mail on a POP3 server |
mailsend-go | | Multi-platform command line tool to send mail via SMTP protocol |
majordomo-devel | | The Majordomo mailing list manager, version 2 |
makedict | | Dictionary converting tool |
makejvf | | Make Japanese VF file from Japanese TeX TFM file |
makepp | | Compatible and reliable make replacement written in Perl |
maker | | Genome annotation pipeline |
malaga | | Grammar development and application for natural languages |
maloc | | Minimal Abstraction Layer for Object-oriented C |
man | | Man page viewer and utilities |
man-db | | Manual pager and related man page utilities |
manatee | | Web-based gene evaluation and genome annotation tool |
mapnik | | Toolkit for mapping applications |
marathon-scenarios | | Game data for numerous scenarios playable with the Aleph One engine |
marathon-tempus-irae | | Game data for Tempus Irae scenario, playable with Aleph One |
mark | | Sync markdown files with Confluence pages |
marsyas | | Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals |
mashpodder | | Podcatching client based on BashPodder |
masscan | | TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously |
mat | | Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit |
matanza | | Multiplayer space shooter ascii-art game |
mathopd | | Very small, yet very fast HTTP server |
matiec-hg | | IEC61131-3 Compiler |
matrixssl | | Small embedded SSL implementation |
mattermost-server | | TODO: Short description of the package |
mauliasproxy | | Maunium Matrix room alias proxy |
mawk-libc | | AWK clone by Mike Brennan |
mawk-onig | | AWK clone by Mike Brennan |
mawk-rxspencer | | AWK clone by Mike Brennan |
mawk-tre | | AWK clone by Mike Brennan |
mawk-uxre | | AWK clone by Mike Brennan |
maxima-git | | Computer algebra system |
mc-mp | | Midnight Commander clone |
mcats | | Catalog converter |
mcats-iodbc | | MCatS iODBC module |
mccs | | Multi Criteria CUDF Solver |
mce | | The DBus method calls provided by the Mode Control Entity |
mcl | | Fast and scalable unsupervised cluster algorithm for graphs |
mctcli | | Simple tool for mapping and reading MIFARE Classic tags |
mcwm | | Window manager for the X Window System written entirely with XCB |
mdadm | | RAID management for Linux systems |
mdbtools | | Microsoft Access Database management tools |
mdpress | | Make impress.js presentations from Markdown files |
mediawiki-mode | | Emacs frontend for MediaWiki |
meka-git | | Meka is a multi-machine 8 bit emulator |
melonds | | Nintendo DS emulator, sorta |
memdump | | Memory dumper for UNIX-like systems |
memgrep | | Tool to modify applications on-the-fly |
mendexk | | Japanese index processor |
menumaker | | Generates menus for X WMs by scanning for installed programs |
mepo | | Fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer |
mergiraf | | Sophisticated merge tool |
mes-nyacc | | NYACC (Not Yet Another Compiler Compiler) with patches for mes |
mescc-tools | | Tools for the full source bootstrapping process |
metal | | Meta-analysis of genomewide association scans |
metalog | | Metalog is a modern replacement for syslogd and klogd |
metasploit | | Exploit-Framework for Penetration-Testing |
mfoc | | Mifare Classic Offline Cracker |
mfoc-hardnested | | Fork of Mifare Classic Offline Cracker with proxmark hardnested code |
mg-cvs | | Small, fast, public domain EMACS style editor |
mg-lsh | | DOS compatible command line interpreter |
mic-paren | | Advanced highlighting of parenthesis |
michabo | | Qt client for Pleroma and Mastodon |
microbiomeutil | | Utilities for processing and analyzing 16S rRNA genes |
microblog-purple | | Libpurple plug-in supporting microblog services like Twitter |
microcom | | Minicom-like serial terminal emulator with scripting |
micropolis | | City-building simulation |
microsynteny-tools | | Tools for exploring microsyntenic differences among species |
microtetris | | MicroTetris is a simple and compact popular game Tetris |
mid2gmc | | Guenthers Midi DeCompiler, convert midi to text |
midish | | Open-source MIDI sequencer/filter |
miktex | | TODO: Short description of the package |
milter-greylist-devel | | Easy-to-use greylist milter for sendmail devel snapshot |
mime-support | | Support commands for manipulating files using MIME and mailcap |
min12xxw | | Konica/Minolta PagePro 1[234]xx pbmraw stream converter |
mindforger | | Thinking notebook and Markdown editor |
mindy-git | | Mindy Is Not Dylan Yet |
mingw-w64-binutils | | GNU binutils for win32/64 cross-development |
mingw-w64-crt | | C runtime for win32/64 cross-development |
mingw-w64-gcc | | GNU C/C++ Compiler for win32/64 cross-development |
mingw-w64-headers | | Headers for win32/64 cross-development |
mingw-w64-libgcc | | GCC target libraries for win32/64 cross-development |
mini18n | | Minimal translation library |
minimap2 | | Sequence alignment program for noisy, long reads |
minio | | High performance distributed object storage server |
minio-client | | Tool implementing ls/cp/mkdir/diff/rsync for S3-like object storage |
minizip192 | | Zip manipulation library written in C |
mintotp | | Minimal TOTP Generator |
minuit2 | | MINUIT is a physics analysis tool for function minimization |
miracl | | Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library |
mirage | | Fast and simple image viewer |
mistserver | | Streaming media toolkit for OTT |
mixer.tk | | Tcl/Tk audio mixer using mixerctl utility |
mixmaster | | The Mixmaster anonymous remailer client |
mk-configure-current | | Lightweight but powerful replacement for GNU autotools |
mklittlefs | | Tool to build and unpack littlefs images |
mlir | | Multi-Level Intermediate Representation |
mlocate | | Merging 'locate' implementation |
mlt | | Open source multimedia framework |
mlton-git | | Standard ML whole-program optimizing compiler |
mmdb | | Macromolecular coordinate library |
mmm-mode | | Multiple Major Modes for emacs |
mnogosearch | | Web search engine software for intranet and internet servers |
modd | | Developer tool that runs processes and responds to filesystem changes |
modglue | | C++ library for handling co-processes |
modplugplay | | Commandline music mod player using libmodplug |
mods | | AI on the command line |
modular-xorg-server-dfbsd | | Modular X11 server from modular X.org |
modular-xorg-server-dfbsd-meson | | Modular X11 server from modular X.org |
modular-xorg-server-linux | | Modular X11 server from modular X.org |
modular-xorg-xspice | | Xspice Xorg server |
moe | | Moe Editor - A powerful and user-friendly text editor |
MoleInvasion | | Platform game with moles |
mona | | Tool that translates formulas to finite-state automata |
monajat | | Monajat is a small application that popups Islamic prayers |
mono | | Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework |
mono-git | | Open source ECMA CLI, C |
mop | | Convert Draft HTML/CSS to suitable for Presentation with Web Browser |
mopac | | Semi-empirical (MNDO, etc.) molecular orbital calculation |
mopac7 | | Semi-empirical Quantum Chemistry Library |
moregroupware | | Web based GroupWare system |
morse | | Morse-code training program and QSO generator |
mothur | | Bioinformatics tool for the microbial ecology community |
motion | | Motion detecting video camera package |
motti | | GNU motti is a simple multiplayer strategy game |
mount-zip | | Read-only FUSE file system for ZIP archives |
mount-zip-git | | Read-only FUSE file system for ZIP archives |
mox | | Modern server for low-maintenance self-hosted email |
mozart | | Mozart Programming System |
mozjpeg | | Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project |
mozldap | | LDAP C-SDK from Mozilla Project |
mozplugger | | Mozilla plugin for launching external viewers |
mp3chop | | Program for chopping up mp3 files |
mpc | | MPFR-based library for complex floating-point with exact rounding |
mpc-el | | Emacs front end to the Music Player Daemon |
mpg123-jack | | Contains the jack module for mpg123 |
mpg123-svn | | Mpg123 MPEG layer 1, 2, 3 audio player |
mpgedit | | MPEG audio file editor |
mpibzip2 | | Parallel implementation of bzip2 |
mplabs | | Multiphase lattice boltzmann suite |
mppdec | | Musepack (MPC) audio file decoder |
mppp | | Multiprecision for modern C++ |
mpq-tools | | Tools for manipulating MPQ (MoPaQ) archives |
mps-youtube | | Terminal based YouTube player and downloader |
mpv-git | | Video player based on MPlayer and mplayer2 (git version) |
mrust | | Meta package for mrustc (builds other mrust- packages) |
mrust-cargo | | Cargo--built from rustc src, using mrustc toolchain |
mrust-libs | | Rustc libraries & crates built using mrustc toolchain |
mrust-llvm | | Special(?) LLVM build from rustc src |
mrust-minicargo | | Cargo workalike from the mrustc tool suite |
mrust-mrustc | | Mutabah's Rust Compiler--the compiler itself |
mrust-rustc | | Rustc--built from rustc src, using mrustc toolchain |
mrust-rustclibs | | Rustc libraries & crates compiled using mrust-rustc |
msgpack-git | | Binary-based efficient object serialization library |
mst-bench | | Maximum sustainable throughput benchmark |
msworkbench | | Set of tools for development of MapServer web mapping applications |
mtail | | Extract monitoring data for collection in a timeseries database |
mtd-utils | | Memory Technology Device Tools |
mtdev | | Kernel multitouch event translation |
mtf | | Unix reader for the Microsoft Tape Format used by NT Backup |
mtop | | Curses-based MySQL server monitor |
mtpfs | | Access to MTP device filesystem |
mtr-graph | | MTR v0.85 fork with whois info, IDN, unicode |
mtrack | | Satellite tracking program for amateurs |
mtrxmath | | Small tool for matrix mathematics |
mu-cite | | Mail (MUA) companion to cite other's mail |
mudlet-301 | | Mudlet is a powerful GUI MUD client with Lua scripting |
mule11 | | Classical Mule (MULtilingual Enhancement of GNU Emacs), based on 18.59 |
multi-gitter | | CLI to update multiple repositories in bulk |
multitail | | View one or multiple files |
mummer4 | | Versatile alignment tool for DNA and protein sequences |
munge | | Authentication service for creating and validating credentials |
munin-common | | Common components between a munin node and master |
munin-node | | System monitoring tool, client version |
mupen64plus | | Cross-platform plugin-based N64 emulator |
mupen64plus-extraplugins | | Additional Mupen64Plus plugins |
muscle | | MUltiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation |
muscle-cflexplugin | | CryptoFlex plugin for the MUSCLE framework |
muscle-mcardplugin | | MuscleCard applet plugin for the MUSCLE framework |
muscle-pam | | PAM plugin for MUSCLE SmartCard framework |
muscle-pkcs11 | | MUSCLE SmartCard framework PKCS #11 library |
muscletool | | Personalization tool for MuscleCard enabled smartcards |
musl | | C standard library |
musl-fts | | Implementation of fts(3) for musl libc |
mutter | | GNOME window manager |
muttprint | | Utility to pretty print email |
muttvcquery | | External contact manager for mutt |
mvsis | | Logic synthesis and verification tool |
mxallowd | | Anti-Spam-Daemon using pf/pflog |
mxml4 | | Small XML parsing library |
myfitter | | Maximum Likelihood Fits in C++ |
mysql-docs | | Latest documentation for MySQL database server |
mysql-proxy | | Monitor, analyze, or transform the communication of MySQL |
mysql++ | | Complex C++ API for MySQL |
mysqltcl | | Tcl Mysql Interface |
n2n | | Layer Two Peer-to-Peer VPN |
nag | | Horde task list manager |
nagios-plugin-mysql_health | | Nagios plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database |
nagstamon | | Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop |
namecoin | | Implementation of Namecoin on top of the Bitcoin Core codebase |
nanocomp | | Compare runs of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments |
nanofilt | | Filtering and trimming of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
nanoget | | Extract information from Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
nanolyse | | Removing reads mapping to the lambda genome |
nanomath | | Math functions for other Oxford Nanopore processing scripts |
nanopack | | Long read processing and analysis scripts |
nanoplot | | Plotting suite for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments |
nanoQC | | Create fastQC-like plots for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
nanostat | | Statistics for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments |
nanosvg | | Simple stupid single-header-file SVG parser |
naqsh-ttf | | Arabic font by Lateef Shaikh |
nary | | Npm in Rust |
natali | | AT&T/Apple AppleTalk Library Interface for Netatalk |
naturaldocs | | Open-source, extensible, multi-language documentation generator |
nauty | | Brendan McKay's graph isomorphism tester |
navi2ch-current | | 2ch BBS browser for Emacs (Git Current) |
navidrome | | Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic |
navit | | GPS car navigation system |
navit-git | | GPS car navigation system |
nbfc | | Nbfc - the new brainfuck compiler |
nblood | | Reverse-engineered Blood |
ncbi | | Portable, modular software for molecular biology |
ncbi-bin | | Portable modular software for molecular biology |
ncbi-blast+ | | NCBI implementation of Basic Local Alignment Search Tool |
ncbi-c++-lib | | Libraries needed by apps dependent on NCBI C++ toolkit |
ncbi-lib | | Portable, modular software for molecular biology |
ncnn | | Neural network inference computing framework |
ncp | | Fast file copy tool for LANs |
ncrack | | High-speed network authentication cracking tool |
ndssdk | | Nintendo DS ARM9 C and Objective-C Compiler, tools and libraries |
neateqn | | Neatroff preprocessor for mathematical equations |
neatmkfn | | Neatroff font description generator |
neatpost | | Neatroff PS/PDF postprocessor |
neatrefer | | Neatroff preprocessor for bibliographic references |
neatroff | | Clone of the Troff typesetting system |
neatroff-awesome6 | | Neatroff font descriptions for the awesome6 fonts |
neatroff-ubuntu | | Neatroff font descriptions for the ubuntu fonts |
neb-cd512 | | 512 bytes/sector disklabel recalculation tool |
neb-hdtoolbox | | Tool for cross-partitioning a disk for NetBSD/amiga |
necat | | Error correction and de-novo assembler Nanopore reads |
necpp-git | | C++ rewrite of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code |
nedit | | Motif based standard GUI style text editor |
nedit-ng | | Remake of nedit using Qt |
nehe-opengl-tutorials | | OpenGL tutorials from NeHe.gamedev.net - sdl versions |
nemo | | File Manager for Cinnamon |
neomutt-git | | Fork of mutt with integrated community patches |
neovim | | Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability |
neovim-git | | Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability |
neovim-qt | | Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5 |
nessoundstudio | | NES music player and composing system |
nestopia-rpi | | Portable, very accurate NES emulator with UNIF support |
nestra | | NES emulator (without sound) |
net-quanta | | Toolkit for extremely high bandwidth networking |
net-tools | | Network configuration and status tools for Linux |
netbsd-awk | | NetBSD version of AWK |
netbsd-build-tools | | NetBSD cross-toolchain |
netbsd-icon-theme | | Icon theme for NetBSD |
netbsd-light-desktop-artwork | | Artwork and icon theme for NetBSD |
netbsd-light-desktop-default-settings | | Default settings for NetBSD Light Desktop |
netbsd-make | | Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility |
netbsd-pf | | PF module for NetBSD |
netbsd-x11-i386 | | Shared X11 libraries for NetBSD 7.0/i386 |
netclasses | | Asynchronous networking library |
netdata-git | | distributed real-time performance and health monitoring |
netgen | | Complete LVS tool for comparing SPICE or verilog netlists |
netkit-base | | The inetd super server and ping for Linux |
netkit-routed | | Network RIP and router discovery daemon for Linux |
netkit-telnet | | The telnet and telnetd for Linux |
netkit-tftp | | TFPD client and server from the Linux NetKIT |
netlogo | | NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment |
netmask | | Tool for generating terse netmasks in several common formats |
netquery-git | | System introspection tool |
netrik | | Will be a really fancy text mode WWW browser |
netwib | | Network library providing network functionality for developers |
netwmpager | | EWMH (NetWM) compatible pager |
NetworkManager | | TODO: Short description of the package |
netwox | | Toolbox that helps to find and solve network problems |
netx | | Free JNLP implementation |
newsboat | | RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console |
newsboat213 | | RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console |
newsboat233 | | RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console |
newsboat237 | | RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console |
newt | | Programming library for color text mode user interaces |
nextpnr | | Portable FPGA place and route tool |
nfcapdu | | Command line tool to exchange APDUs with an RFID/NFC tag |
nfstrace | | Network file system monitor and analyzer |
ng-spice-dev | | Next generation circuit simulation program |
ng-spice-shared-dev | | Next generation circuit simulation program (shared libraries) |
nget | | Command line nntp file grabber |
nginx-modular | | Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server |
nginx-module-array-var | | array-var module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-cache-purge | | cprg module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-dav | | dav module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-echo | | echo module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-encrypted-session | | encrypted-session module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-forminput | | form-input module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-geoip2 | | geoip2 module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-headers-more | | headers-more module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-lua | | lua module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-naxsi | | naxsi module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-nchan | | nchan module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-njs | | njs module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-push | | array-var module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-rtmp | | rtmp module for the nginx HTTP server |
nginx-module-set-misc | | set-misc module for the nginx HTTP server |
ngircd | | Free, portable and lightweight IRC server |
ngtop | | Request analytics from the nginx access logs |
nicotine+ | | Client for the SoulSeek, a peer-to-peer network for music |
nih-current | | Package manager for pkgsrc |
nitrogen | | Background browser and setter |
nix | | Purely functional package manager |
nlopt | | Nonlinear optimization library |
nncp | | Utilities for store-and-forward networking (modernized UUCP) |
nnrpd | | NNTP reader daemon from InterNet News (INN) |
nodau | | Nodau is a simple console based note taking program |
nodm | | TODO: Short description of the package |
noip | | Dynamic DNS update client from no-ip.com |
noiptun | | Allows communication with computers that do not have an IP address |
nomad | | Workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of applications |
nomadio | | Utility to control Creative Nomad II MG |
nominatim | | Open Source search based on OpenStreetMap data |
nono | | OMRON LUNA-I emulator that runs on NetBSD and so on |
noor | | Quran viewer |
normaliz | | Math computing tools for affine monoids, rational polytopes and cones |
nos-tun | | The nos-tun utility is used to establish an nos style tunnel |
notcurses | | TUI library for modern terminal emulators |
notify-sharp | | C# client implementation for Desktop Notifications |
noto-cjk | | Noto CJK fonts |
noto-sans-cjk-ttf | | Noto Sans CJK fonts |
noto-serif-cjk-ttf | | Noto Serif CJK fonts |
noto-ttf | | Noto fonts for all languages |
npmount | | Command line tool for non-privileged [un]mount |
nqp | | Not Quite Perl -- lightweight Perl 6-like environment for VM |
nrg4iso | | Extracts data from a Nero Burning ROM image file |
nsc2ke | | Navier-Stokes solver |
nscde | | Not So Common Desktop Environment |
nsp | | Scientific software package similiar to Matlab, Scilab, octave |
nspr-hg | | Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions (hg version) |
nss-pam-ldapd | | LDAP client for nsswitch |
ntimed-git | | Network Time Synchronization |
nullpop | | POP3 server that allows logins, but never returns any email |
num-utils | | Set of programs that deals with numbers |
nuppelvideo | | Fast and simple RTjpeg-based video capture program |
nuttcp | | Network performance measurement tool, successor of nttcp |
nuvie | | Game engine for Ultima 6 |
nvi2-git | | Multibyte fork of the nvi editor for BSD |
nvidia-freebsd | | NVIDIA Graphic drivers for FreeBSD/i386 |
nx-client-bin | | NX linux client binary |
nyan | | Modding API with a typesafe hierarchical key-value database |
nyh-hoc | | High Order Calculator |
nzbget | | Binary newsreader with NZB support |
obfuscate | | Censor private information |
objfw-fossil | | Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language |
obmenu | | Openbox menu editor |
obnc | | Compiler for the Oberon programming language |
obnc-libstd | | (no description) |
ocaml | | The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML |
ocaml-gen | | Simple, efficient iterators for OCaml |
ocaml-gmetadom | | OCaml bindings for GDome2 DOM implementation |
ocaml-obuild | | Simple package build system for ocaml |
ocaml-ocplib-simplex | | Ocplib-simplex library implements a simplex algorithm |
ocaml-odoc | | OCaml documentation generator |
ocaml-ounit | | Unit test framework for OCaml |
ocaml-ptmap | | Implementation of maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees |
ocaml-sedlex | | OCaml lexer generator for Unicode |
ocaml-sha | | Ocaml SHA 1 and 2 family implementation |
ocaml-uunf | | OCaml library for normalizing Unicode text |
ocamlweb | | Ocamlweb is a literate programming tool for Objective Caml |
occt | | Boundary Representation modeling toolkit and 3D geometry library |
ocserv | | SSL VPN server |
odin | | General-purpose programming language |
offpunk | | Offline first command-line browser for the smolnet |
oggfwd | | pipes an ogg stream to an icecast server. |
olsrd | | Ad-hoc wireless mesh routing daemon |
omega | | Optimal Monte-Carlo Event Generation Amplitudes |
omnispeak | | Open-source re-implementation of Commander Keen in Goodbye Galaxy |
oneloop | | Evaluate the one-loop scalar 1-point, 2-point, 3-point |
oolite | | Space sim game, inspired by Elite |
oops | | Multithreaded caching HTTP proxy server |
oorexx-svn | | Powerful typeless object-oriented scripting language |
opa | | Open source, general-purpose policy engine |
opax | | POSIX standard archive tool (port of OpenBSD's pax) |
opd | | OBEX PUSH daemon |
open-simh | | Bob Supniks historical computer simulator |
open21xx | | Assembler tool suite for the Analog Devices 21xx family of DSP |
openafs-git | | File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration |
openaxiom-svn | | Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations |
openbgpd | | Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4 |
openbgpd-as4byte | | Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4 |
openbox-themes-extra | | Openbox window manager themes |
openbsc | | Free software implementation for GSM/3GPP protocol stack and elements |
openbsd-input-usbtablet | | X.org USB tablet driver from OpenBSD |
openca | | Robust, full-featured out-of-the-box Certification Authority |
opencl-clhpp | | OpenCL API C++ bindings (cl.hpp and cl2.hpp) |
opencl-headers | | OpenCL API Headers |
opendbx | | Extremely lightweight but extensible database access library |
opendchub | | Open source Direct Connect hub software |
opendune | | Open source recreation of Dune II |
openerp-server | | Open source application ERP & CRM in Python using Postgresql |
openfmod | | Partial reimplementation of FMOD audio library |
openfortivpn | | Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services, compatible with Fortinet VPNs |
OpenGLUT | | OpenGLUT is an open source evolution of the GLUT API |
opengrok | | Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine |
openjdk8-openjfx-hg | | JavaFX application toolkit |
OpenJK-git | | Game engine for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast |
openjkdf2 | | Cross-platform reimplementation of the Dark Forces 2 game engine |
OpenLara | | Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine |
openlogos | | Openlogos is a language translation system |
openmohaa | | Open re-implementation of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault |
openmp | | Support for the OpenMP language |
opennurbs | | OSS toolkit for reading and writing models in the 3DM format |
openra | | Strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as C&C: Red Alert |
openrgb | | Control RGB LED lights |
OpenROAD | | ASIC physical design tool |
openrw-git | | Open Source recreation of Grand Theft Auto III |
openscad | | OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller |
openscep | | CA glue for Cisco SCEP |
openshot-qt | | Video editor |
opensips | | Open Source implementation of a SIP server |
openssl110 | | Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library |
OpenSTA | | Gate level static timing verifier |
opensubdiv | | High performance subdivision surface for parallel architectures |
opensurge | | 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games |
OpenTESArena | | Open-source re-implementation of The Elder Scrolls: Arena |
opentofu | | Open source infrastructure as code |
opentomb | | Open-Source Tomb Raider 1-5 engine remake |
opentracker-cvs | | High performance bittorrent tracker |
openttd | | Open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe |
openttd-opengfx | | Free and open source graphics data files for the game OpenTTD |
openttd-openmsx | | Free and open source music data files for the game OpenTTD |
openttd-opensfx | | Free and open source sound data files for the game OpenTTD |
opentyrian | | SDL port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian |
openvas-cli | | Commandline Interface for OpenVAS |
openvas-libraries | | Libraries for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System |
openvas-manager | | Manager for OpenVAS |
openvas-scanner | | Open Vulnerability Assessment System Scanner |
openvdb | | Efficient storage and manipulation of sparse volumetric data |
openvrml | | Portable C++ library for displaying VRML97 files |
openwsman | | WS-Management for all |
openxcom | | Open-source clone of UFO: Enemy Unknown/X-Com: UFO Defense |
openzwave | | Library for Z-Wave controllers |
opera60-bin | | Standards-compliant graphical Web browser |
ophcrack | | Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables |
optional-lite | | C++17-like optional for earlier c++ versions |
oqtplayer | | Small OpenQuickTime (TM) player, using SDL |
or-tools | | Google's Operations Research tools |
or1ksim | | OpenRISC emulator |
oranchelo-icon-theme | | Flat icon theme for XFCE |
oras | | OCI registry client |
orbifolder | | Study the Low Energy Effective Theory of Heterotic Orbifolds |
orcania | | Potluck with different functions for different purposes for C programs |
org-caldav-git | | Caldav sync for Emacs Orgmode |
orion | | Orion - a window manager for X written in Scheme |
orocos-kdl | | Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) |
os108-desktop | | Meta-package for the OS108 desktop |
oslc | | Open Source License Checker |
osmo-sdr-git | | Small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) |
osxinfo | | Small Mac OS X Info Program |
otrtool | | Decrypter for videos (otrkey) from onlinetvrecorder.com |
ots | | Tool and library for auto-summarizing text |
ouch | | Painless compression and decompression in the terminal |
outguess | | JPEG steganography tool |
overgod | | Shoot'em Up |
overgrowth | | Game from Wolfire Games (engine only) |
owamp | | One-way active measurement protocol |
owntone | | Media server for streaming your media library |
oww-nox11 | | One-wire weather |
oxygen | | KDE Oxygen style |
oysttyer | | Interactive command-line Twitter client |
ozymandns | | Tool to enable ssh tunnel over DNS using TXT records |
p2kmoto | | Support for p2k on Motorola phones |
p3nfs | | Symbian to UNIX NFS daemon |
p4 | | Perforce SCM command-line client |
p4api | | Perforce SCM C/C++ API |
p4d | | Perforce SCM server |
p5-Aceperl | | Perl interface for the ACEDB object-oriented database |
p5-AI-NeuralNet-Simple | | Easy to use backprop neural net |
p5-AI-Prolog | | TODO: Short description of the package |
p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics | | Efficient generation of combinatorial sequences |
p5-Alien-FFI | | Build and make available libffi |
p5-Apache-AuthenNTLM | | Perl5/Apache module for NTLM authorization |
p5-Apache2-ModSSL | | Perl Interface to mod_ssl functions |
p5-Arch | | Perl module for Arch |
p5-Asterisk-vicidial | | Perl modules used with Asterisk-VICIdial |
p5-Astro-SpaceTrack | | Retrieve orbital data from www.space-track.org |
p5-B-Deobfuscate | | Extension to B::Deparse for use in de-obfuscating source code |
p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal | | Object-oriented wrapper around Perl's vec() |
p5-Cache-Mmap | | Shared data cache using memory mapped files |
p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext | | Return a new instance a component on each request |
p5-Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API | | Provides a REST interface to DBIx::Class |
p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache | | Catalyst Apache Engines |
p5-Catalyst-Helper-Model-Email | | Helper for Mail::Builder::Simple |
p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl | | Log::Log4perl logging for Catalyst |
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC | | DBIx::Class model class for Catalyst |
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Plain | | DBIx::Class model class for Catalyst, without loader |
p5-Catalyst-Model-LDAP | | Net::LDAP model class for Catalyst |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd | | Use .htpasswd with Catalyst |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache | | Extends base class with a file cache |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-Zlib | | Gzip compress response if client supports it. |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd | | Sensible default end action |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email | | Send emails with Catalyst and Email::Send and Email::MIME::Creator |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm | | Automatically fill in forms in Catalyst using HTML::FillInForms |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator | | FormValidator for Catalyst |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget | | HTML Widget And Validation Framework |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable | | Plugin for pluggable Catalyst applications |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype | | Catalyst plugin for Prototype |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI | | Saves Catalyst Session IDs by rewriting URIs |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI | | DBI storage backend for session data |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static | | Serve static files with Catalyst |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest | | Serve static files from config->{root} |
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-Encoding | | Unicode aware Catalyst |
p5-Catalyst-View-XML-Feed | | Catalyst view for RSS, Atom, or other XML feeds |
p5-CGI-Application-Dispatch | | Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode | | CGI::App plugin to automatically register runmodes |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto | | Easy config file management for CGI::Application |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DevPopup | | Runtime cgiapp info in a popup window |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ErrorPage | | Simple error page plugin for CGI::Application |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-FillInForm | | Integrate with HTML::FillInForm |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward | | Pass control from one run mode to another |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch | | Add Log::Dispatch support to CGI::Application |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect | | Easy external redirects in CGI::Application |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Stream | | CGI::Application Plugin for streaming files |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-TT | | Add Template Toolkit support to CGI::Application |
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ViewCode | | View the source of the running application |
p5-CGI-Application-Server | | Simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application |
p5-CGI-Application-Standard-Config | | Define a standard configuration API for CGI::Application |
p5-CGI-Expand | | Convert flat hash to nested data using TT2\'s dot convention |
p5-CGI-Untaint | | CGI::Untaint - process CGI input parameters |
p5-CGI-Untaint-date | | CGI::Untaint::date - validate a date |
p5-CGI-Untaint-email | | Validate an email address |
p5-Class-Date | | Perl class for easy date and time manipulation |
p5-Class-DBI-AsForm | | Produce HTML form elements for database columns |
p5-Class-DBI-FromForm | | Update Class::DBI data using Data::FormValidator |
p5-Class-DBI-Loader | | Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes |
p5-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship | | Easier relationship specification in CDBI::L |
p5-Class-DBI-Pager | | Class::DBI::Pager - Pager utility for Class::DBI |
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll | | More complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI |
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type | | Determine type information for columns |
p5-Class-DBI-SQLite | | Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite |
p5-Class-DBI-Sweet | | Extra sweet features for Class::DBI |
p5-collectd | | Statistics collection daemon - perl plugin |
p5-Config-YAML | | Simple configuration automation |
p5-Crypt-CAST5 | | Perl5 CAST5 block cipher implementation |
p5-Crypt-Serpent | | Serpent block cipher encryption module for perl |
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database | | Easy database connections for Dancer applications |
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core | | Shared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins |
p5-Data-DPath | | DPath is not XPath! |
p5-Data-DPath-Validator | | Validate data based on template data |
p5-Data-Properties | | Perl version of Java's java.util.Properties |
p5-Data-Types | | Validate and convert data types |
p5-DBD-Sybase | | Perl DBI/DBD driver for Sybase/MS-SQL databases |
p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate | | Like update_or_create - but recursive |
p5-DBIx-Easy | | Easy to Use DBI interface |
p5-Devel-Profiler | | Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp |
p5-Egg-Plugin-Crypt-CBC | | Crypt::CBC for Egg Plugin. |
p5-Email-AddressParser | | RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation |
p5-Encode-Arabic | | Perl5 implementation for Arabic encodings |
p5-Encode-compat | | Encode.pm emulation layer |
p5-Encode-IMAPUTF7 | | Modified UTF7 encoding (for IMAP) |
p5-Exception-Base | | Exception::Base |
p5-Exception-Class-TryCatch | | Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class |
p5-Exporter-Tidy | | Alternative way of exporting symbols in perl |
p5-FCGI-Daemon | | Perl-aware Fast CGI daemon for use with nginx web server |
p5-FFI-Platypus | | Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI |
p5-File-Map | | Memory mapping made simple and safe |
p5-Frontier-RPC | | Perl module to handle client/server xmlrpc |
p5-Getopt-GUI-Long | | Wrapper around Getopt::Long |
p5-Google-API-Client | | Perl module for accessing Google APIs |
p5-GPS-Garmin | | GPS::Garmin access module for Perl |
p5-Hash-AsObject | | Treat hashes as objects, with arbitrary accessors/mutators |
p5-HTML-Formatter | | Format HTML as plaintext |
p5-HTML-GenerateUtil | | Routines useful when generating HTML output |
p5-HTML-Latex | | Perl5 module for converting HTML to LaTeX |
p5-HTML-TagCloud | | Generate An HTML Tag Cloud |
p5-HTML-WebMake | | WebMake is a simple web site management system |
p5-HTML-Widget | | HTML Widget And Validation Framework |
p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect | | Detect browser, version, OS from UserAgent |
p5-HTTP-Exception | | Throw HTTP-Errors as Exceptions |
p5-HTTP-Request-StreamingUpload | | Streaming upload wrapper for HTTP::Request |
p5-Image-EXIF | | Perl extension for exif library |
p5-Imager | | Perl module for manipulating gray, color, and RGBA format images |
p5-IO-Lambda | | Non-blocking I/O in lambda style |
p5-IO-Socket-Socks | | Create SOCKS v4/v5 client or server |
p5-IPC-Open3-Simple | | Simple alternative to IPC::Open3 |
p5-Iterator | | A general-purpose iterator class |
p5-Iterator-Util | | Essential utilities for the Iterator class |
p5-JSON-WebToken | | JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Perl |
p5-KyotoCabinet | | Perl binding for Kyoto Cabinet |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No | | Stemmer for Norwegian |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se | | Stemmer for Swedish |
p5-Lingua-StopWords | | Lingua::StopWords - Stop words for several languages |
p5-Lingua-Translate | | Translate text from one language to another |
p5-LWP-Protocol-socks | | Adds support for SOCKS to p5-libwww |
p5-Mail-DMARC-PurePerl | | Perl implementation of DMARC |
p5-MasonX-Apache2Handler | | Perl-based Apache handler for Apache2 with Mason |
p5-Math-Business | | Technical Analysis: Simple Moving Average |
p5-Math-Business-SMA | | Technical Analysis: Simple Moving Average |
p5-Math-FixedPrecision | | Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors |
p5-Math-Gauss | | Perl module for Gaussian probability distribution |
p5-Maypole | | Maypole - MVC web application framework |
p5-MediaWiki-API | | Perl interface to the MediaWiki API |
p5-Metadata | | Perl classes for simple metadata |
p5-mha4mysql-manager | | Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL |
p5-mha4mysql-node | | Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL |
p5-MKDoc-XML | | Suite of low level XML processing modules |
p5-MMapDB | | Simple database in shared memory |
p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast | | Fast plugins with instantiation |
p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered | | Call module plugins in a specified order |
p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-CGIApp | | Template based module starter for CGI apps |
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Authenticate | | Authentication plugin for the Mojolicious framework |
p5-MojoX-Log-Log4perl-Tiny | | Minimalistic Log4perl adapter for Mojolicious |
p5-MongoDB | | Mongo Driver for Perl |
p5-MooseX-Iterator | | Iterate over collections |
p5-MooseX-Role-BuildInstanceOf | | Less Boilerplate when you need lots of Instances |
p5-mozldap | | Mozilla implementation of LDAP support libraries for Perl |
p5-Net-DBus-GLib | | Perl extension for the DBus GLib bindings |
p5-Net-Delicious | | OOP for the del.icio.us API |
p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp | | Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges |
p5-Net-PcapUtils | | Utility routines for Net::Pcap module |
p5-Net-SenderBase | | Query the senderbase.org service |
p5-Net-SMS-Clickatell | | Access to Clickatell SMS messaging service |
p5-Net-Syslog | | Extension for sending syslog messages directly to a remote syslogd |
p5-Net-Twitter-Lite | | Perl interface to the Twitter API (lite) |
p5-Net-UPnP | | Perl extension for UPnP |
p5-Net-Whois-RIPE | | Implementation of RIPE Whois |
p5-News-Newsrc | | Perl module to manage newsrc files |
p5-NNTPClient | | Perl 5 module to talk to NNTP (RFC977) server |
p5-ODF-lpOD | | OpenDocument management interface |
p5-OptArgs | | Extended processing of command line options |
p5-OSSP-uuid | | OSSP uuid Perl binding |
p5-Packager-Utils | | Support packagers managing packages and upstream mapping |
p5-PDL | | PDL turns perl in to a free, array-oriented, numerical language |
p5-Perl-Unsafe-Signals | | Enable unsafe signal delivery for short periods of time |
p5-PerlIO-Layers | | Querying your filehandle's capabilities |
p5-Petal | | Perl Template Attribute Language |
p5-Plucene | | Perl port of the Java Lucene search engine |
p5-Plucene-Plugin-Analyzer-SnowballAnalyzer | | Stemmed analyzer plugin for p5-Plucene search engine |
p5-PluceneSimple | | Perl interface to Plucene |
p5-Pod-Constants | | Include constants from POD |
p5-Pod-Xhtml | | Generate well-formed XHTML documents from POD format documentation |
p5-POD2-IT | | Italian translation of Perl core documentation |
p5-POSIX-strptime | | Perl module for the POSIX strptime function |
p5-Proc-Fork | | Simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call |
p5-Regexp-Debugger | | Visually debug regexes in-place |
p5-RPC-PlClient | | All that's needed to run PlRPC-Server and Client |
p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth | | RT extension for external authentication methods |
p5-RTF-Writer | | Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format |
p5-Shell-Command | | Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands |
p5-spf-policyd | | Basic Postfix policy engine for SPF checking |
p5-Spread | | Perl5 module interface to Spread network utilities |
p5-Startup | | Program flow utility |
p5-Sub-Prototype | | Add prototype for function |
p5-Sub-Recursive | | Anonymous memory leak free recursive subroutines |
p5-Sub-WrapPackages | | Add pre- and post-execution wrappers around all the subroutines |
p5-Subtitles | | Handle video subtitles in various text formats |
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved | | Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures |
p5-Template-Plugin-Class | | Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes |
p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl5 | | Perl module providing minimal interface to Readline libraries |
p5-Test-Fake-HTTPD | | Fake HTTP Server |
p5-Test-Stub | | Simple stubbing library for Perl5 |
p5-Test-Unit-Lite | | Unit testing without external dependencies |
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp | | Test::WWW::Mechanize for CGI::Application |
p5-Test-XML | | Compare XML in perl tests |
p5-Text-ASCIITable | | Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters |
p5-Text-CHM | | Module that implements a support for handling CHM files |
p5-Text-Context | | Perl module for highlighting search result context snippets |
p5-Text-EtText | | Simple plain-text format which allows conversion to and from HTML |
p5-Text-Hatena | | Perl extension for formatting text with Hatena Style |
p5-Text-Quote | | Quotes strings as required for perl to eval them back correctly |
p5-Text-Trim | | Extract the structure of a quoted mail message |
p5-Text-VimColor | | Syntax color text in HTML or XML using Vim |
p5-Tie-DB_Lock | | Ties hashes to databases using shared and exclusive locks |
p5-Time-Piece-Range | | Time::Piece::Range - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects |
p5-transdecoder | | Identify candidate coding regions within transcript sequences |
p5-trimgalore | | Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC for adapter and quality trimming |
p5-Unicode-CheckUTF8 | | Perl5 module to check if scalar is valid UTF-8 |
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-Detect | | Perl5 module to detect CJK Language |
p5-URI-Find-Rule | | Simpler interface to URI::Find |
p5-URI-Title | | Get the titles of things on the web in a sensible way |
p5-UUID | | DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library for Perl |
p5-WebService-Audioscrobbler | | Interface to the Audioscrobbler WebService API (aka Last.FM) |
p5-WebService-CIA | | Information from the CIA World Factbook |
p5-WebService-GData | | Google data protocol v2 |
p5-WWW-YouTube-Download | | Very simple YouTube video download interface |
p5-WWW-YouTube-VideoURI | | Module to determine the URI of a Flash Video file on YouTube.com |
p5-XML-DT | | Perl module for down translation of XML files |
p5-XML-DTDParser | | Perl module for handling XML DTDs |
p5-XML-RSS-LibXML | | XML::RSS with XML::LibXML |
p5-XML-Writer-Simple | | Perl module for writing XML documents |
p5-xmlsig-svn | | Multi-language, multi-platform implementation of XML signatures |
p6-grammar-debugger | | A Perl 6 module for debugging grammars |
p6-Grammar-Profiler-Simple | | A simple profiler that counts calls and records timing for grammar rules |
p6-json | | A tiny JSON parser and emitter for Perl 6 on Rakudo |
p6-json_fast | | A Perl 6 module for JSON |
p6-oo-monitors | | A monitor provides per-instance mutual exclusion for objects |
p6-perl6-digest-md5 | | A Perl 6 module for MD5 |
p6-perl6-encode | | A Perl 6 module for some text encoding |
p6-perl6-http-status | | A Perl 6 module for HTTP status code text |
p6-Perl6-MIME-Base64 | | A Perl 6 module for Base64 |
p6-Pod-To-HTML | | convert POD6 to HTML |
p6-svg | | A Perl 6 module for SVG graphics |
p6-svg-plot | | A simple 2D chart plotter for Perl 6 |
p6-Template-Mustache | | Perl6 library for the Mustache template format |
p6-Terminal-ANSIColor | | A Perl 6 module for terminal ansicolors |
p6-test-mock | | A Perl 6 module for testing |
p6-uri | | Perl6 realization of URI — Uniform Resource Identifiers handler |
p6-xml-writer | | A Perl 6 module to generate XML |
p6-zef | | Perl 6 module manager |
pack | | Vim package manager |
packmol | | Creates Initial Configurations for Molecular Dynamics Simulations |
pacman | | Simple library-based package manager |
pact_broker-client | | Client for the Pact Broker |
pagetools | | Automatic deskew and bounding box determination for scanned pages |
pal | | Command-line calendar program |
palp | | Analyzing lattice polytopes |
pam-pkcs11 | | PKCS #11 authentication method for PAM |
pam-pop3 | | This module authenticates a user against a POP3 server |
pam-pwdfile | | PAM module for authenticating with text password files |
pan2-git | | Newsreader for GTK3 and GTK2 |
panda | | GPLed PDF generation library |
papp | | Assembly Preprocessor |
paprefs | | Configuration dialog for the PulseAudio sound server |
parafly | | Process the commands in parallel on a single server |
paraview | | VTK-based Data Analysis and Visualization Application |
parcellite | | Parcellite is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager |
parole | | Simple media player based on the GStreamer framework |
parted | | Create, destroy, resize, check, and copy partitions and file systems |
partio | | Library for handling standard particle formats |
partonevolution | | Fast Evolution of Parton Distributions |
passphrase-git | | Zero-dependency passphrase generator |
PatternPaint | | Making beautiful light shows is as easy as drawing a picture |
paxmirabilis | | Archiving utility for tar, cpio and ar |
paxtest | | Test program for PaX functionality |
payara41 | | Java EE 7 application server based on GlassFish 4.1 |
PayloadsAllTheThings | | Collection of payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security |
pbbuttonsd | | Daemon to handle laptop specific features |
pbzx | | Tool to extract Apple PBZX-compressed files |
pcem | | Emulator for various IBM PC computers and clones |
pcp | | Machine learning program for pattern classification |
pdb2ldif | | Converts Palm Address Book PDB files into an LDAP-usable LDIF file |
pdcurses | | Public domain implementation of the X/Open curses standard |
pdfcrack | | Password Recovery Tool for PDF-files |
pdfjam3 | | Small collection of PDF utilities |
pdfminer | | PDF parser and analyzer |
pdftk | | Swiss army knife for PDF files |
pdnsd | | Pdnsd is a DNS resolver |
peak-classifier | | Classify ChIP/ATAC-Seq peaks based on features provided in a GFF |
pear | | Memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger |
pear-Base | | Basic functionality that all eZ Components need |
pear-Cache | | Framework for caching of arbitrary data |
pear-CakePHP_CodeSniffer | | CodeSniffer rules for checking code against the CakePHP coding standards |
pear-channel-cakephp | | Adds pear.cakephp.org channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-ezc | | Adds components.ez.no channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-horde | | Adds pear.horde.org channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-pdepend | | Adds pear.pdepend.org channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-pearhub | | Adds pearhub.org channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-phpmd | | Adds pear.phpmd.org channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-phpunit | | Adds pear.phpunit.de channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-swiftmailer | | Adds pear.swiftmailer.org channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-symfony | | Adds pear.symfony.com channel to PEAR |
pear-channel-theseer | | Adds pear.netpirates.net channel to PEAR |
pear-ConsoleTools | | Tools to build applications that run on a computer console |
pear-Crypt_Blowfish | | Two-way blowfish encryption |
pear-DB_DataObject | | SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables |
pear-fDOMDocument | | Extension to PHP\'s standard DOM to add methods and exceptions |
pear-File | | Common file and directory routines |
pear-File_CSV | | Read and write of CSV files |
pear-File_Iterator | | Filters files based on a list of suffixes |
pear-File_Util | | Common file and directory utility functions |
pear-Finder | | Symfony2 Finder Component |
pear-FinderFacade | | Convenience wrapper for Symfony\'s Finder component |
pear-FPDF | | Unofficial PEAR FPDF-library |
pear-Horde_ActiveSync | | ActiveSync server |
pear-Horde_Alarm | | Interface dealing with alarms |
pear-Horde_Auth | | Authentification backends |
pear-Horde_Autoloader | | Autoload implementation |
pear-Horde_Browser | | Browser informations |
pear-Horde_Cache | | Caching API |
pear-Horde_Cli | | Command-line functionalities |
pear-Horde_Compress | | API for compression |
pear-Horde_Constraint | | Constraints builder for horde |
pear-Horde_Controller | | Controller part of an MVC system for horde |
pear-Horde_Data | | Data import and export backends for horde |
pear-Horde_Date | | Date manipulation |
pear-Horde_Db | | Database abstraction for horde |
pear-Horde_Exception | | Default exception handlers for Horde |
pear-Horde_Group | | Group management for horde |
pear-Horde_History | | Change tracker in horde |
pear-Horde_Icalendar | | ICalendar API for horde |
pear-Horde_Injector | | Injection container for horde |
pear-Horde_Lock | | Locking system for horde |
pear-Horde_Log | | Logging package for horde |
pear-Horde_Mime | | MIME manipulation for horde |
pear-Horde_Nls | | TODO: Short description of the package |
pear-Horde_Stream_Filter | | Stream filters for horde |
pear-Horde_Stream_Wrapper | | Stream wrappers |
pear-Horde_Support | | Support classes |
pear-Horde_Text_Flowed | | RFC 3676 encoded text manipulation for horde |
pear-Horde_Translation | | Translation wrappers |
pear-Horde_Url | | URL manipulation class |
pear-Horde_Util | | Useful functionalities for horde |
pear-HTML_Table | | Makes the design of HTML tables easy, flexible, reusable and efficient |
pear-HTTP_Client | | Simple HTTP client class in PHP |
pear-Image_GraphViz | | Interface to AT&T\'s GraphViz tools |
pear-merger | | Memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger |
pear-OLE | | Package for reading and writing OLE containers |
pear-PHP_CodeCoverage | | Collection, processing, and rendering for PHP code coverage |
pear-PHP_CodeSniffer | | Detects PHP, JavaScript and CSS violations of coding standards |
pear-PHP_Depend | | PHP_Depend design quality metrics for PHP packages |
pear-PHP_Invoker | | Utility class for invoking callables with a timeout |
pear-PHP_PMD | | PHP Mess Detector |
pear-PHP_Timer | | Utility class for timing |
pear-PHP_TokenStream | | Wrapper around PHP\'s tokenizer extension |
pear-phpcpd | | Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code |
pear-phpdcd | | Dead Code Detector (DCD) for PHP code |
pear-phploc | | A tool for quickly measuring the size of a project |
pear-PHPUnit_MockObject | | Mock Object library for PHPUnit |
pear-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer | | Package for generating Excel spreadsheets |
pear-Swift | | Free Feature-rich PHP Mailer |
pear-Text_Template | | Simple template engine |
pear-Version | | Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects |
pear-XML_Parser | | XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat |
pear-Yaml | | Symfony2 Yaml Component |
peercoin | | Open source peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus |
pegtl | | Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library |
pentagram | | A reimplementation of the Ultima 8 game engine |
petsc | | Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation |
pgp6 | | Public-key encryption and digital signature utilities (v6) |
pgplot | | Fortran and C graphics library |
pgstudio | | GUI to manage PostgreSQL database |
phaethon | | Resource explorer for BioWare Aurora engine games |
phalanx | | Xboard/Winboard compatible chess engine |
phantomjs | | Headless WebKit with JavaScript API |
phantomjs2 | | Headless WebKit with JavaScript API |
pharo | | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment |
pharo-vm | | VM used by Pharo |
pharo-vm10 | | VM used by Pharo |
pharo10 | | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment |
pharo11 | | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment |
pharo12 | | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment |
pheanstalk | | PHP client for beanstalkd queue |
phonon-backend-xine | | Multimedia API for KDE and QT - xine backend |
phoronix-test-suite | | Phoronix Benchmarking Suite |
php-ast | | Extension exposing PHP 7 abstract syntax tree |
php-basercms | | Easy to use Content Management System for Japan/Japanese |
php-dotclear | | Open-source web publising software |
php-imagick-imagick6 | | PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library |
php-libawl-git | | PHP Andrew's Web Libraries |
php-malware-finder | | Detect potentially malicious PHP files |
php-snuffleupagus | | Security module for PHP7 |
php-tclink | | PHP extension for TrustCommerce credit card processing |
php-uuid | | Wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project |
php-zmq | | PHP bindings to the functions of ZeroMQ |
picolisp | | Simple programming language and application server framework |
picolisp64 | | Simple programming language and application server framework |
picom | | Lightweight compositor for X11 (fork of Compton) |
picosat | | SAT solver with proof and core support |
picprog | | PIC16, PIC12 and PIC18 microcontroller programmer |
pidgin-evolution | | Evolution plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger |
pidgin-festival | | Pidgin plugin that interfaces with festival |
pidgin-guifications | | Toaster notification popups for Pidgin like AIM/MSN/etc |
pidgin-rhythmbox | | Plugin for pidgin to support Rhythmbox |
pidgin-status-to-twitter | | Update Twitter with your Pidgin status |
pidgin-twitterstatus | | Use your Twitter account as your Pidgin status message |
piedock | | Task bar and application menu launcher in shape of a pie menu |
piglit-git | | OpenGL driver testing framework |
pike | | Dynamic programming language similar to Java and C |
pike-core | | Dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++ |
pike-gdbm | | GDBM module for Pike programming language |
pike-Gettext | | Gettext module for Pike programming language |
pike-Gz | | Gz module for Pike programming language |
pike-mime | | MIME module for Pike programming language |
pike-Pipe | | PIPE module for Pike programming language |
pike-Regexp-PCRE | | Regexp_PCRE module for Pike programming language |
pike8.0 | | Dynamic language with a syntax similar to Java and C |
pike8.0-Gdbm | | Gdbm module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-GTK2 | | GTK2 module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_Freetype | | Image_FreeType module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_SVG | | Image_SVG module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_TIFF | | Image_TIFF module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_WebP | | Image_WebP module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Java | | Java module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Mysql | | Mysql module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Odbc | | Odbc module for Pike 8.0 |
pilemc-svn | | Tool for the simulation of pile-up events at HepMC level |
pinball | | Pinball using the Allegro game library |
pinentry-dmenu | | A pinentry program with the charm of dmenu |
pint | | Prometheus rule linter/validator |
pioneer | | Game of lonely space adventure |
pipe-viewer | | Lightweight application for searching and playing videos from YouTube |
pipes-c | | Mimics the pipes screensaver in a terminal window |
pipewire | | Low-latency, graph-based audio processing engine |
piranha | | The Piranha computer algebra system |
piwik | | Open Source Analytics |
pizza | | Pizza language is an extension to Java |
pkg | | Package management tool for FreeBSD |
pkg_conflicts | | Tools for automatic CONFLICTS detection |
pkg_fake | | Tool for pkgsrc that creates and manages fake packages |
pkg_rmleaves | | Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages |
pkg_summary-utils | | Utilities for manipulating pkg_summary(5) files |
pkg-dev | | Scripts to automate common tasks in pkgsrc development |
pkgmanager | | Package manager for pkgsrc |
plank | | Simplest dock on the planet |
plantri | | Plantri programs for generation of certain types of planar graph |
plantuml | | Create some UML diagram using a simple description language |
plasm | | Portable Assembler |
plasma-desktop | | KDE Plasma Desktop |
plasma-integration | | Integration of Qt application with KDE workspaces |
plasma-widget-menubar | | Kde application menubar plasmoid |
plasma-workspace | | KDE Plasma Workspace |
plasma-workspace-wallpapers | | Additional wallpapers for the Plasma Workspace |
plasti | | Plasti is a 2D ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) code |
plconfig | | Tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges |
please | | High-performance extensible build system |
pleroma | | Lightweight ActivityPub server, written in Elixir |
plibsys | | Highly portable C system library |
plink | | Whole genome association analysis toolset |
plink2 | | Whole genome association analysis toolset |
ploot | | Simple plotting tools |
plplot | | Scientific plotting library |
plugger | | Plugin for multimedia types in Mozilla, Netscape and Opera |
pluto | | Discover deprecated apiVersions in Kubernetes |
pmacct | | Tools to measure account, classify, aggregate and export IP traffic |
pmk | | Pre-make kit |
png2ico | | PNG to icon converter |
pngnq | | Tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format |
pnmcurve | | Apply tone curves to pnm images |
pointtools-git | | Simple point utilities to hold text presentations |
poke-git | | Extensible editor for structured binary data |
polarssl11 | | Open Source embedded SSL/TLS cryptographic library |
polipo | | Small and fast caching web proxy |
polkit-kde-agent | | Daemon providing a polkit authentication UI for KDE |
polly | | Polyhedral optimizations for LLVM |
polyclipping | | Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library |
polylib | | The polyhedral library - long int version |
polymul | | Fast multivariate polynomial multiplication in C++ |
polyorb | | PolyORB is a polymorphic, reusable infrastructure for building object-oriented distributed systems |
ponyc | | object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language |
pooler | | Optimise DNA sequencing primer-set combinations |
pop | | Database migration tool |
pop3.proxy | | The pop3.proxy is an application level proxy for POP3 |
popup-el-current | | Visual popup user interface library for emacs |
portablexdr | | XDR library for Unix, Linux, Windows and Mac OS X |
portaudio | | TODO: Short description of the package |
portfwd | | Port Forwarding Daemon |
portmidi | | Cross Plattform MIDI IO |
portscout | | Check for new versions of software in the ports/pkgsrc tree |
posh | | Debian Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell |
postal2-mpdemo-bin | | Demo of a violent 3D game |
postfix-logwatch | | Postfix log reporting utility |
postgresql-pgvector | | Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres |
postoffice | | Simple SMTP mail server and client |
pounce | | TLS-only multi-client IRC bouncer |
povray | | Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer |
powerdevil | | Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell |
powerdns-recursor52 | | PowerDNS resolver |
powerline | | Ultimate statusline/prompt utility |
powwow | | Client to play MUDs |
PPower4 | | PDF presentation post processor |
ppp | | Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over serial lines |
ppr | | PPR is a print spooler for PostScript printers |
ppsspp | | PSP emulator |
praat | | Doing phonetics by computer |
preload | | Adaptive readahead daemon |
premake | | Build script generator |
premake4 | | Build script generator |
presenterm | | Markdown terminal slideshow tool |
preseq | | Predict yield of distinct reads from a genomic library |
primesieve | | TODO: Short description of the package |
prjtrellis | | Documenting the Lattice ECP5 bit-stream format |
probcons | | Probabilistic Consistency-based Multiple Alignment of Amino Acid Sequences |
probe | | ProBE is an animator for CSP processes |
procps | | The Linux /proc file system utilities |
prodigal | | Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm |
progreiserfs | | Library to manipulate reiserfs filesystems |
proj | | Cartographic projection software |
proj-data | | Cartographic projection software data files |
prometheus-lts | | The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database |
promtail | | Agent to ship logs to Grafana Loki |
proplib | | Portable Property container object library |
proselint | | Linter for prose |
prosody | | Flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua |
proton-bridge | | ProtonMail Bridge application |
prover9 | | Prover9 is an automated theorem prover |
proxify | | Swiss Army knife Proxy tool for HTTP/HTTPS |
proxychains | | Chain multiple proxies in a transparent way |
proxychains-ng | | Chain multiple SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxies in a transparent way |
proxyknife | | Proxyknife is a tool to validate free proxies |
prozilla | | ProZilla is a multi-threaded download accelerator |
prpltwtr | | Treat microblogging (Twitter, etc) as IM protocols |
prtunnel | | Tunnels TCP connections through an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy |
prusaslicer | | Converts 3D models into G-code for 3D printing |
psh | | Perl Shell |
psybnc | | Easy-to-use, multi-user, permanent IRC-Bouncer with many features |
pt-ttf | | Public fonts for minority languages of Russia |
pta | | Reads and writes bookkeeping journals |
ptlib | | Portable Windows Libary |
ptpd | | Precision Time Protocol Daemon |
pts | | Perl TetriNET Server |
ptunnel | | TCP tunnel over ICMP |
pudb | | Curses-based interface to Python debugger |
pulseaudio-qt | | Qt bindings for libpulse |
pure | | Modern-style functional programming language based on term rewriting |
purple-facebook | | Facebook protocol plugin for libpurple |
purple-teams-git | | MS Teams protocol plugin for libpurple |
pwnat | | NAT to NAT client-server communication |
pxlib | | C language library for reading Paradox database files |
pxview | | Simple utility to view Paradox database files |
py-achemkit | | Artificial Chemistry Tookit |
py-acq4 | | Neurophysiology acquisition and analysis platform |
py-adal | | Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for Python |
py-adawat | | Adawat Arabic Language Toolkit |
py-adsbibdesk | | Add papers from arxiv.org or NASA/SAO ADS to your BibDesk bibliography |
py-aerocalc | | Aeronautical Engineering Calculations |
py-affine | | Matrices describing affine transformation of the plane |
py-agaro | | Framework to run models |
py-ahoy | | Agent-based simulations of active particles |
py-aikif | | Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Information Framework |
py-aioconsole | | Asynchronous console and interfaces for asyncio |
py-aioh2 | | HTTP/2 implementation with hyper-h2 on Python 3 asyncio |
py-aiohttp-jinja2 | | Jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web |
py-aioopenssl | | TLS-capable transport using OpenSSL for asyncio |
py-aiosasl | | Pure-python, protocol agnostic SASL library for asyncio |
py-aioxmpp | | Pure-python XMPP library for asyncio |
py-aipy | | Astronomical Interferometry in Python |
py-albatross | | Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications |
py-alfanous | | Quranic search engine API |
py-alg3dpy | | 3D Algebra in Python |
py-algebraic | | Algebraic modeling system for Python |
py-algebraixlib | | Data algebra library |
py-algopy | | ALGOPY: Taylor Arithmetic Computation and Algorithmic Differentiation |
py-altair | | Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python |
py-alyahmor | | Alyahmor Arabic Morphological Genrator for Python |
py-amply | | Allows you to load and manipulate AMPL/GLPK data as Python |
py-amqpipe | | Twisted based pipeline framework for AMQP |
py-amqplib | | Client library for AMQP written by python |
py-anfft | | FFT package for Python, based on FFTW |
py-anki2 | | Flashcard learning program (v2) |
py-anki2-devel | | Flashcard learning program (v2) |
py-annarchy | | Artificial Neural Networks architect |
py-ansicolors | | ANSI colors for Python |
py-antlr3 | | ANother Tool for Language Recognition, Python bindings |
py-anvio | | Analysis and visualization platform for 'omics data |
py-anyconfig | | APIs to load and dump configuration files in various formats |
py-anywidget | | Custom jupyter widgets made easy |
py-aopython | | Aspect Oriented Python |
py-apache-arrow | | Python Bindings for Apache-Arrow |
py-applpy | | ApplPy is a computational probability package written in Python |
py-apprise | | Notify muliple services with one interface |
py-apscheduler | | In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities |
py-arabic | | Arabic text tools for Python |
py-arabic-stopwords | | Arabic Stop words: list and routins |
py-arabic-text-quote | | Package to discover texts extracted from Arabic books |
py-archan | | Analysis of your architecture strength based on DSM data |
py-arpeggio | | Packrat parser interpreter |
py-arramooz-sqlite | | Arabic Dictionary for Morphological analysis |
py-arrayfire | | Python bindings for ArrayFire |
py-ars | | Physically-accurate robotics simulator |
py-art | | ASCII Art Library For Python |
py-aruudy | | Arabic poetry package |
py-arxiv | | Python wrapper for the arXiv API |
py-arxiv-connections | | Python package used to visualize academics and find related people |
py-arxiv2bib | | Get arXiv.org metadata in BibTeX format |
py-arxvier | | Unofficial API tool for arxiv.org scientific publications |
py-asdf_transform_schemas | | ASDF schemas for validating transform tags |
py-ase | | Atomic Simulation Environment |
py-asmai | | Arabic semantic analysis library for Python |
py-aspects | | Lightweight aspect oriented programming library for Python |
py-aspell | | Python wrapper for GNU Aspell |
py-aspyct | | Python library including an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) engine |
py-ass | | Library for parsing and manipulating Advanced SubStation Alpha |
py-astlib | | Set of python modules for producing simple plots, statistics |
py-astroalign | | Python module for aligning astronomical images |
py-astroplan | | Astropy affiliated module for planning astronomical observations |
py-astropy-healpix | | Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelisation |
py-astropy5 | | Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis |
py-astroquery | | Astropy coordinated Python module for querying astronomical databases |
py-astroscrappy | | Astropy affiliated Python module for cosmic ray removal |
py-astutils | | Utilities for abstract syntax trees and parsing with PLY |
py-async | | Framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers |
py-asyncmock | | Extension to the standard mock framework to support support async |
py-asyncore | | The asyncore module found in Python prior to 3.12 |
py-asynctest | | Unittest package with features for testing asyncio libraries |
py-atmark | | Awk/Sed for humans |
py-atmos | | Atmospheric sciences utility library |
py-atom | | Memory efficient Python objects |
py-atomicfile | | Writeable file object that atomically updates a file |
py-atpy | | Astronomical Tables in Python |
py-attrdict | | Dict with attribute-style access |
py-attrs-strict | | Provides runtime validation of attributes specified |
py-autoflake | | Removes unused imports and unused variables |
py-autokey | | Desktop automation utility |
py-automata | | Finite automata for python |
py-autorandr | | Automatically select a display configuration from connected devices |
py-avocado-framework | | Next generation testing framework |
py-awesome-slugify | | Python flexible slugify function |
py-awkward | | Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms |
py-awslogs | | AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans |
py-azure-common | | Microsoft Azure Client Library for Python |
py-azure-core | | Microsoft Azure Core Library for Python |
py-azure-identity | | Microsoft Azure Identity Library for Python |
py-azure-storage-blob | | Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python |
py-b3j0f.aop | | Python Aspect Oriented Programming |
py-backoff | | Function decoration for backoff and retry |
py-backports.csv | | Backport of Python 3s csv module for Python 2 |
py-backports.tarfile | | Backport of CPython tarfile module |
py-badges | | Library and command-line tool for generating Github-style badges |
py-bandicoot | | Toolbox to analyze mobile phone metadata |
py-bannock | | Agent-based simulations in confined environments |
py-baron | | Full Syntax Tree for python to make writing refactoring code |
py-base45 | | Python Base45 Encoder/Decoder |
py-bc-python-hcl2 | | Parser for HCL2 |
py-bcbio-gff | | Read and write Generic Feature Format (GFF) with Biopython integration |
py-bctpy | | Brain Connectivity Toolbox for Python |
py-Beaker | | Session and caching library with WSGI middleware |
py-beampy | | Tool to create slide-show in SVG |
py-beautysh | | Bash beautifier for the masses |
py-behaviour | | Behaviour Driven Development in Python |
py-bibtexparser3 | | Bibtex parser for python3 |
py-bicho | | Bug tracking system tool analyzer |
py-bidict | | The bidirectional mapping library for Python |
py-bigfloat | | Arbitrary precision correctly-rounded floating point arithmetic |
py-bincopy | | Mangling of various binary file formats |
py-biofrills | | Bioinformatics utilities for molecular sequence analysis |
py-bitsets | | Ordered subsets over a predefined domain |
py-blake2 | | BLAKE2 hash function extension module |
py-blaze | | NumPy and Pandas interface to Big Data |
py-blessings | | Thin wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and positioning |
py-blist | | list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists |
py-blosc | | Python wrapper for the Blosc compression library |
py-blosc2 | | Python wrapper for the Blosc compression library |
py-bloscpack | | Command line interface to and serialization format for Blosc |
py-blurb | | Command-line tool to manage CPython Misc/NEWS.d entries |
py-bokeh | | Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python |
py-bolos | | Library to solve the Boltzmann equation |
py-booktype | | FLOSS Manuals collaborative book writing tool |
py-branca | | Generate complex HTML+JS pages with Python |
py-Brenda | | Parallel computation system |
py-brian | | Simulator for spiking neural networks |
py-brian2 | | Clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks |
py-bruce | | Bruce, the Presentation Tool, puts reStructuredText in your projector |
py-brython | | Implementation of Python3 running in the browser |
py-bsddb | | Python extension module for Berkeley DB 3 and 4 |
py-bson | | BSON codec for Python |
py-buildbot | | Continuous integration system |
py-buildbot-console-view | | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-grid-view | | Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-pkg | | Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-waterfall-view | | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-worker | | Worker for the buildbot CI system |
py-buildbot-www | | Web frontend for the buildbot CI system |
py-builder | | Easy-to-use build automation tool for Python |
py-bw2parameters | | Library for storing, validating, and calculating with parameters |
py-bxa | | Bayesian X-ray spectral analysis |
py-c-lasso | | Algorithms for constrained Lasso problems |
py-c7n | | Cloud Custodian Policy Rules Engine |
py-c7n-kube | | Cloud Custodian Kubernetes Support |
py-CalDAVClientLibrary | | CalDAV library for python used by CalendarServer |
py-calphad | | Thermodynamic models, calculating phase diagrams |
py-calverter | | Convert date between Hijri, Jalali and Gregorian types of date |
py-cameo | | Computer aided metabolic engineering & optimization |
py-cantera | | Chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport tool suite |
py-captcha | | Python framework for CAPTCHA tests |
py-capturer | | Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses |
py-carbon | | Backend storage application for graphite |
py-cartopy | | Cartographic python library with matplotlib support for visualisation |
py-catalogue | | Super lightweight function registries for your library |
py-causalinfo | | Information Measures on Causal Graphs |
py-causality | | Tools for causal analysis |
py-cbc | | Gravitational wave CBC analysis toolkit |
py-ccdproc | | Stropy affiliated package |
py-ccdproc2 | | Astropy coordinated package for CCD data recution in astronomy |
py-cclib | | Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry |
py-ccuracy | | Pyccuracy is a BDD style Acceptance Testing framework |
py-cellulist | | Periodic cell list |
py-cerridwen | | Accurate solar system data for everyone |
py-cesium | | Machine Learning for Time Series Analysis Platform |
py-cexprtk | | Cython wrapper the C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library |
py-cf-python | | Python interface to the CF data model |
py-cfgv | | Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages |
py-cgen | | C/C++ source generation from an AST |
py-chaco | | Chaco is a Python plotting application toolkit |
py-chainer | | Flexible framework of neural networks |
py-chainmap | | Polyfill implementing ChainMap |
py-chaos | | UIC REU on Chaos, Fractals and Complex Dynamics |
py-chaospy | | Numerical tool for perfroming uncertainty quantification |
py-chealpy | | Python Binding of chealpix |
py-chebfun | | Python Chebyshev Functions |
py-chebpy | | Chebyshev polynomial based spectral methods of PDEs |
py-check-jsonschema | | CLI for jsonschema validation |
py-check-manifest | | Check MANIFEST.in in a Python source package for completeness |
py-checkmate | | Tool to easily test simulated event files against LHC results |
py-checkov | | Infrastructure as code static analysis |
py-chemicals | | Chemical properties component of ChEDL library |
py-chemlab | | The python chemistry library you were waiting for |
py-chempy | | Python package useful for solving problems in chemistry |
py-chemview | | Interactive molecular viewer for IPython notebook |
py-cherry_picker | | Backport CPython changes from main to maintenance branches |
py-chinup | | Python Facebook Graph API client |
py-chm | | Python bindings for the CHMLIB library |
py-chompack | | Library for chordal matrix computations |
py-christofides | | Christofides Algorithm for TSP |
py-chspy | | Cubic Hermite splines |
py-ciabatta | | Miscellaneous shared utilities |
py-cinfony | | Common API for several cheminformatics toolkits |
py-cito | | Generic particle-physics software trigger with flash ADCs |
py-cityhash | | Python wrapper for FarmHash and CityHash |
py-cli | | Command-line utilities |
py-cli_helpers | | Helpers for building command-line apps |
py-click-command-tree | | Python click plugin to show the command tree of your CLI |
py-click-option-group | | Option groups missing in Click |
py-clickatell | | Library for interacting with the Clickatell SMS Gateway |
py-clid | | Simple vector mathematics library |
py-cliff | | Command Line Interface Formulation Framework |
py-cligj | | Click params for commmand line interfaces to GeoJSON |
py-clnum | | Rational and arbitrary precision floating point numbers |
py-clonedigger | | Clone Digger aimed to detect similar code in Python |
py-cloud-init | | Industry-standard cloud instance initialization |
py-cloudlib | | General purpose library for in application use |
py-cm | | Multi-class confusion matrix library in Python |
py-cma | | Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy for non-linear |
py-cmd2 | | Extra features for standard library's cmd module |
py-cmtoolkit | | Unofficial Python port of the conformalmapping MATLAB toolbox |
py-cnfgen | | CNF formula generator |
py-coala | | Unified command-line interface for linting and fixing all your code |
py-coala_utils | | Collection of coala utilities |
py-cobra | | Constraints-based modeling of biological networks |
py-cobrapy | | Package for constraints-based modeling of biological networks |
py-coconut | | Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming |
py-cocos2d | | 2D framework for games and multimedia |
py-codecov | | Python report uploader for Codecov |
py-codepy | | CodePy is a C metaprogramming toolkit for Python |
py-cogent | | Cogent A toolkit for statistical analysis of biological sequences |
py-collectd | | Statistics collection daemon - python plugin |
py-colorcet | | Collection of perceptually uniform colormaps |
py-colored-traceback | | Automatically color uncaught exception tracebacks |
py-colorpy | | Handling physical descriptions of color and light spectra |
py-columnize | | Format a simple (i.e. not nested) list into aligned columns |
py-commentjson | | Add Python and JavaScript style comments in your JSON files |
py-commisery | | Check whether given commit messages adhere to Conventional Commits. |
py-complexsystems | | Toolbox for Complex Sytems |
py-compyle | | Execute a subset of Python on HPC platforms |
py-conan | | C/C++ package manager |
py-concepts | | Formal Concept Analysis with Python |
py-conda | | Package management tool |
py-conda-env | | Tools for interacting with conda environments |
py-confire | | Simple app configuration scheme using YAML |
py-consensus | | Standalone implementation of Augur's consensus mechanism |
py-constraint | | Python module implementing support for handling CSPs |
py-constructive-geometries | | Simple tools to define world locations from a set of topological faces and set algebra |
py-contexttimer | | Timer context manager measuring the clock wall time |
py-continuum-mechanics | | Utilities for doing calculations in continuum mechanics |
py-control | | Python Control Systems Library |
py-coreapi | | Python client library for Core API |
py-coreschema | | Core Schema |
py-corpus | | Arabic Quranic Corpus python API |
py-corrfitter | | Utilities for fitting correlators in lattice QCD |
py-cosat | | bindings to picosat (a SAT solver) |
py-cosmolopy | | Python for Cosmology |
py-cosmoTransitions | | Zero-temperature cosmological phase transitions |
py-country-converter | | Converting country names between different classifications schemes |
py-coverage-badge | | Generate coverage badges for Coverage.py |
py-cppimport | | Import C++ files directly from Python |
py-cPyparsing | | Cython implementation of PyParsing for use in Coconut |
py-cracklib | | Tool for preventing users from choosing bad passwords |
py-crossbar | | Crossbar.io multi-protocol application router for microservices |
py-cryptg | | Telethon extension to provide cryptography for Telegram requests |
py-cryptoim | | Crypto Instant Messenger |
py-csa | | The Connection-Set Algebra implemented in Python |
py-csb | | Computational Structural Biology Toolbox |
py-cscope | | Generates a cscope index of Python source trees |
py-cse | | Python computations in science and engineering |
py-csp | | Brings CSP (communicating sequential processes) to Python |
py-ct | | Python package common tasks for users |
py-ctutils | | Tools for analyzing data in CT scans |
py-cubicweb | | Repository of entities / relations for knowledge management |
py-Cura | | 3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework |
py-curlify | | Library to convert python requests object to curl command |
py-cutadapt | | Find and remove adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails, etc |
py-cva | | Calculus of Variations Solver |
py-cvss | | CVSS2/3 library with interactive calculator |
py-cvxpy | | Python software for convex optimization |
py-cxnet | | Complex networks in education |
py-cxvpy | | DSL for modeling convex optimization problems in Python |
py-cykhash | | Cython equivalent to khash-sets/maps |
py-cyksuid | | Cython implementation of KSUID (K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs) |
py-cymem | | Manage calls to calloc/free through Cython |
py-cysignals | | Interrupt and signal handling for Cython |
py-cython-blis | | Blis linear algebra routines as a self-contained Python C-extension |
py-cython-legacy | | C-Extensions for Python |
py-cythongsl | | Cython declarations for the Gnu Scientific Library |
py-da | | Pyda is a general object-oriented data assimilation package |
py-dana | | Framework for distributed, asynchronous and adaptive computing |
py-das | | Upload data to a Midas-based application with Python |
py-dash-bootstrap-components | | Bootstrap themed components for use in Plotly Dash |
py-dask | | Flexible parallel computing library for analytics |
py-dask_expr | | Query Optimizer for the Dask Dataframes |
py-data-google-auth | | PyData helpers for authenticating to Google APIs |
py-dataclasses-json | | Easily serialize dataclasses to and from JSON |
py-datamarix | | Intuitive, Pythonic way to work with tabular data |
py-datarray | | NumPy arrays with named axes and named indices |
py-datasci | | Meta package in the spirit of a popular Python distribution |
py-datashader | | Data visualization toolchain based on aggregating into a grid |
py-datashape | | Data description language |
py-datatree | | DSL for creating structured documents in python |
py-dbglog | | Python binding for dbglog |
py-dbus-next | | Zero-dependency DBus library for Python with asyncio support |
py-dbutils | | Database connections for multi-threaded environments |
py-dclab | | Data analysis for real-time deformability cytometry |
py-dcpf | | Python device communications protocol framework |
py-dd | | Binary decision diagrams in Python, wrappers of CUDD, Sylvan, BuDDy |
py-deap | | Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python |
py-debacl | | Density-Based Clustering |
py-debian | | Python modules to work with Debian-related data formats |
py-debinning | | The bias inherent when binning data into histograms |
py-debtcollector | | Python deprecation patterns and strategiest you technical debt |
py-decimalfp | | Decimal fixed-point arithmetic |
py-decimalpy | | Decimal based version of numpy |
py-decode | | Dynamic programming toolkit |
py-decorated-registry | | Decorator-based registry for objects with arbitrary payloads |
py-decoratortools | | Class, function, and metaclass decorators |
py-deep-merge | | Simple utility for merging python dictionaries |
py-deep-translator | | Tool to translate between different languages |
py-deepmerge | | Toolset to deeply merge Python dictionaries |
py-delay | | Python tool for solving delay differential equations |
py-delegator | | Subprocesses for Humans 2.0 |
py-delny | | Python module for delaunay triangulation |
py-deltasigma | | Scale and map to implementable topologies delta sigma modulators |
py-dependency | | Python module that build dependency matrices |
py-dependency_management | | coala Dependency Management |
py-dependenpy | | Python module that builds a Dependency Matrix for your project |
py-depinfo | | List a package's direct dependencies and their versions |
py-descartes | | Use geometric objects as matplotlib paths and patches |
py-desktop-notify | | Util for sending desktop notifications over dbus |
py-dexml | | Dead-simple Object-XML mapper for Python |
py-dexy | | Document Automation |
py-dexy_viewer | | Document Automation viewer |
py-diffeqpy | | Solving Differential Equations in Python |
py-diffpy_pdffit2 | | PDFfit2 - real space structure refinement program |
py-diffpy-structure | | Crystal structure container and parsers for structure formats |
py-digraphtools | | Python library for working with directed acyclic graphs |
py-dimarray | | Numpy array with labelled dimensions and axes, dimension |
py-diofant | | Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python |
py-DirectoryStorage | | Storage for ZODB, that uses files and directories |
py-discord.py | | Python wrapper for the Discord API |
py-displaylang | | Just enough Python to write displays |
py-distob | | Distributed computing made easier, using remote objects |
py-distributed | | Distributed is the parallel scheduler for dask |
py-distutils-extra | | Enhancements to the Python build system |
py-dit | | Python package for information theory |
py-divisi2 | | Commonsense Reasoning over Semantic Networks |
py-divmod-epsilon | | Python utilities package, most famous for its Time class |
py-dj-database-url | | Use Database URLs in your Django Application |
py-dj-static | | Serve production static files with Django |
py-django-audiofield | | Allows audio file upload and conversion to mp3, wav and ogg format |
py-django-crispy-forms | | Best way to have Django DRY forms |
py-django-gitrevision | | Django git revision |
py-django-helmholtz | | Framework for creating neuroscience databases |
py-django-idmap | | Identity mapper for the Django ORM |
py-django-js-reverse | | Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt |
py-django-jsonfield | | JSONField for django models |
py-django-markwhat | | Template filters that implement common markup languages |
py-django-mathjax | | MathJax easy integration with django |
py-django-nose | | Django test runner that uses nose |
py-django-pandas | | Tools for working with pydata.pandas in your Django projects |
py-django-quran | | Quranic models and helpers for use in Django projects |
py-django-stubs | | Mypy stubs for Django |
py-django-sudo | | Extra security for your sensitive pages |
py-django-sympycharfield | | Django Char Field using Sympy |
py-django-templatetag-sugar | | Library to make Django's template tags sweet |
py-django-uuidfield | | UUIDField in Django |
py-django-webpack-loader | | Transparently use webpack with django |
py-djangopypi2 | | Django application that emulates the Python Package Index |
py-djvulibre | | Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library |
py-dlib | | Machine learning framework written in C++ (python bindings) |
py-dlx | | Implementation of Donald Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm |
py-dna-features-viewer | | Python library to visualize DNA features, e.g. GenBank or Gff files |
py-dnaio | | Read and write FASTQ and FASTA files |
py-dns-clientsubnetoption | | EDNS Client Subnet support for python |
py-docker | | Python library for the Docker Engine API |
py-docker-emperor | | Docker CLI that combine compose and machine for a full stack deployment |
py-docker-hub | | Access docker hub from your terminal |
py-docker-interface | | Building images and running commands using Docker |
py-docker-ssh | | Python docker SSH tunnel |
py-docplex | | The IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modeling for Python |
py-doh-proxy | | Client and proxy implementation of DoH (DNS over HTTPS) |
py-dolo | | Economic modelling in Python |
py-dot2tex | | Graphviz to LaTeX converter |
py-downhill | | Stochastic optimization routines for Theano |
py-dpath | | Filesystem-like pathing and searching for dictionaries |
py-dpkt-fix | | Dumb packet module |
py-drawille | | Drawing in terminal with unicode braille characters |
py-drawnow | | MATLAB-like drawnow |
py-dsltools | | Creating and traversing recursively nested data structures |
py-duali | | The Arabic Spellchecker |
py-dubins | | Code to generate and manipulate dubins curves |
py-dufte | | Clean matplotlib plots |
py-dynamicisttoolkit | | Various tools for theoretical and experimental dynamics |
py-eapi | | Library for Arista's eAPI command API implementation |
py-easydev | | Common utilities to ease the development of Python packages |
py-easymodeler | | Simple ODE Tools for Modelers |
py-ecos | | Embedded Cone Solver |
py-ecspy | | Framework for creating evolutionary computations in Python |
py-edt | | Multi-Label Anisotropic Euclidean Distance Transform 3D |
py-eemeter | | Open Energy Efficiency Meter |
py-efl | | Python bindings for the enlightenment foundation libraries |
py-efmlrs | | Extracts EFMs from result file of mplrs and decompresses EFMs |
py-eggnog-mapper | | Fast functional annotation of novel DNA or protein sequences |
py-eigency | | Cython interface between the numpy arrays and the Matrix/Array |
py-eight2 | | Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate |
py-einsteinpy | | Python package for General Relativity |
py-einsteinpy-geodesics | | Julia solver for geodesics in the Kerr family of spacetimes |
py-elasticsearch-dsl | | Python client for Elasticsearch |
py-email-reply-parser | | Email reply parser library |
py-emcee | | The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC |
py-emmsa | | Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Electron Microscopy Data |
py-empirical | | Emperical Method of Fundamental Solutions solver for Python |
py-EMpy | | Suite of numerical algorithms widely used in electromagnetism |
py-energyflow | | Python package for the Energy Flow suite of particle physics tools |
py-engfmt | | Read and write in engineering notation |
py-enre | | This library is a Qooxdoo based GUI for Django |
py-enum-compat | | Enum/enum34 compatibility package |
py-enumit | | Enumeration library for python |
py-epipy | | Python tools for epidemiology |
py-equation | | General Equation Parser and Evaluator |
py-errorhandler | | Logging framework handler |
py-escher | | Build, view, share, and embed pathway maps |
py-ete3 | | Python Environment for (phylogenetic) Tree Exploration |
py-etesync | | Python client library for EteSync |
py-etk-docking | | PyGTK Docking Widgets |
py-etmtk | | Event and task manager |
py-euclidean | | Euclidean Geometry Library |
py-event | | Python extension module for libevent |
py-eventlet | | Highly concurrent networking library |
py-executor | | Programmer friendly subprocess wrapper |
py-exocode | | Automation of debris disk detection |
py-expander | | Powerful macro processing language |
py-expression | | Practical functional programming for Python 3.8+ |
py-extremes | | Production-quality Min and Max objects (adapted from PEP 326) |
py-face | | Command-line application framework (and CLI parser) |
py-factory-boy | | Test fixtures replacement for Python |
py-fancyimpute | | Matrix completion and feature imputation algorithms |
py-fanova | | Functional ANOVA |
py-fastapi | | Modern, fast (high-performance), web framework |
py-fastaudio | | Python bindings for portaudio library |
py-fastavro | | Fast read/write of AVRO files |
py-fastcluster | | Fast hierarchical clustering routines for R and Python |
py-fastdtw | | Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm with an O(N) |
py-fastparquet | | Python implementation of the parquet format, |
py-fatiando | | Geophysical direct and inverse modeling |
py-fcn | | Fully Convolutional Networks |
py-fcsparser | | Python package for reading raw fcs files |
py-fdasrsf | | Functional data analysis using the square root slope framework |
py-fealty | | Discretised field utilities |
py-fedmsg | | Fedora Messaging Client API |
py-fermilab | | Analyzing, compiling and emulating quantum algorithm for fermions |
py-feyn | | Easy-to-use Python library to help physicists draw Feynman diagrams |
py-ffmpeg-normalize | | Normalize audio via ffmpeg |
py-figleaf | | Figleaf is a Python code coverrage analysis tool |
py-fileinspector | | Module to determine file mimetypes |
py-fiona | | Fiona reads and writes spatial data files |
py-firehose | | Library for managing code analysis tool output |
py-fix-yahoo-finance | | Yahoo! Finance Fix for py-pandas_datareader |
py-fjd | | File-based job distribution for everyone |
py-flask-migrate | | SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications |
py-flask-pwa | | Extends your Flask app into a PWA |
py-flask-simplelogin | | Flask Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask |
py-flatbuffers | | The FlatBuffers serialization format for Python |
py-flavio | | Flavour physics phenomenology in the Standard Model and beyond |
py-flipper | | Manipulating curves and measured laminations on surfaces |
py-fluiddyn | | Framework for studying fluid dynamics. |
py-fluids | | Fluid dynamics component of Chemical Engineering Design Library |
py-fmmlib | | Python wrappers for particle FMMs |
py-Fnorb | | CORBA 2.0 ORB for Python |
py-Fnorb-docs | | Documentation for py-Fnorb in HTML format |
py-fnss | | Fast creation and configuration of topologies, traffic matrices |
py-folium | | Visualize leaflet.js maps in python |
py-formulaLab | | Search Engine of Mathmatical Formulas Database |
py-forthon | | Fortran95 wrapper/code development package |
py-fortpy | | Fortran Parsing, Unit Testing and Intellisense |
py-freetype-py | | Freetype python bindings |
py-frida | | Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers |
py-frida-tools | | Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers (CLI tools) |
py-fssa | | Package for finite-size scaling analysis at phase transitions |
py-functions | | Functional programming in Python |
py-furo | | Clean customisable Sphinx documentation theme |
py-fwarp | | Tool to wrap Fortran 77/90/95 code in C, Cython & Python |
py-fwm-ensayo | | Fortran package to work with watersheds and do hydrologic |
py-fyzz | | SPARQL parser written in Python using yapps |
py-galgebra | | Symbolic Geometric Algebra/Calculus package for SymPy |
py-game-geometry | | Geometry environment for pygame |
py-gammafit | | Derivation of non-thermal particle distributions MCMC spectraly |
py-gaphas | | Gaphas is a GTK+ based diagramming widget |
py-gato | | Python-based toolbox to visualise algorithms on graphs |
py-gatspy | | General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python |
py-gauss | | Python API for Analysis of Gaussian Quantum Chemical Compuations |
py-gbpy | | Calculating the geometric properties of interfaces in crystals |
py-gcalcli | | Google Calendar Command Line Interface |
py-gdal | | Translator library for raster geospatial data formats, Python binding |
py-gdxcc | | Python library to access and modify gdx files |
py-gem | | Math library for game programming in python |
py-genesis | | Run Genesis on a copy of a project template to create a new project |
py-Genetic | | Python-genetic provides genetic algorithms for Python |
py-gensim | | Python framework for fast Vector Space Modelling |
py-geocoder | | Simple and consistent geocoding library |
py-geographiclib | | The geodesic routines from GeographicLib |
py-geoip | | Pure Python GeoIP API |
py-geom | | Basic Vector Geometry Package for Python |
py-geometry-utils | | Functions for bidimensional and tridimensional arithmetic geometry |
py-geopandas | | Geographic pandas extensions |
py-geopy | | Python Geocoding Toolbox |
py-geppy | | Package for gene expression programming in Python |
py-gerrychain | | Markov chain Monte Carlo to analyze districting plans and gerrymanders |
py-gettext-tools | | Python tools for development of I18N Python apps |
py-ghalatawi | | Ghalatawi: Arabic AUtocorrec |
py-ginga | | Astronomical image viewer and toolkit |
py-git-code-debt | | Dashboard for monitoring code debt in a git repository |
py-github3.py | | Python wrapper for the GitHub API |
py-glespy | | Bindings for GLESP for calculations with spherical harmonics |
py-glom | | Python's nested data operator (and CLI) |
py-gmane | | Utilities for the analysis of the GMANE email list database |
py-gmqtt | | Python async MQTT client |
py-gnm | | Python Gaussian Network Model |
py-go | | Needed to be installed to use the GO pygo package |
py-gogo | | Golang package navigator |
py-golangenv | | Manage golang in your virtualenv |
py-goless | | Provides a Go-like concurrent programming style in Python |
py-gom | | ODE modeling in Python |
py-google-cloud-bigquery | | Google BigQuery API client library |
py-google-cloud-core | | Google Cloud API client core library |
py-google-cloud-storage | | Google Cloud Storage API client library |
py-google-crc32c | | Python wrapper of the C library Google CRC32C |
py-google-resumable-media | | Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads |
py-goose3 | | Html Content / Article Extractor, web scrapping for Python3 |
py-goreutilities | | Some utility functions useful for GoreLab members |
py-gorm | | Database-backed versions of the standard networkx graph classes |
py-gosam | | Automated One-Loop matrix element generator |
py-gotran | | Declarative language describing ordinary differential equations |
py-goulib | | Library of useful Python code for scientific + technical applications |
py-gpaw | | Grid-based real-space PAW method DFT code |
py-gpkit | | Defining and manipulating geometric programming models |
py-GPSClient | | GUI GNSS (UBX especially) status and config program |
py-gpxpy | | Python library for parsing and manipulating GPX files. |
py-gpy | | The Gaussian Process Toolbox |
py-grab | | Web Scraping Framework |
py-grammalecte-fr | | French grammar and typographic corrector |
py-graph-tool | | Python module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs |
py-graphene | | GraphQL Framework for Python |
py-graphene-sqlalchemy | | Graphene SQLAlchemy integration |
py-graphite-web | | Enterprise scalable realtime graphing platform |
py-graphmin | | RDF Graph Minimisation |
py-graphpath | | Analysing graph-structured data, especially RDF |
py-graphql-core | | GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL |
py-graphql-relay | | Relay library for graphql-core-next |
py-graphs | | Library for graph-based machine learning |
py-graphsim | | Graph similarity algorithms based on NetworkX |
py-graphtage | | Utility to diff tree-like files such as JSON and XML |
py-gratelpy | | Graph theoretic linear stability analysis |
py-gravipy | | Tensor Calculus Package for General Relativity |
py-greenery | | Manipulation of regular expressions as finite state machines |
py-griddata | | Interpolate irregularly spaced data to a grid |
py-grimp | | Builds a queryable graph of the imports Python packages |
py-grip | | Render local readme files before sending off to GitHub |
py-grpy | | Small GR-oriented package which uses sympy |
py-grtipy | | General Relativity toolbox in python |
py-gslodeiv2 | | Python binding for odeiv2 in GNU Scientific Library (GSL) |
py-gsw | | Gibbs SeaWater Oceanographic Package of TEOS-10 |
py-gtk2-docs | | Tutorial and reference manual for PyGTK 2.0 |
py-gtrie | | Pure Python trie data structure implementation |
py-gts | | Python bindings for GNU Triangulated Surface Library |
py-gvar | | Utilities for manipulating Gaussian random variables |
py-gwsurrogate | | Easy to use interface to gravitational wave surrogate models |
py-hal-cgp | | Cartesian Genetic Programming in pure Python |
py-halp | | Hypergraph Algorithms Package |
py-hamilton | | Visualize and control mechanic systems through solving these systems |
py-hamnonlineng | | Engineering Hamiltonians through Nonlinearities |
py-hamopy | | Heat, air and moisture transfer modelling in python |
py-handy | | Collection of tools to make your django life easier |
py-happy-control | | Nonlinear Algebraic Approximation in Control systems |
py-harvestingkit | | Kit of tools to convert publisher XML(NLM/JATS)to MARCXML |
py-hatchet | | Python library for analyzing hierarchical performance data |
py-hcluster | | Hierarchical Clustering Package For Scipy |
py-hdf5able | | Serialisation interface from ndarray-focused objects to HDF5 |
py-hdf5storage | | Utilities to read/write Python types to/from HDF5 files |
py-hdfs | | HdfsCLI: API and command line interface for HDFS |
py-HeapDict | | Heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations |
py-helio | | Componentised, hierarchical, notification driven Python web framework |
py-hepcrawl | | Scrapy project for feeds into INSPIRE-HEP |
py-hessianfree | | Hessian-free optimization for deep networks |
py-hexdump | | Dump binary data to hex format and restore from there |
py-hfk | | Computes Heegaard Floer homology for links |
py-hg-cinnabarclone | | Mercurial extension to accelerate git-cinnabar clone |
py-hg-git-devel | | Push to and pull from a Git server repository using Mercurial |
py-hgapi | | Python API to Mercurial using the command-line interface |
py-hickle | | Hickle - an HDF5 based version of pickle |
py-hidapi-git | | Python wrapper for the hidapi |
py-hieroglyph | | Sphinx which builds HTML5 slides from ReStructured Text documents |
py-hiphive | | High-order force constants for the masses |
py-hiredis | | Python wrapper for hiredis |
py-hmf | | Halo mass function calculator |
py-hmmlearn | | Algorithms for inference of Hidden Markov Models |
py-holoviews | | Plotting your data annotate your data and let it visualize itself |
py-holoviz | | High-level tools to simplify visualization in Python |
py-homeassistant | | Meta-package for prereqs for Home Assistant |
py-honcho | | Clone of Foreman, for managing Procfile-based applications |
py-hopic | | Generic jenkins shared pipeline alternative |
py-hostlist | | Manage SLURM host lists |
py-hotdoc | | API documentation system |
py-html | | Simple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation |
py-htmlmin | | HTML Minifier |
py-htmlparser | | Backport of HTMLParser from python 2.7 |
py-htseq | | Python library to facilitate programmatic analysis of sequence data |
py-http-prompt | | Interactive HTTP command-line client |
py-httpie-jwt-auth | | TODO: Short description of the package |
py-hug | | Developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler |
py-hugo | | Discord bot library |
py-hvac | | Client library for Hashicorp vault |
py-hybridlfpy | | Methods to calculate LFPs with spike events from network sim |
py-hydrointerp | | Function for interpolating hydrologic features |
py-hyperbolic | | Python library for generating hyperbolic geometry |
py-hyperspy | | Multidimensional data analysis toolbox |
py-ibis | | Lightweight template engine |
py-ibmiotf | | Python Client for IBM Watson IoT Platform |
py-icane | | Python wrapper for ICANE Statistical Data and Metadata API |
py-idalink | | Interface to the insides of IDA |
py-identify | | File identification library for Python |
py-idx2numpy | | Provides tools to convert files to and from IDX format |
py-ift-nifty | | Numerical Information Field Theory |
py-igraph | | Manipulating Undirected and Directed Graphs for Python |
py-iisignature | | Iterated integral signature calculations |
py-imexam | | Python module for astronomical image examination |
py-import-linter | | Enforces rules for the imports within and between Python packages |
py-imread | | Imread: Image reading library |
py-imreg-dft | | Image registration utility using discrete Fourier transform |
py-influxdb | | Python client for InfluxDB |
py-innerscope | | Expose the inner scope of functions |
py-inspyred | | Bio-inspired computational intelligence algorithms in Python |
py-instant | | Instant Inlining of C/C++ in Python |
py-internetarchive | | Interface to the internet archive |
py-ionize | | Package for calculating electrolyte properties. |
py-IOSXR | | Library for interacting with IOS-XR routers |
py-ioTPy | | Helps you to build applications that operate on streams of data. |
py-iprogress | | Text progress bar library for Python |
py-ipydex | | IPython based debugging and exploring |
py-ipython-sql | | RDBMS access via IPython |
py-irco | | International Research Collaboration Graphs |
py-jabber-aimt | | Transport connecting Jabber to the AOL IM network |
py-jabber-icqt | | Transport connecting Jabber to the ICQ IM network |
py-jabber-idavoll | | XMPP publish-subscribe (XEP-0060) component (via twisted) |
py-jabber-palaver | | XEP-0045 + XEP-0128 Multi-User Conferencing package |
py-jabber-proxy65 | | XEP-0065 proxy transport for XMPP |
py-jabber-punjab | | HTTP XMMP client interface implementing BOSH/XEP-0124 |
py-jarowinkler | | Standard versions of the Jaro-Winkler functions |
py-jbessel | | Bessel functions of the first kind written in Cython |
py-jc | | Convert output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON |
py-jelly | | Abstraction layer for running numerical hydrodynamics software |
py-jewish | | Jewish calendar calculations |
py-jitcdde | | Just-in-Time Compilation for Delay Differential Equations |
py-jitcode | | Just-in-Time Compilation for Ordinary Differential Equations |
py-jitcxde-common | | Common code for JiTC*DE |
py-jiter | | Standalone version of the JSON parser used in pydantic-core |
py-jose | | JOSE implementation in Python |
py-joypy | | Draw ridgeline plots in Python |
py-json-stream | | Streaming JSON decoder |
py-jsonpatch | | Apply JSON Patches according to RFC 6902 |
py-jsonpath | | XPath for JSON |
py-jsonpointer | | Library to resolve JSON Pointers according to RFC 6901 |
py-jsonrequester | | Library for client JSON REST requests |
py-jtextfsm | | Template based state machine for semi-formatted text |
py-julio | | Python Implementation of the Fractal Specification |
py-juniper-SNMPv3-crypt | | Juniper crypto operations |
py-junit-xml | | Create JUnit XML test result documents read by tools such as Jenkins |
py-junos-netconify | | Junos console/bootstrap automation Python module |
py-kabuki | | Easy creation of hierarchical bayesian models |
py-Kallithea | | Fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and Git |
py-karta | | Geospatial analysis in Python |
py-kcs11 | | PKCS#11 wrapper for Python |
py-kenv | | Solver of the Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky envelope equation |
py-keras | | Deep Learning for Python |
py-keycloak | | Keycloak Client |
py-keyczar | | Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography |
py-khayyam | | Khayyam(Jalali Persian Datetime) library |
py-kineticlib | | Library for kinetic theory calculations in the multi-temperature |
py-klausen | | Parameterized model framework in Python |
py-klepto | | persistent caching to memory, disk, or database |
py-knnimpute | | K-Nearest Neighbor imputation |
py-knockknock | | Simple & secure port knocking client/server written in python |
py-krylov | | Python package implementing common Krylov methods |
py-krypy | | Krylov subspace methods for linear systems |
py-lang-trans | | Python transliteration library |
py-lark | | Parsing toolkit for Python |
py-larlib | | Linear algebraic representation of topology and geometry |
py-larry | | Label the rows, columns, any dimension, of your NumPy arrays |
py-latexenc | | LaTeX parser providing latex-to-unicode and unicode-to-latex |
py-launchpadlib | | Script Launchpad through its web services interfaces |
py-lazr.restfulclient | | Provide added functionality on top of wadllib |
py-lazr.uri | | Library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs |
py-lbmpy | | Code Generation for Lattice Boltzmann Methods |
py-lcapy | | Symbolic linear circuit analysis |
py-ld | | Python implementation of the JSON-LD API |
py-lds | | Learning and inference for Gaussian linear dynamical systems |
py-lea | | Discrete probability distributions in Python |
py-lemma | | Mathematical notation for executable and testable Python |
py-lempel-Ziv_Complexity | | Lempel-Ziv complexity for a binary sequence, in naive Python code |
py-lenstools | | Toolkit for Weak Gravitational Lensing analysis |
py-lib | | Agile development and test support library |
py-libclang-py3 | | Python3 bindings for libclang |
py-liberty_parser | | Library of functions to parse, manipulate and format 'Liberty' files |
py-libgit2-glib | | Glib wrapper library around the libgit2 git access library |
py-liblarch | | Python library for handling lists, trees and DAGs |
py-liblzma | | Python bindings for liblzma |
py-libmapper | | Python bindings for libmapper |
py-libmpdclient2 | | Python bindings to the mpd access library |
py-libopensync-plugin | | Python support code for opensync plugins |
py-libqutrub | | Libqutrub Arabic verb conjuagtion library |
py-librabbitmq | | AMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library |
py-librosa | | Python module for audio and music processing |
py-libtextcat | | Python bindings for libTextCa |
py-libtorrent-rasterbar | | Python binding of rasterbar libtorrent library |
py-libvirt | | libvirt python library |
py-lifelines | | Including Kaplan Meier, Nelson Aalen and regression |
py-lightgbm | | Gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework |
py-linearalgebra | | Tools for working with matrices and vectors |
py-lingpy | | Python library for automatic tasks in historical linguistics |
py-linop | | Pythonic abstraction for linear mathematical operators |
py-lire | | Python/Cython port of Lire image processing algorithms |
py-litecli | | CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting |
py-llfuse | | Python bindings for low-level FUSE API |
py-LMtester | | Python bindings to LMtester |
py-locket | | File based locks for Python for Linux and Windows |
py-locky | | Implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor |
py-locustio | | Python utility for doing distributed load testing of a web site |
py-loggly | | Python interface to Loggly |
py-logilab-database | | Logilab utilities for database manipulation |
py-logilab-mtconverter | | Library convert from a MIME type to another |
py-logilab-pigg | | Python Interface Generator for Gtk implementation of the MVC pattern |
py-logtools | | Log files analysis/filtering framework written in Python |
py-loky | | Robust implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor |
py-louie | | Python signal dispatching mechanism |
py-louvain | | Methods of community detection in large networks |
py-lrparsing | | LR(1) parser hiding behind a pythonic interface |
py-lsp-black | | Black plugin for the Python LSP Server |
py-lsqfit | | Utilities for nonlinear least-squares fits |
py-luminous | | Optical Transfer Matrix and simple Quantum Well modelling |
py-lxmf | | Lightweight Extensible Message Format for Reticulum |
py-lxmlproc | | Lxml version of xsltproc |
py-lzma | | Python bindings for the LZMA library by Igor Pavlov |
py-lzstring | | LZ-based in-memory string compression |
py-m2r2 | | Markdown and reStructuredText in a single file |
py-macs2 | | Algorithm for identifying transcription factor binding sites |
py-macs3 | | Peak caller aimed at transcription factor binding sites |
py-magnitude | | Python library for computing with numbers with units |
py-mahotas | | Mahotas: Computer Vision Library |
py-mailcap-fix | | Patched mailcap module that conforms to RFC 1524 |
py-mailingstats | | Mailing List Stats is a tool to parse and analyze mail boxes |
py-mailq | | Postfix queue control python tool |
py-mapcode | | Mapcode module for Python |
py-mappy | | Minimap2 python binding |
py-mapy-package | | Modeling and Analysis in Python |
py-marionette_driver | | Marionette Driver |
py-mark | | RDF Bookmarking Utilities |
py-markovchain | | Simple markov chain implementation |
py-marshmallow | | Library for converting complex datatypes |
py-marshmallow-enum | | Enum field for Marshmallow |
py-maskouk-sqlite | | Arabic Dictionary for Collocations |
py-math-braid | | Pure python braid group implementation based on sympy |
py-math-snappy | | Program for studying the topology and geometry of 3-manifolds |
py-math3d | | 3D Special Euclidean mathematics package for Python |
py-mathics-scanner | | Character Tables and Tokenizer for Mathics and the Wolfram Language |
py-mathjspy | | Evaluate mathematical expressions in the same manner as MathJS |
py-mathopt | | Optimize mathematical formulas for speed with SymPy |
py-mathpad | | Interface to Sympy for solving physics, engineering and maths problems |
py-matplottheme | | MatPlotTheme is a theming library for MatPlotLib |
py-matrix-angular-sdk | | AngularJS services for implementing the Client-Server API |
py-mave | | Library for Measurement and Verification |
py-mcerp | | Real-time latin-hypercube-sampling-based Monte Carlo Error Propagation |
py-mcint | | Simple tool to perform numerical integration using MC techniques |
py-mcview | | 3D/graph event viewer for high-energy physics event simulations |
py-mdanalysis | | Library to analyze and manipulate molecular dynamics trajectories |
py-mdformat | | CommonMark compliant Markdown formatter |
py-mdp | | Modular toolkit for data processing |
py-mdptoolbox | | Implementation of Markov Decision Problem algorithms for Python |
py-mdtraj | | The analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories |
py-meigo | | Python wrapper of MEIGOR, a R optimisation package |
py-memory_profiler | | Module for monitoring memory usage of a python program |
py-memray | | Memory profiler for Python applications |
py-mendeleev | | Database of atomic properties for elements in the periodic table |
py-mesa | | Agent-based modeling (ABM) in Python 3+ |
py-meshio | | I/O for various mesh formats |
py-metrics | | Metrics for python files |
py-metropack | | Pack spheres in a finite space |
py-mido | | Library for working with MIDI messages and ports. |
py-milksnake | | Library that extends setuptools for binary extensions |
py-minecraft | | Python minecraft client library |
py-minepy | | Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration |
py-minidb | | Simple python object store |
py-mininet | | Process-based OpenFlow emulator |
py-mipp | | Meteorological ingest processing package |
py-mishkal | | Mishkal: Arabic text diacritization library for Python |
py-mitmproxy2swagger | | Convert mitmproxy captures to OpenAPI 3.0 specification |
py-mkdocs-material | | Material Design theme for MkDocs |
py-mkdocs-material-extensions | | Extension pack for Python Markdown |
py-mkdocs-with-pdf | | Generate a single PDF file from MkDocs repository |
py-ml-datasets | | various machine learning datasets for testing and example scripts |
py-mlt | | Open source multimedia framework (Python bindings) |
py-mmLib | | Python Macromolecular Library |
py-mne | | MNE python project for MEG and EEG data analysis |
py-mochi | | Dynamically typed functional programming language |
py-modargs | | line argument parsing library that infers |
py-modbus | | Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python |
py-modello | | Sympy expressions in models |
py-modelparameters | | Module providing parameter structure for physical modeling |
py-modus | | Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python |
py-moksha-common | | Common components for Moksha |
py-moksha-hub | | Hub components for Moksha |
py-mol | | Molecular Visualization System |
py-monad | | Collection of classes for programming with functors |
py-mongomock | | Fake pymongo stub for testing simple MongoDB-dependent code |
py-monty | | Monty is the missing complement to Python |
py-mopidy | | Extensible music server written in Python |
py-mote | | Python library for simulation of distributed algorithms |
py-moya | | Web development platform |
py-mozcrash | | Library for printing stack traces from minidumps |
py-mozdebug | | Utilities for running applications under native code debuggers intended for use in Mozilla testing |
py-mozdevice | | Mozilla-authored device management |
py-mozfile | | Library of file utilities for use in Mozilla testing |
py-mozhttpd | | Python webserver intended for use with Mozilla testing |
py-mozinfo | | Library to get system information for use in Mozilla testing |
py-mozInstall | | package for installing and uninstalling Mozilla applications |
py-mozlog | | Robust log handling specialized for logging in the Mozilla universe |
py-moznetwork | | Library of network utilities for use in Mozilla testing |
py-mozpower | | Mozilla-authored power usage measurement tools |
py-mozprocess | | Mozilla-authored process handling |
py-mozprofile | | Library to create and modify Mozilla application profiles |
py-mozrunner | | Reliable start/stop/configuration of Mozilla Applications |
py-mozterm | | Terminal abstractions built around the blessings module |
py-mozversion | | Library to get version information for applications |
py-mpi4py | | MPI for Python - Python bindings for MPI |
py-mpi4y-fft | | Parallel Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) using MPI for Python |
py-mpld3 | | D3 Viewer for Matplotlib |
py-mplh5canvas | | Matplotlib backend based on HTML5 Canvas |
py-mpop | | Meteorological post processing package |
py-mrio-common-metadata | | Common Datapackage schema and utilities for MRIO tables |
py-msal | | Python library to access the Microsoft Cloud |
py-msal-extensions | | Persistence API that can save your data on disk |
py-msdas | | Mass Spectrometry analysis |
py-msedge-selenium-tools | | Updated EdgeDriver implementation for Selenium 3 |
py-msgraph-core | | Lightweight wrapper around the Microsoft Graph API |
py-msrest | | AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime |
py-mssql2 | | Python interface to MS SQL |
py-msumastro | | Process FITS files |
py-multichain_mcmc | | Multichain MCMC framework and algorithmse |
py-multimethods | | Multimethods for Python |
py-multiprocess | | Better multiprocessing and multithreading in python |
py-multiqc | | Aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across samples and tools |
py-multitasking | | Non-blocking Python methods using decorators |
py-multivar-horner | | Multivariate Horner scheme for evaluating multivariate polynomials |
py-munch | | Dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects) |
py-murmurhash | | TODO: Short description of the package |
py-mvpoly | | Library for multivariate polynomials |
py-myfitter | | Maximum Likelihood Fits in Python |
py-mys | | Strongly typed Python to C++ transpiler |
py-mysam-tagmanager | | Mysam Arabic tags manager |
py-mysqldb-docs | | HTML documentation for MySQL interface for Python |
py-mystic | | Constrained non-convex optimization and uncertainty quantification |
py-naftawayh | | Naftawayh: Arabic word tagger |
py-naima | | Derivation of non-thermal particle through MCMC spectral fitting |
py-namedlist | | Similar to namedtuple, but instances are mutable |
py-nameko | | Microservices framework for Python |
py-napalm | | Interact with different router vendors using unified API |
py-napalm-base | | Interact with different router vendors using unified API |
py-napalm-eos | | NAPALM module for Arista EOS |
py-napalm-ios | | NAPALM module for Cisco IOS |
py-napalm-iosxr | | NAPALM module for Cisco IOS-XR |
py-napalm-junos | | NAPALM module for JunOS |
py-napalm-nxos | | NAPALM module for Cisco IOS |
py-nbimporter | | Import IPython notebooks as modules |
py-nbsphinx | | Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx |
py-nbval | | Py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks |
py-ncomb | | Python combinatorics library |
py-ncpol2sdpa | | Converter from noncommutative variables to sparse SDPA |
py-ndindex | | Library for manipulating array indices. |
py-ndjson | | JsonDecoder for ndjson |
py-neo | | Python package for representing electrophysiology data |
py-neqsys | | Numerical solving of symbolic systems of non-linear equations |
py-netcdf | | Python bindings for netcdf |
py-netflowvizu | | Network flow visualizer |
py-nethsm | | Python Library to manage NetHSM(s) |
py-netmiko | | Multi-vendor library to simplify Paramiko use |
py-Netzob | | Tool for reverse engineering communication protocols |
py-neumann | | Python Library for Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences |
py-neupy | | Artificial Neural Network library implemented in Python |
py-neurolab | | Simple and powerfull neural network library for python |
py-neuronpy | | The NEURON simulator and analyzing neural data |
py-nexpy | | Python GUI to analyze NeXus data |
py-nfg | | Python package for implementing and solving Network form games |
py-ngxtop | | real-time metrics for nginx server |
py-nibabel | | Access a multitude of neuroimaging data formats |
py-nilearn | | Statistical learning for neuroimaging in Python |
py-nimfa | | Python Library for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Techniques |
py-nipy | | Python package for analysis of neuroimaging data |
py-nipy-data | | Installation script for nipy data packages |
py-nis | | NIS python module |
py-nlib | | Numeric/scientific algorithms which do not required numpy |
py-node-semver | | Python version of node-semver |
py-nodeenv | | Node.js virtual environment |
py-nodepy | | Numerical ODE solvers in Python |
py-nomadnet | | Communicate Freely |
py-nose-parameterized | | Parameterized testing with any Python test framework |
py-nose-pathmunge | | Plugin to the nose test framework which provides a method to add directories to the sys.path of nose. |
py-nosh | | Nonlinear Schrodinger equations |
py-notifiers | | The easy way to send notifications |
py-notify-cli | | Python client for notify-server |
py-notify-dev | | Python bindings for libnotify - development branch |
py-notify-events | | Extension to integrate your project with Notify.Events service |
py-notify-py | | Cross-platform desktop notification library for Python |
py-nox | | Flexible test automation |
py-nphelper | | Convenient numpy helper functions |
py-nptdms | | NumPy based module for reading TDMS files produced by LabView |
py-nsim | | Simulate systems from ODEs or SDEs, analyze time series |
py-nuclyr | | Utility package for nuclear physics data |
py-nuitka | | Python compiler with full language support and CPython |
py-num2words | | Modules to convert numbers to words. Easily extensible |
py-numberjack | | Python platform for combinatorial optimization |
py-numdifftools | | Solves automatic numerical differentiation problems |
py-numericalunits | | Package that lets you define quantities with units |
py-numpoly | | Polynomials as a numpy datatype |
py-numpy-quaternion | | Add a quaternion dtype to NumPy |
py-nupic | | Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing |
py-nxos | | Support module for Cisco NX-OS |
py-nxpd | | NetworkX Pydot Draw |
py-nzmath | | Number theory oriented calculation system |
py-oak | | Authoritative/recursive DNS server |
py-oasa | | Python library for manipulation of chemical formats |
py-objection | | Runtime mobile exploration |
py-ocrodjvu | | Wrapper for OCR systems to work with djvu files |
py-oct2py | | Python to GNU Octave bridge --> run m-files from python |
py-odeint | | Python binding for odeint from boost |
py-odesys | | Straightforward numerical integration of ODE systems from SymPy |
py-odeviz | | TODO: Short description of the package |
py-okasha | | Trivial WSGI web framework for Python |
py-okpy | | Supports programming projects by tests, tracking and debugging |
py-omega | | Specify and synthesize systems using symbolic algorithms |
py-ontopy | | Simple RDF to Python mapper built on top of rdflib |
py-openai | | OpenAI Python Library |
py-OpenAL | | Python bindings for audio/openal |
py-openastro | | Open source astrology program, openastro.org |
py-openopt | | Python module for numerical optimization |
py-opensimplex | | OpenSimplex n-dimensional gradient noise function. |
py-opentmm | | OpenTMM is an object-oriented electrodynamic S-matrix |
py-openxmllib | | Provides resources to handle OpenXML documents from Python |
py-opt-einsum | | Optimizing numpys einsum function |
py-optlang | | Formulate optimization problems and solve using SymPy |
py-orca | | Python library for task orchestration |
py-orderedset | | Ordered Set implementation in Cython |
py-ore-algebra | | Sage package for doing computations with Ore operators |
py-orm | | Object-relational membrane for Python |
py-ortho | | Generate orthogonal set of functions |
py-OT | | Python Optimal Transport Library |
py-otb | | Utility functions for scientific numerical computation |
py-othman | | Library providing access to Quranic text with a fast search index |
py-p_tqdm | | Parallel processing with progress bars |
py-p4 | | Perforce SCM Python API |
py-paegan | | Processing and Analysis for Numerical Data |
py-pafy | | Retrieve YouTube content and metadata |
py-paida | | Pure Python scientific analysis package |
py-palettable | | Palettable is a library of color palettes for Python |
py-pam | | Python PAM library |
py-pandera | | Flexible validation package for pandas data structures |
py-pandoc | | Thin wrapper for pandoc |
py-panel | | High level app and dashboarding solution for Python |
py-papyros | | Pythonic parallel processing |
py-paragram | | Erlang-style concurrency library for python |
py-parakeet | | Runtime compiler for numerical Python |
py-param | | Declarative Python programming using Parameters |
py-parameterizedtestcase | | Parameterized tests for Python's unittest module |
py-parameters | | Hierarchical parameter sets for modelling and simulation |
py-paramz | | The Parameterization Framework |
py-parsedmarc | | Parse aggregate and forensic DMARC reports |
py-parserutils | | Collection of performant parsing utilities |
py-parsy | | Easy-to-use parser combinators, for parsing in pure Python |
py-partd | | Key-Value byte store with appendable values |
py-partio | | Python bindings for partio |
py-parver | | Parse and manipulate version numbers |
py-patch | | Library to parse and apply unified diffs |
py-patch-ng | | Library to parse and apply unified diffs |
py-path-and-address | | Functions for server command-line arguments used by humans |
py-pathos | | Parallel graph management and execution in heterogeneous computing |
py-patool | | Portable archive file manager |
py-pattyrn | | Design Pattern Templates for Python |
py-pcapy | | Python interface to pcap library |
py-pcs | | Python - pygame (SDL 1.2) character sheets library |
py-pdf2image | | Command line tools to convert PDF to a PIL Image list |
py-pdfminer-six | | PDF parser and analyzer |
py-pdfposter | | Scale and tile PDF images/pages to print on multiple pages |
py-pdoc3 | | Auto-generate API documentation for Python projects |
py-peak-rules | | Generic functions and business rules support systems |
py-pebl | | Python Environment for Bayesian Learning |
py-peng | | This package provides engineering-related classes and functions |
py-pennyLane-PQ | | PennyLane plugin for ProjectQ |
py-percol | | Filter lines interactively in a pipeline |
py-percy | | Client library for visual regression testing |
py-periodictable | | Extensible periodic table of the elements |
py-peru | | Tool for fetching code |
py-pet | | Toolkit for numerical simulations to allow easy parameter |
py-petname | | Generate human-readable, random object names |
py-pfsc-util | | Proofscape Utilities |
py-pg8000 | | PostgreSQL interface library |
py-pgmpy | | Library for Probabilistic Graphical Models |
py-pickleDB | | Lightweight and simple database using json |
py-picture-to-gds | | Python script to convert image files to GDSII files |
py-pinout | | Generate graphical pinout references for electronic hardware |
py-pint | | Physical quantities module |
py-pipdeptree | | Displaying the installed python packages in form of a dependency tree |
py-pipenv | | Python Development Workflow for Humans |
py-pipenv-setup | | Sync Pipfile/Pipfile.lock to setup.py |
py-pipfile | | The replacement for requirements.txt |
py-piquant | | Extending NumPy and SciPy to specification of numbers and arrays |
py-pithos | | Native grapical client for Pandora |
py-pixiedust | | Productivity library for Jupyter Notebook |
py-plac | | The smartest command line arguments parser in the world |
py-plete | | Python,autocomplete,python autocomplete,python analizer |
py-plex | | Plex is a library building lexical analysers |
py-plink | | Link Projection Editor |
py-plotly | | Interactive graphing library for Python |
py-plottr | | Tool for live plotting and processing data |
py-plucker | | Set of tools converting web pages to Plucker format |
py-pluginbase | | Simple but flexible plugin system for Python |
py-pmi | | Parallel Method Invocation |
py-poisson-approval | | Poisson Approval studies the Poisson Game of Approval Voting |
py-poissongeometry | | Local Poisson-Nijenhuis calculus on Poisson manifolds |
py-polars | | Lightning-fast DataFrame library |
py-policy-sentry | | Generate locked-down AWS IAM Policies |
py-polygon3 | | Python-3 package that handles polygonal shapes in 2D |
py-polynomial | | Package defining mathematical single-variable polynomials |
py-poppy | | Physical optics propagation for optical simulations |
py-portalocker | | Python library for file locking |
py-portray | | Your Project with Great Documentation |
py-poster | | Streaming HTTP uploads and multipart/form-data encoding |
py-postgresfixture | | Fixture for creating PostgreSQL clusters and databases |
py-posting | | Modern API client that lives in your terminal |
py-postmarkup | | BBCode to (X)HTML rendering engine |
py-potr | | Off-The-Record protocol implementation in Python |
py-pox | | Utilities for filesystem exploration and automated builds |
py-pp | | Parallel and distributed programming for Python |
py-ppft | | Distributed and parallel python |
py-ppscore | | Python implementation of the Predictive Power Score |
py-prayertime | | Prayertime algorithm implementation in python |
py-pre-commit | | Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hook |
py-prel | | Python print elegant |
py-premailer | | Prepare HTML for email embedd CSS to inline |
py-preshed | | Cython hash table mapping |
py-prind | | Python Progress Bar and Percent Indicator Utility |
py-print | | Simple printer library |
py-prioritized-methods | | Extension to PEAK-Rules to prioritize methods |
py-processing | | Library for running multiple Python processes using the threading API |
py-prody | | Python Package for Protein Dynamics Analysis |
py-progressbar | | Text progress bar library for Python |
py-projectq | | Open source software framework for quantum computing |
py-promise | | Promises/A+ implementation for Python |
py-property-manager | | Useful property variants for Python programming |
py-propyte | | Template Python program |
py-proxy_tools | | Useful proxy implementation, extracted from werkzeug |
py-psamm | | PSAMM metabolic modeling tools |
py-pseudopy | | Compute and visualize pseudospectra of matrices |
py-pseudorandom | | Generating pseudorandom condition/stimulus for psychological |
py-psychopy | | Psychology and neuroscience software in python |
py-psygnal | | Fast python callback/event system modeled after Qt signals |
py-ptex | | Python Preprocessor for (La)TeX |
py-ptpython | | Python REPL build on top of prompt_toolkit |
py-ptrace | | Python binding of ptrace |
py-ptyx | | pTyX is a python precompiler for LaTeX |
py-ptyx-mcq | | Python precompiler for LaTeX |
py-pulp | | PuLP is an LP modeler written in python |
py-pulsar | | Event driven concurrent framework for Python |
py-pweave | | Scientific reports with embedded python computations |
py-pwntools | | CTF framework and exploit development library |
py-Py2Play | | Network game engine in Python, utilizing P2P model |
py-py4j | | Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects |
py-pyaiml | | PyAIML is an interpreter for AIML |
py-pyamf | | Action Message Format support for Python |
py-pyamg | | Algebraic multigrid solvers in Python |
py-pyaml-env | | Provides yaml file parsing with environment variable resolution |
py-pyasynchat | | Make asynchat available for Python 3.12 onwards |
py-pyasyncore | | Make asyncore available for Python 3.12 onwards |
py-pybigwig | | Python access to bigWig files using libBigWig |
py-pybitbucket | | Python wrapper for the Bitbucket API |
py-pycifrw | | CIF/STAR file support for Python |
py-pydelay | | Translates a system of delay differential equations (DDEs) |
py-pydenticon | | Library for generating identicons |
py-pydy | | Python tool kit for multi-body dynamics |
py-pydy-viz | | Browser based 3D visualization of multibody simulations |
py-pyec | | Evolutionary computation package |
py-pyecm | | Integer factorization with the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) |
py-pyentropy | | Python module for estimation information theoretic quantities |
py-pyevolve | | Complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python |
py-pyfaces | | Traits-capable windowing framewor |
py-pyflation | | Calculating cosmological perturbations during an inflationary |
py-pygit | | Pythonic bindings for git |
py-pyglet | | Object-oriented programming interface for developing games |
py-pygr | | Pygr graph database for bioinformatics |
py-pykit-sci | | Collection of python modules for science |
py-pykit-shared | | Collection of modules shared amongst my other projects |
py-pylint-venv | | Pylint to use the same Pylint installation with different virtual environments |
py-pylith | | Finite element code for solving dynamic and quasi-static tectonic deformation problems |
py-pyls-spyder | | Spyder extensions for the python-lsp-server |
py-pymatgen | | Genomics is a robust materials analysis for structures and molecules |
py-pymbolic | | Python package for symbolic computation |
py-pymdown-extensions | | Extension pack for Python Markdown |
py-pymigemo | | Python bindings for C/Migemo |
py-pymvpa | | Multivariate pattern analysis |
py-pynest2d | | Python bindings for libnest2d |
py-pynetbox | | Python API client library for NetBox |
py-pynfo | | Nice, configureable info bot in Python |
py-pynitrokey | | Python library for Nitrokey devices |
py-pynn | | Python package for neuronal network models |
py-pyomo | | OO algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization |
py-pyon | | Lattice QCD library including statistical, fitting, plotting functions |
py-pyphant | | Workflow modelling app |
py-pypi-browser | | Graphical interface for browsing the Python Package Index |
py-pypol | | Python module to manage monomials and polynomials |
py-pypot | | Python 3 Library for Robot Control |
py-pyqu | | PyQu is an extension module for Python to implement quantum algorithms |
py-pyquante | | Quantum chemistry in Python |
py-pyramid | | Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project |
py-pyrit | | WPA/WPA2-PSK and a world of affordable many-core platforms |
py-pyrr | | 3D mathematical functions using NumPy |
py-pysal | | Python Spatial Analysis Library |
py-pysam | | Python module for reading, manipulating and writing genomic data sets |
py-pysb | | Python Systems Biology modeling framework |
py-pyscard | | Python module adding smart cards support to Python |
py-pyside | | Pyside Qt bindings for Python |
py-pyside-setup | | Qt for Python |
py-pyside-shiboken | | Pyside (shiboken prerequisite) |
py-pyside-tools | | Pyside tools |
py-PySide2 | | Python binding for Qt5 |
py-pyslha | | Parsing, manipulating and visualising SUSY Les Houches Accord data |
py-pyspark | | Apache Spark Python API |
py-pysph | | General purpose Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics framework |
py-pysphere | | Python API for interacting with the vSphere Web Services SDK |
py-pystatsd | | Client and server implementation of statsd |
py-pystray | | Create a system tray icon |
py-pyswisseph | | Python extension to AstroDienst Swiss Ephemeris |
py-pytest-lazy-fixture | | It helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize |
py-pythia | | Framework for specifying and staging complex, multi-physics simulations |
py-python-application | | Basic building blocks for python applications |
py-python-decouple | | Strict separation of settings from code |
py-python-gnutls | | Python wrapper for the GNUTLS library |
py-python-igraph | | Library for creating and manipulating graphs |
py-python-omega | | Omega parsing framework to build parsers for text and binary data |
py-PythonMagick | | Python binding for ImageMagick |
py-pytkgen | | Create Tkinter GUIs from JSON definition files |
py-pytools | | Collection of tools for Python |
py-pytrends | | Pseudo API for Google Trends |
py-pyvista | | Easier Pythonic interface to VTK |
py-pyvo | | Astropy affiliated Python module for accessing virtual observatories |
py-pywebview | | Lightweight wrapper around a webview component |
py-pywhat | | Identify what something is |
py-qalsadi | | Qalsadi Arabic Morpholoc=gical Analyzer for Python |
py-qclib | | Quantum computing library using qiskit |
py-qcodes | | Python-based data acquisition framework |
py-qdarkstyle | | The most complete dark/light style sheet for C++/Python |
py-qecalc | | Wrapper for Quantum Espresso |
py-qequ | | Command-line quadratic equation solver |
py-qeutil | | Set of utilities for using Quantum-Espresso |
py-qexpy | | Analysis and data plotting aimed at undergraduate physics |
py-qiskit | | Software for developing quantum computing programs |
py-qiskit-aqua | | Qiskit Aqua: An extensible library of quantum computing algorithms |
py-qiskit-ignis | | Qiskit tools for quantum information science |
py-qiskit-terra | | Software for developing quantum computing programs |
py-qit | | Quantum Information Toolkit |
py-qitensor | | Quantum Hilbert Space Tensors in Python and Sage |
py-qmath | | Provides a class for deal with quaternion algebra and 3D rotation |
py-qnet | | Tools for symbolically analyzing quantum feedback networks |
py-qrng | | Quantum Random Number Generator using IBM's Qiskit |
py-qstylizer | | Qt Stylesheet Generator for PyQt/PySide |
py-qsymm | | Symmetry finder and symmetric Hamiltonian generator |
py-qt-thread-updater | | Python Qt thread updater to update GUI items using a separate thread |
py-qtawesome | | Iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications |
py-qtconsole | | Jupyter Qt console |
py-qtpy | | Abstraction layer for PyQt5/PySide2/PyQt6/PySide6 |
py-qtt | | Python-based framework for analysis and tuning of quantum dots |
py-quandl | | Package for quandl API access |
py-quantities | | Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy |
py-quantum-simba | | Systematic Inference of Bosonic quAntum systems |
py-quantuminspire | | SDK for the Quantum Inspire platform |
py-quaternionarray | | Python package for fast quaternion arrays math |
py-quaternionic | | Interpret numpy arrays as quaternionic arrays with numba acceleration |
py-quaternions | | Package to handle quaternions |
py-qubovert | | Formulating, simulating,and solving problems in boolean and spin |
py-quhep | | Quantum Machine Learning Framework for High Energy Physics |
py-qupulse | | Quantum compUting PULse parametrization and SEquencing framework |
py-qutip | | Quantum Toolbox in Python |
py-qutrub | | Qutrub is an Arabic verb conjugator |
py-radontea | | Collection of algorithms to compute the inverse Radon transform |
py-rainbownum | | Python package to solve anti-Schur equations |
py-randomdict | | Python dictionaries with O(1) random element access |
py-ranger | | VIM-inspired filemanager for the console |
py-raphrase | | Linguistics-related library |
py-rasterio | | Fast and direct raster I/O for Python programmers who use Numpy |
py-ratelim | | Makes it easy to respect rate limits |
py-rb | | The redis blaster |
py-rcsparse | | RCS parsing library for Python |
py-rdf | | Pure Python package providing the core RDF constructs |
py-rdfextras | | Collection of packages providing extras based on RDFLib 3 |
py-rdflib-django | | Store implementation for RDFlib using Django models as its backend |
py-rdflib340 | | Python library for RDF manipulation |
py-rdopkg | | RDO packaging utility |
py-rdoupdate | | Managing special packaging/update repository |
py-reactive-papi | | Reactive Platform flatbuffer api |
py-reactive-platform | | Reactive Platform Python API |
py-readability-lxml | | Fast HTML to text parser (article readability tool) |
py-realalg | | For manipulating real algebraic numbers |
py-rebound | | Open-source multi-purpose N-body code |
py-rebound3 | | Open-source multi-purpose N-body code |
py-recluse | | Reproducible Experimentation for Computational Linguistics Use |
py-recommonmark | | Docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark |
py-recordclass | | Mutable variant of namedtuple |
py-redbaron | | FST for python to make writing refactoring code a realistic task |
py-redis-cluster | | Cluster library for redis 3.0.0 built on top of redis-py |
py-reducer | | Process FITS files |
py-registry | | Read access to Windows Registry files |
py-regress | | Python bindings to the Rust regress crate |
py-releases | | Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation |
py-remctl | | Python bindings for remctl remote command execution |
py-report | | Pyreport makes notes out of a python script |
py-repositoryhandler | | RepositoryHandler is a python library for handling code repositories |
py-repoze.tm2 | | Zope-like transaction manager via WSGI middleware |
py-repoze.who | | Identification and authentication framework for WSGI |
py-repr | | Shortcut to generate __repr__ methods for python classes |
py-reproducible | | Reproducible library |
py-reproject | | Astropy affiliated package for reprojection of astronomical images |
py-requests-cache | | Persistent cache for requests library |
py-requirementslib | | Tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements |
py-resampy | | Efficient sample rate conversion in Python |
py-resonance | | Learning mechanical vibrations through computation |
py-retrying | | General-purpose retrying library, written in Python |
py-revolve | | Python wrapper for Revolve checkpointing |
py-rf | | Receiver function calculation in seismology |
py-riccipy | | Tensor algebra calculator for General Relativity |
py-rigidbodysimulator | | Rigidbodysimulator simulator |
py-rlcompleter2 | | Python command line completion |
py-rns | | Self-configuring, encrypted and resilient mesh networking stack |
py-Robinhood | | Python Framework to make trades with Robinhood Private API |
py-rogues | | Python and numpy port of Nicholas Higham's m*lab test matrices |
py-ropemode | | Ropemode, a helper for using rope refactoring library in IDEs |
py-ropgadget | | Search gadgets on binaries to facilitate ROP exploitation |
py-rpaths | | Path manipulation library |
py-rpncalc | | RPN Calculator For Python |
py-rql | | Relationship query language (RQL) utilities |
py-rst2html5 | | ReStructuredText to HTML5 converter |
py-rtree | | R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS |
py-ruffus | | Lightweight python module to run computational pipelines |
py-RXP | | Validating XML parser for Python) |
py-rxpy3 | | Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python, aliased for Rx3 |
py-sabctools | | C implementations of functions for use within SABnzbd |
py-sabyenc3 | | yEnc decoding library |
py-safersympify | | Safer way to sympify unsanitized input |
py-safety | | Safety checks your installed dependencies |
py-samplerate | | Monolithic Python wrapper for libsamplerate |
py-sas7bdat | | This module will read sas7bdat files using pure Python (2.6+, 3+) |
py-sasa | | SAIL/AIL Sentiment Analyzer |
py-sbapp | | GUI LXMF client for Android, Linux and macOS |
py-scalpy | | ScalPy: A python tool to study dynamical systems in cosmology |
py-scan-build | | Static code analyzer wrapper for Clang |
py-scanapi | | Automated Testing and Documentation for your REST API |
py-scanless | | Online port scan scraper |
py-schema | | Simple data validation library |
py-scholarmetrics | | Compute scholarly metrics in Python with Pandas and NumPy |
py-scikit-aero | | Aeronautical engineering calculations in Python |
py-scikit-glpk | | Python linprog interface for GLPK |
py-scikit-monaco | | Python modules for Monte Carlo integration |
py-scikit-nano | | Python toolkit for generating nano-structures |
py-scikits_bvp1lg | | Boundary value problem (legacy) solvers for ODEs |
py-scikits_datasmooth | | Scikits data smoothing package |
py-scikits_image | | Image processing routines for SciPy |
py-scikits_optimization | | Python module for numerical optimization |
py-scikits_samplerate | | Python module for high quality audio resampling |
py-scikits_scattpy | | Light Scattering methods for Python |
py-scikits_talkbox | | Talkbox, a set of python modules for speech/signal processing |
py-scikits_timeseries | | Time series manipulation |
py-scikits_vectorplot | | Vector fields plotting algorithms |
py-scikits-bvp_solver | | Python package for solving two-point boundary value problems |
py-scimath | | Scientific and Mathematical calculations |
py-sciproc | | Process scientific multidimensional data |
py-scipy-data_fitting | | Data fitting system with SciPy |
py-scooby | | Lightweight tool for easily reporting Python environment |
py-scramp | | Implementation of the SCRAM protocol |
py-screenkey | | Screencast tool to display your keys |
py-screenutils | | Lib for gnu-screen: creates/close/list/log sessions, injects commands |
py-scrobbler | | Python implementation of the Audioscrobbler API |
py-scs | | Scs: splittling cone solver |
py-sdeint | | Numerical integration of stochastic differential equations |
py-sdnotify | | Python implementation of systemd service notification protocol |
py-sdt_metrics | | Signal Detection Theory (SDT) metrics for Python |
py-secretpy | | Classical cipher algorithms Python package |
py-seeds | | Stochastic Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics System |
py-selection | | API to extract content from HTML & XML documents |
py-selectolax | | Fast HTML5 parser with CSS selectors |
py-selenium-generator | | TODO: Short description of the package |
py-semidbm | | Cross platform (fast) DBM interface in python |
py-semopy | | Structural Equation Modeling Optimization in Python |
py-sempy | | Python implementation of the spectral element method |
py-sentinels | | Various objects to denote special meanings in python |
py-sentry | | Realtime logging and aggregation server |
py-sep | | Astronomical source extraction and photometry library |
py-serial-asyncio | | Python Serial Port Extension, Asynchronous I/O support |
py-serialize | | Multiple serialization formats with support for custom classes |
py-setupdocs | | Setuptools plugin that automates building of docs from reST source |
py-setuptools_git | | Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git |
py-setuptools-git-versioning | | Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440 |
py-sfepy | | Simple finite elements in Python |
py-sfg | | Python package for symbolic signal flow graph analysis |
py-shapely | | Geometric objects, predicates, and operations |
py-shedskin | | Python-to-c++ compiler |
py-shodan | | Python library and command-line utility for Shodan |
py-shp | | Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format |
py-shtoom | | Software VoIP telephony in Python |
py-shutilwhich | | Shutil.which for those not using Python 3.3 yet |
py-siginterrupt | | Python interface to the siginterrupt system function |
py-sima | | Software for analysis of sequential imaging data |
py-simpleparse-mxtexttools | | SimpleParse is a Python providing a simple and fast parser generator |
py-simulators | | Tools to build an instrument model |
py-singer-python | | Singer.io utility library |
py-singer-tap-github | | Singer Tap to extract data from the GitHub API |
py-singer-tap-jira | | Singer Tap to extract data from the JIRA API |
py-singer-target-csv | | Singer.io target for writing CSV files |
py-singletonify | | Singleton pattern for python |
py-sip4 | | Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries |
py-sipvicious | | Set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems |
py-slixmpp | | Async Python library for XMPP (aka Jabber) |
py-smart-open | | Utils for streaming large files |
py-smcp | | Python extension for solving sparse matrix cone programs |
py-smell | | Autocompletion library for Python |
py-smi | | SNMP SMI/MIB Parser |
py-smop | | Matlab/Octave to Python compiler |
py-snmp | | SNMP library for Python |
py-sode | | Python/Cython lib for solving Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations |
py-sofa | | Python ctypes wrapper around the SOFA astronomical library |
py-solpy | | Solar Performance and Design library |
py-sortedcollections | | Python Sorted Collections |
py-soxr | | Sample-rate conversion library for Python |
py-Soya | | High level 3D engine for Python |
py-spacy | | Short description of the package |
py-spambayes | | Bayesian anti-spam filter, initially based on the work of Paul Graham |
py-spams | | SPArse Modeling Software for solving various sparse estimation |
py-spark | | Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit for Python |
py-sparse | | Sparse multi-dimensional arrays for the PyData ecosystem |
py-spatialdata | | Spatialdata provides transformations among coordinate systems |
py-spatious | | Distance and geometry utilities |
py-spectra | | Color scales and color conversion made easy for Python |
py-spectral | | Python module for hyperspectral image processing |
py-speex | | Speex bindings for Python; see speex package for details |
py-speview | | Program to display binary SPE files containing Raman spectra |
py-spfpm | | Tools for arithmetic on fixed-point (binary) numbers |
py-spglib | | Python bindings for finding and handling crystal symmetries |
py-sphereTS | | Calculates the acoustic of an elastic sphere immersed in a fluid |
py-spherical | | Evaluate and transform D matrices 3-j symbols, and spherical harmonics |
py-spherical-functions | | Implementation of Wigner D Matrices, spin-weighted spherical harmonics |
py-sphinx-bootstrap-theme | | Sphinx Bootstrap Theme |
py-sphinx-theme-builder | | Tool for authoring Sphinx themes with a simple workflow |
py-sphinxcontrib-apidoc | | Sphinx extension for running sphinx-apidoc on each build |
py-sphinxcontrib-asyncio | | Sphinx extension to support coroutines in markup |
py-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter | | Sphinx SVG to PDF converter extension |
py-sphinxreport | | Report generator in python based on Sphinx and matplotlib |
py-sphviewer | | Framework for rendering particle simulations |
py-spice | | Python interface to the Ngspice and Xyce circuit simulators |
py-spirack | | Drivers for the QuTech SPI-rack |
py-spm1d | | One-Dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping |
py-spotpy | | Statistical Parameter Optimization Tool |
py-sppy | | Sparse matrix package based on Eigen |
py-spsdk | | Open Source Secure Provisioning SDK for NXP MCU/MPU |
py-spyder-kernels | | Jupyter kernels for Spyder's console |
py-spyder-notebook | | Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder |
py-spyder-terminal | | Run system terminals inside Spyder |
py-spyder-unittest | | Plugin to run tests from within the Spyder IDE |
py-spyder-vim | | Plugin to enable vim keybindings to the spyder editor |
py-spydrnet | | Python package for analyzing and transforming netlists |
py-spyse | | Spyse is a framework and platform for building multi-agent systems |
py-sqlalchemy-json | | JSON type with nested change tracking for SQLAlchemy |
py-sqlalchemy-searchable | | Provides fulltext search capabilities |
py-sqlalchemy-stubs | | SQLAlchemy stubs and mypy plugin |
py-sqlelf | | Explore ELF objects through the power of SQL |
py-sqlitedict | | Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe |
py-SQLObject | | Allows you to translate RDBMS table rows into Python objects |
py-squarify | | Pure Python implementation of the squarify treemap layout algorithm |
py-srpy | | Easy access and remote control of local/remote Python instances |
py-srsly | | Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python |
py-ssh2 | | Python wrapper around libssh2 |
py-ssp | | Python speech signal processing library for education |
py-stache | | Mustache for Python |
py-statemint | | Library for finding State Space models of dynamical systems |
py-statgrap | | Python bindings for the libstatgrab library |
py-stats-arrays | | Standard NumPy array interface for defining uncertain parameters |
py-statsd | | Client for the statsd daemon |
py-stemming | | Python implementation of Porter Stemming algorithm. |
py-stencils | | Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs |
py-storm | | Storm is an object-relational mapper (ORM) |
py-strategies | | Python library for control flow programming. |
py-stravalib | | Tools for accessing and downloading Strava data |
py-stringcase | | String case converter |
py-sumatra | | Tracking projects based on numerical simulation or analysis |
py-sunpy | | Python for Solar Physicists |
py-sv-geometry | | Functions for bidimensional and tridimensional arithmetic geometry |
py-swh-core | | Software Heritage core utilities |
py-swh-deposit | | Software Heritage Deposit Server |
py-swh-graph | | Software Heritage graph service |
py-swh-icinga-plugins | | Icinga plugins for Software Heritage infrastructure monitoring |
py-swh-indexer | | Software Heritage Content Indexer |
py-swh-journal | | Software Heritage Journal utilities |
py-swh-lister | | Software Heritage lister |
py-swh-loader-core | | Software Heritage Base Loader |
py-swh-loader-debian | | Software Heritage Debian loader |
py-swh-loader-dir | | Software Heritage Directory Loader |
py-swh-loader-git | | Software Heritage git loader |
py-swh-loader-mercurial | | Software Heritage Mercurial Loader |
py-swh-loader-npm | | Software Heritage loader for npm packages |
py-swh-loader-pypi | | Software Heritage PyPI Loader |
py-swh-loader-svn | | Software Heritage Loader SVN |
py-swh-loader-tar | | Software Heritage Tarball Loader |
py-swh-mirror-forge | | Mirror swhs forge to github |
py-swh-model | | Software Heritage data model |
py-swh-objstorage | | Software Heritage Object Storage |
py-swh-objstorage-replayer | | Software Heritage content replayer |
py-swh-scanner | | Software Heritage code scanner |
py-swh-scheduler | | Software Heritage Scheduler |
py-swh-search | | Software Heritage search service |
py-swh-storage | | Software Heritage storage manager |
py-swh-vault | | Software Heritage vault |
py-swh-web | | Software Heritage Web UI |
py-swh-web-client | | Software Heritage Web client |
py-sxtwl | | Python implementation version of the astronomical calendar |
py-sylajone | | Sylajone: Arabic syntax Analyzer library |
py-sym | | Unified wrapper for symbolic manipulation libraries in Python |
py-sym2num | | Sympy to numpy code generator |
py-symath | | symbolic mathematics for python |
py-symbolic | | Library for dealing with symbol files and more |
py-symbolic-equation | | Class for multiline symbolic equations in the Jupyter Notebook |
py-symcxx | | SymCXX is an experimental Python for symbolic manipulation |
py-symeig | | Symmetrical eigenvalue routines for NumPy |
py-symEnergy | | Lagrange multiplier based energy market toy modeling framework |
py-symlens | | Symbolic Mode Coupling |
py-sympad | | Graphical symbolic math calculator / scratchpad using SymPy |
py-symphysics | | The symphysics library for creating physics simulations using python and sympy |
py-sympy-to-c | | Simple library to create importable C-functions from sympy |
py-sympy2c | | Sympy to c compiler including solving odes at c level |
py-sympycore | | SympyCore an efficient pure Python Computer Algebra System |
py-t3m | | Tinker toys for topologists |
py-tablib-garetjax | | Format agnostic tabular data library (XLS, JSON, YAML, CSV) |
py-tagger | | ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag library in Python |
py-taglib | | Python bindings for the taglib audio file tagging library |
py-talk2stat | | Python package to communicate with statistical software |
py-tappy | | Tidal analysis program in python |
py-tardis-sn | | TARDIS - Temperature And Radiative Diffusion In Supernovae |
py-tashaphyne | | Tashaphyne Arabic Light Stemmer |
py-tasphyne | | Arabic Light Stemmer and Segmentor |
py-tatsu | | Python parsers from grammars in a variation of EBNF |
py-tblib | | Serialization library for Exceptions and Tracebacks |
py-teafiles | | Time Series storage in flat files |
py-teamcity | | Send test results to TeamCity continuous integration server |
py-techdebt | | Technical debt tracker package |
py-technicolor | | Logging in colour |
py-telegram-bot | | Python Telegram Bot library |
py-telepathy | | Python bindings for the Telepathy framework |
py-teng | | Python binding for teng |
py-teradata | | The Teradata python module for DevOps enabled SQL |
py-test-mpl | | Pytest plugin to help with testing figures output from Matplotlib |
py-test-nbval | | Py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks |
py-test-ordering | | Pytest plugin to run your tests in a specific order |
py-test-repeat | | pytest plugin for repeating tests |
py-test-vcr | | py-test plugin for managing VCR.py cassettes |
py-testing-common-database | | utilities for testing.* packages |
py-tex2pix | | Lightweight renderer of LaTeX to a variety of graphics formats |
py-texext | | Sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math |
py-texml | | Convert TeXML to LaTeX or ConTeXt |
py-textblob | | Python library for processing textual data |
py-textdistance | | Compute distance between the two texts |
py-textx | | Domain-Specific Languages and parsers in Python made easy |
py-thermistor | | Thermistor voltage to temperature and associated utilites |
py-thermo | | Chemical properties component of ChEDL |
py-thermopy | | Some utilities for Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry |
py-thermostat | | Calculate connected thermostat savings |
py-thinc | | TODO: Short description of the package |
py-three-merge | | Simple library for merging two strings with respect to a base one |
py-tils | | Russian-specific string utils |
py-timeago | | Used to format datetime with time ago statement |
py-timeline | | Timeline module for modelling a series of actions |
py-tinyarray | | Arrays of numbers for Python, optimized for small sizes |
py-tinygrad | | Something between PyTorch and karpathy/micrograd |
py-tklsystem | | Tkinter interface to work with L-System equations |
py-tldr | | Python command line client for tldr |
py-tmatrix | | Python code for T-matrix scattering calculations |
py-tmux | | Simple wrapper for tmux |
py-toeplitz | | Wrapper for fortran 90 toeplitz package |
py-toleranceinterval | | Library for one-sided bounds and two-sided tolerance intervals |
py-Tooling | | Collection of useful classes, decorators, meta-classes and exceptions |
py-topkapi | | TOPKAPI hydrological model in Python |
py-toro | | Synchronization primitives for Tornado coroutines |
py-toronado | | Fast lxml-based CSS stylesheet inliner |
py-toscawidgets | | Web widget creation toolkit based on TurboGears widgets |
py-towncrier | | Building newsfiles for your project |
py-traceInv | | Computes the trace of the inverse of matrix or linear matrix function |
py-traces | | Library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis |
py-tracks | | Analysis tools for Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations |
py-traits | | Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python |
py-tranquil | | Integrating SQLAlchemy with Django |
py-transaction | | Transaction management for Python |
py-translationstring | | Library for i18n relied on by various Repoze and Pyramid |
py-tribe | | Graph extraction tool for email MBox files |
py-trie3 | | Python implementation of the trie data structure |
py-trimesh | | Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes |
py-trio-websocket | | WebSocket library for Trio |
py-trollius | | Module asyncio, for writing single-threaded concurrent code |
py-trottersuzuki | | Massively parallel implementation of the Trotter-Suzuki decomposition |
py-trufflehog3 | | Find secrets in your codebase |
py-tsgeom | | Python package for computing simple geometries on TS data |
py-ttk | | Ttk Python wrapper |
py-turbojson | | Python template plugin for TurboGears that supports json |
py-twilio | | Twilio API client and TwiML generator |
py-twisted-csp | | Go-style channels for Twisted |
py-twisted-kqueue | | Python interface to kqueue, suitable for Twisted |
py-twistml | | TWItter STock market Machine Learning package |
py-txdbus | | Python implementation of the DBus protocol for Twisted applications |
py-txWS | | Twisted WebSockets wrapper |
py-txZMQ | | Twisted bindings for ZeroMQ |
py-typedecorator | | Decorator-based type checking library for Python 2 and 3 |
py-typedload | | Load and dump data from json-like format into typed data structures |
py-u2flib-server | | Python based U2F server library |
py-ua-parser | | Python implementation of the UA Parser |
py-ubjson | | Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder |
py-ueberzug | | Command line utility which allows drawing images on terminals |
py-umalqurra | | Date Api that support Hijri Umalqurra calendar |
py-unidecode | | ASCII transliterations of Unicode text |
py-unidiff | | Unified diff python parsing/metadata extraction library |
py-uniseg | | Pure Python library to determine Unicode text segmentations |
py-unix-ar | | AR file handling for Python (including .deb files) |
py-update-checker | | Python module that will check for package updates |
py-upsilon | | Automated Classification of Periodic Variable Stars |
py-uptime | | Cross-platform uptime library |
py-Uranium | | Python framework for building 3D printing related applications |
py-urwid-mitmproxy | | Urwid fork with specific patches for mitmproxy |
py-usagestats | | Anonymous usage statistics collecter |
py-user_agent | | User-Agent generator |
py-utilib_common | | Commonly used PyUtilib data and methods |
py-utilib_component_app | | Application interface for the PyUtilib Component Architecture |
py-utilib_component_config | | Extensions for configuring components in PyUtilib |
py-utilib_component_core | | The PyUtilib Component Architecture |
py-utilib_component_loader | | PyUtilib plugins for loading external packages |
py-utilib_enum | | Variant of the 'enum' package that supports pickling |
py-utilib_excel | | PyUtilib utilities that use Excel spreadsheets |
py-utilib_math | | PyUtilib math utilities |
py-utilib_misc | | Miscellaneous PyUtilib utilities |
py-utilib_ply | | PyUtilib utilities that use Ply |
py-validictory | | General purpose python data validator |
py-vanguards | | Vanguards Onion Service Addon |
py-vanity | | Get package download statistics from PyPI |
py-varify | | Clinical DNA Sequencing Analysis and Data Discovery |
py-vdirsyncer-git | | Synchronization tool for vdir |
py-vega_datasets | | Python package for offline access to Vega datasets |
py-vegas | | Tools for adaptive multidimensional Monte Carlo integration |
py-venusian | | Library for deferring decorator actions |
py-verilog | | Python-based Hardware Design Processing Toolkit for Verilog HDL |
py-version-control-tools-hg | | Mercurial extensions used by the mozilla project (incl. pushlog) |
py-vespa | | Calculate astrophysical false positive probabilities |
py-virtualenv-clone | | Script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv |
py-vis | | Python network visualization library |
py-visa | | Python VISA bindings for GPIB, RS232, TCPIP and USB instruments |
py-visionegg-docs | | Documentation for py-visionegg in HTML format |
py-vispy | | Interactive visualization in Python |
py-vistir | | Setup utilities which most projects eventually need |
py-viz | | How to solve visualization problems with Python tools |
py-viz-comms | | Bidirectional communication for the PyViz ecosystem |
py-voluptuous | | Python data validation library |
py-voluptuous-serialize | | Convert Voluptuous schemas to dictionaries |
py-voronoi | | Cython wrapper for the Boost Voronoi library |
py-voropy | | Delaunay meshes, Voronoi regions |
py-vorta | | Graphical interface for borgbackup |
py-vprof | | Visual profiler for Python |
py-vtk | | PyVTK - tools for manipulating VTK files in Python |
py-wadllib | | Library for navigating WADL files |
py-wafo | | Statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and random loads |
py-wahcade | | GNU/Linux-friendly clone of Minwah's MameWAH |
py-wally | | Tool for managing desktop backgrounds |
py-wasabi | | A lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit |
py-wasanbon | | Development Framework for Robotics Technology Middleware |
py-wasserplan | | 1-Wasserstein distances between districting plans |
py-watermark | | IPython magic function to print date/time stamps |
py-webapp2 | | Taking Google App Engines webapp to the next level |
py-webapp3 | | Python web framework compatible with Google App Engines webapp |
py-weberror | | Web Error handling and exception catching |
py-webflash | | Library to display flash messages in python web applications |
py-webhelpers | | Python helper functions for writing templates in web applications |
py-weblib | | Set of tools for web scraping projects |
py-websocket | | WebSocket server and extension for Apache HTTP Server for testing |
py-weewx | | Python-powered template engine and code-generator |
py-wheel-inspect | | Extract information from wheels |
py-whelk | | Pretending python is a shell |
py-wifite | | Automated wireless auditor |
py-willow | | Content-filtering proxy server |
py-word2vec | | Python interface to Google word2vec |
py-wordpress-xmlrpc | | WordPress XML-RPC API Integration Library |
py-workerpool | | Python multithreaded job distribution module |
py-wptserve | | Python webserver intended for in web browser testing |
py-wpull | | Wget-compatible web downloader and crawler |
py-wqio | | Water Quality Inflow/Outflow |
py-wsaccel | | Accelerator for ws4py and AutobahnPython |
py-wsgi-intercep | | Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing |
py-wsgi-intercept | | Installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing |
py-wsgiref | | This is a standalone release of the wsgiref library |
py-wurlitzer | | Capture C-level stdout/stderr in Python |
py-wurst | | Linking and modifying industrial ecology models |
py-wxWidgets | | Python bindings for wxWidgets |
py-xapp | | Python3 Xapp library |
py-xcal-raman | | Module for x-axis calibration of Raman spectrometers |
py-xcffib | | Python binding to the X Window System protocol via libxcb |
py-xdgapp | | Python XDG for Applications |
py-xlutils | | Utilities for working with Excel files |
py-xopen | | Open compressed files transparently |
py-yamale | | Schema and validator for YAML |
py-yams | | Entity / relation schema |
py-yapgvb | | Yet Another Python Graphviz Binding |
py-yapps2 | | Yet Another Python Parser System |
py-yaprt | | Repository builder for python source code |
py-yapsy | | Yet another plugin system |
py-yaspin | | Yet Another Terminal Spinner |
py-yellowhiggs | | Interface for the CERN Yellow Report |
py-yfinance | | Yahoo! Finance market data downloader |
py-yt | | Analyzing and visualizing astrophysical simulation output |
py-z2pack | | Computation of topological numbers of band-structures |
py-zbar | | Python bindings for the ZBar bar code reader |
py-zenity | | Easy to use frontend to Zenity |
py-zict | | Mutable Mapping Interfaces |
py-zlmdb | | Object-relational zero-copy in-memory database layer for LMDB |
py-zmqrpc | | Simple ZMQ RPC extension with JSON for message serialization |
py-ZopeSecurity | | Zope Security Framework |
py27-libusb1 | | Python ctype-based wrapper around libusb1 |
py34-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.4 |
py35-html-docs | | HTML Documentation for Python 3.5 |
PyBabelFish | | Gtk-based frontend for several translation services on web |
pydance | | Simulator of Dance Dance Revolution and similar games |
pydb | | The Extended Python Debugger |
pympress | | PDF presentation tool |
pypanel | | Lightweight panel written in Python and C for X11 |
pypod | | Python tools for manipluating iPod data |
pysite | | XHTML website generation tool |
pythia6 | | Program can be used to generate high-energy-physics events |
pythoncad | | PythonCAD is a CAD package written, surprisingly enough, in Python |
pywm | | Window manager in Python |
pyzor | | Collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam |
q | | Command line tool for direct SQL-like queries on CSVs/TSVs |
q-dns | | Tiny and feature-rich command line DNS client |
q2pro | | Quake2 multiplayer orientated client |
q5go | | Tool for Go players |
qbe-git | | Compiler backend |
qcdloop | | Repository of one-loop scalar Feynman integrals |
qemu-git | | CPU emulator using dynamic translation |
qemu-guest-agent | | CPU emulator using dynamic translation |
qemu-virtfs-netbsd | | CPU emulator using dynamic translation |
qFlipper | | Flipper Zero firmware update tool |
qgis | | Geographic Information System (GIS) |
qico | | FidoNet mailer |
qiew | | Reverse engineering tool |
qimgv | | Fast and easy to use image viewer |
qira | | QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser |
qlcplus | | Q Light Controller Plus |
qlipper | | Cross-platform clipboard history applet |
qmc2 | | Multi-platform GUI front end for MAME and MESS |
qmediamanager | | GUI tool for managing removable media |
qn-x11 | | GTK theme-engine to yield a QNX look and feel |
qq | | jq-inspired interoperable config format transcoder |
qrint | | Orthonormal integrators |
qrq | | Open source Morse telegraphy trainer |
qstat | | QStat is a command-line program that displays information about Internet game servers |
qstat214 | | QStat is a program displays information about game servers |
qt-openzwave | | Daemon and MQTT interface for Z-Wave controller |
qt1 | | QT version 1 |
qt5-libqtlua | | Lua alternative to the Qt5Script module |
qt5-qjson | | Qt5 library for handling JSON data |
qt5-qtbase-git | | C++ X GUI toolkit |
qt6-qtwebengine | | Qt6 webengine module |
qtaccountsservice | | Qt-style API for freedesktop.org's AccountsService DBus service |
qtfm | | Qt file manager |
qtile | | Fully-featured, pure-Python tiling window manager |
qtractor | | Qt Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application |
quantlib | | Framework for quantitative finance |
quarkcoin | | Open source Internet currency |
quex | | Lexical analyzer generator |
quickie | | Small footprint, fast Wiki engine written in C++ |
quiterss | | RSS/Atom feed reader |
Qweyboard | | Velotype/Veyboard like experience on a regular computer keyboard |
qwt6-qt4 | | Qt widget library for technical purposes |
qxmpp | | XMPP client library based on Qt and C++ |
R | | Statistical language for data analysis and graphics |
R-arrow | | Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow' |
R-biganalytics | | Library of utilities for big.matrix objects of package bigmemory |
R-bigmemory | | Manage massive matrices with shared memory and memory-mapped files |
R-bigmemory.sri | | Shared resource interface for Bigmemory Project packages |
R-bigtabulate | | R table, tapply, and split-like functionality for (big.)matrix objects |
R-BiocGenerics | | Generic functions for Bioconductor |
R-bnlearn | | Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference |
R-C50 | | C5.0 decision trees and rule-based models |
R-conditionz | | Control how many times conditions are thrown |
R-crul | | HTTP client |
R-cubature | | Adaptive Multivariate Integration over Hypercubes |
R-curl | | Modern and flexible web client for R |
R-doParallel | | Foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package |
R-easySVG | | Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator |
R-elevatr | | Access elevation data from various APIs |
R-entropy | | Estimation of Entropy, Mutual Information and Related Quantities |
R-fitdistrplus | | Fit a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data |
R-foreach | | Foreach looping construct for R |
R-furrr | | Apply mapping functions in parallel using futures |
R-future | | Unified parallel and distributed processing in R |
R-getopt | | C-Like 'getopt' Behavior |
R-gmp | | Multiple Precision Arithmetic for R |
R-graph | | R package to handle graph data structures |
R-httpcode | | 'HTTP' status code helper |
R-listenv | | Environments behaving (almost) as lists |
R-lsei | | Solving Least Squares under Equality/Inequality Constraints |
R-marmap | | Import, plot and analyze bathymetric and topographic data |
R-Matrix | | Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods |
R-mclust | | Model-based clustering and normal mixture modeling |
R-mpfr | | Multiple Precision Floating Point Arithmetic for R |
R-MySQL | | R interface for MySQL |
R-nloptr | | R interface to NLopt |
R-np | | Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types |
R-npsurv | | Nonparametric Survival Analysis |
R-oai | | General purpose 'Oai-PMH' services client |
R-optparse | | Command Line Option Parser |
R-parallelly | | Enhancing the 'parallel' Package |
R-progressr | | An inclusive, unifying API for progress updates |
R-Rcpp | | Seamless R and C++ integration |
R-readxl | | Read Excel files |
R-rgbif | | Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API |
R-Rgraphviz | | Plotting capabilities for R graph objects |
R-Rserve | | TCP/IP server which allows other programs to use facilities of R |
R-signal | | Signal Processing |
R-slippymath | | Slippy map tile tools |
R-triebeard | | Radix trees in Rcpp |
R-tuneR | | Analysis of Music and Speech |
R-urltools | | Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing |
R-wellknown | | Convert between 'WKT' and 'GeoJSON' |
r8s | | Estimate rates of molecular evolution |
radare2 | | Reverse engineering framework |
radare2-git | | Reverse engineering framework |
Radicale3 | | CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server |
rage | | Video + Audio player for the Enlightenment desktop |
rainbow | | Short reads clustering and local assembly |
rakudo-star | | Perl 6 reference implementation |
ranmacgen | | Random MAC address generator |
rapidxml | | RapidXml is an attempt to create the fastest XML parser possible |
raptor | | Source port for Raptor Call Of The Shadows |
rar4 | | File archiver (binary only) |
raster3d | | Set of tools for generating raster images of proteins and molecules |
ratpoints | | Optimized quadratic sieve algorithm |
ratproxy | | Passive web application security assessment tool |
raw | | Open Source implementation of Another World engine |
rawdog | | RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur |
rawgl | | Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World |
rawgl-git | | Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World |
raze | | Fork of the Build engine backed by GZDoom tech |
rc.d.Interix | | NetBSD rc.d system for MS Interix |
rdsn-git | | Robust Distributed System Nucleus |
rdup | | Backup utility listing changed files only |
re2-git | | Fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expressions library |
readseq | | Read and reformat biosequences, Java command-line version |
realm-core | | Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs |
realpath | | DragonFly BSD's version of realpath utility |
realtimebattle | | Programming robots game |
realvnc | | Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays |
recidivm | | Estimates a program's peak virtual memory use |
recutils | | Tools and libraries to access plain text databases |
redfang | | Scan for hidden bluetooth devices |
redict | | Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface |
reduze | | Program for reducing Feynman Integrals |
reflectionhle | | Port of Keen Dreams, the 3D Catacomb games and Wolfenstein 3D |
regula | | Checks infrastructure as code security and compliance |
relaydb | | Spam relay database |
remctl | | Client/server protocol for running commands using Kerberos v5 auth |
remind | | Calendar/alarm program with interpreted input language |
reone | | Game engine for running Knights of the Old Republic |
repeatmasker | | Find interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences |
reproc | | Cross-platform process library |
resin | | High-performance, open source application server |
retawq | | Interactive, multi-threaded network client for text terminals |
retro68 | | M68k cross compiler environment |
reuse-tool | | Tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations |
revealjs | | Presentation tool with html/css |
reviewdog | | Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis |
rexx-regina | | Implementation of the REXX language |
ReZound | | Audio editor with graphical interface |
rhapsody | | IRC client for Unix operating systems |
riak | | Distributed, highly available data store |
riak14 | | Distributed, highly available data store |
ricochet | | Anonymous instant messaging for real privacy |
RigelEngine | | Modern re-implementation of the classic DOS game Duke Nukem II |
rio | | Hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator |
ripe-rpsl-objectlibrary | | RPSL Object Library |
ripgrep-all | | Search tool that allows you to look for a regex in a multitude of file types |
ripit | | Perl-script frontend for encoding audio CDs to OGG/MP3 files |
ripole | | Program/library designed to extract attachments from OLE2 files |
rippled | | Ripple peer-to-peer network daemon |
riscv64-none-elf-binutils | | Cross binutils for bare metal Riscv64 ELF |
riscv64-none-elf-gcc | | GCC for bare metal Riscv64 |
riscv64-none-elf-xuantie-gcc | | XuanTie GCC for bare metal RISC-V 64-bit little-endian ELF |
rk | | Relativistic Kinematics |
rkbin | | Rockchip loader binaries |
rlottie | | A platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation. |
rmilter | | Milter for rspamd |
rna-seq | | Core tools needed for RNA-Seq analysis |
rna-star | | Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference |
rnc-mode | | Emacs mode for editing compact RELAX NG schemas |
rng-tools | | Random collection of Linux kernel-related projects and source code |
rnp | | high performance C++ OpenPGP library |
roadfighter | | Remake the Konami MSX classic game Road Fighter |
rocksdb | | RocksDB is an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage. |
rolo | | Text-based contact manager |
rom64 | | Nintendo 64 ROM utility |
romblast | | A ROM utility |
rootcheck | | RootKit detection software |
rootsh | | Logging wrapper for shells |
roswell | | Common Lisp environemnt setup utility |
rott | | Fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game |
rottexpr | | SDL2 source port of Rise of the Triad |
roundcube-skin-mvision2 | | Hotmail/MSN-stylish skin for roundcube webmail |
routersploit | | Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices |
roxterm | | ROXTerm is a terminal emulator |
rpki-git | | RPKI package collection |
rpm5 | | The RPM Package Manager |
rq | | Rego Query |
rsem | | RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization |
rset | | Configure systems using any scripting language |
rsget | | Perl application designed to retrieve files from download services |
rsound | | Multi-platform, simple PCM audio server and client |
rsstail | | RSS feeds reader with a tail(1)-like interface |
rst-mode | | Emacs mode for reStructuredText documents |
rstudio | | Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R |
rtaudio | | Realtime audio IO library |
rtcmix | | Open-source digital signal processing and sound synthesis language |
rte | | Real Time Audio/Video Encoding Library |
rthread | | Distributed computing with remote threads in Python |
rtl_433 | | Generic data receiver and decoder using software defined radio |
rtl-sdr-git | | Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver |
rtmidi | | Realtime MIDI IO library |
rtpbreak | | Detects, reconstructs and analyzes any RTP session |
rtspdump | | Download multimedia stream from a Microsoft Windows Media Server |
rtv | | Simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Reddit Terminal Viewer) |
rubiks | | There are several programs for working with Rubik's cubes |
rubrica2 | | Addressbook manager for the GNOME Environment |
ruby-3llo | | CLI for Trello |
ruby-actionmessenger | | Ruby convenience framework for instant messaging |
ruby-actionpack52-xml_parser | | XML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0) |
ruby-asciidoctor-pdf | | PDF extension for Asciidoctor |
ruby-blockenspiel | | Library to create DSL blocks |
ruby-cabin | | Experiment to try and make logging more flexible and more consumable |
ruby-charlock_holmes | | Character encoding detection, brought to you by ICU |
ruby-chawan | | Cup for chasen that provides an easy to use for extracting Japanese |
ruby-csv | | CSV Reading and Writing |
ruby-delegate_it | | ActiveSupport like delegate method for non Rails projects |
ruby-diaspora | | Federated privacy-aware social network |
ruby-dig_rb | | Array/Hash/Struct#dig backfill for ruby |
ruby-ditz | | Simple, light-weight distributed issue tracker |
ruby-ethon | | Very lightweight libcurl wrapper |
ruby-gemojione | | Gem for EmojiOne |
ruby-gh | | Layerd GitHub API client |
ruby-ghi | | GitHub Issues on the command line |
ruby-git_stats | | Git repository statistics generator |
ruby-github-markup | | Markup library to use to render a content file on GitHub |
ruby-gitlab | | Complete software development platform around Git |
ruby-gitlab-grit | | Object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby |
ruby-gollum | | Simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend |
ruby-gollum-lib | | Simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API |
ruby-gollum-rugged_adapter | | Adapter for Gollum to use Rugged (libgit2) at the backend |
ruby-htmlentities | | Encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities |
ruby-httparty | | Makes http fun again |
ruby-iesd | | Tool to customize OS X InstallESD |
ruby-kakasi | | Ruby binding for KAKASI implemented with Fiddle/DL/FFI |
ruby-libv8 | | Ruby distribution wrapper for the V8 JavaScript engine |
ruby-logger | | Simple but powerful logging utility to output messages |
ruby-multi_xml | | Generic swappable back-end for XML parsing |
ruby-mustache-sinatra | | Mustache support for Sinatra applications |
ruby-net-http-pipeline | | HTTP/1.1 pipelining implementation atop Net::HTTP. |
ruby-octicons | | Package that distributes Octicons in a gem |
ruby-passenger | | Web and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js |
ruby-prawn-icon | | Easy icons for prawn |
ruby-prawn-svg | | SVG renderer for Prawn Ruby PDF library |
ruby-prawn-table | | Provides support for tables in Prawn |
ruby-prawn-templates | | Experimental extraction of template features from Prawn |
ruby-pusher-client | | Ruby WebSocket client for Pusher Channels |
ruby-rack-flash3 | | Flash hash implementation for Rack apps |
ruby-rack-protection4 | | Protection for against typical web attacks for Rack application |
ruby-rake-compiler | | Build extensions (C, Java) with Rake |
ruby-rbpdf | | Ruby on Rails TCPDF plugin |
ruby-rbpdf-font | | RBPDF font files |
ruby-request_store | | Per-request global storage for Rack |
ruby-review | | Converts single Markup Text into various publishing format |
ruby-rinku | | Drop-in replacement for Rails 'auto_link' |
ruby-roadie | | Making HTML emails comfortable for the Ruby rockstars |
ruby-roadie-rails52 | | Hooks Roadie into your Rails application to help with email generation |
ruby-roo-xls | | Add support for legacy Excel file standards to math/ruby-roo |
ruby-rouge3 | | Pure-ruby colorizer based on pygments |
ruby-rss | | Family of libraries that support various formats of XML feeds |
ruby-sdl2 | | Ruby extension library to use SDL2 library |
ruby-simple-navigation | | Create navigations for Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications |
ruby-sinatra-contrib4 | | Collection of useful Sinatra extensions |
ruby-sinatra-simple-navigation | | Create navigations for Sinatra or Padrino applications |
ruby-sinatra4 | | Classy web-development dressed in a DSL |
ruby-sprockets-helpers | | Asset path helpers for Sprockets 2.x & 3.x applications |
ruby-sqlite3 | | Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database |
ruby-table_print | | Turns objects into nicely formatted columns for easy reading |
ruby-taskwarrior-web | | Lightweight web interface for Taskwarrior |
ruby-teamocil | | Easy window and split layouts for tmux |
ruby-termit | | Google Translate in your terminal |
ruby-therubyracer | | Embedded V8 Javascript |
ruby-therubyrhino | | Embed the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript interpreter into Ruby |
ruby-therubyrhino_jar | | Rhino's js.jar classes packaged as a JRuby gem |
ruby-travis | | Travis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library) |
ruby-treetop16 | | Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL |
ruby-trollop | | Commandline option parser for Ruby that gets out of your way |
ruby-twitter-text1 | | Library that provides text handling for Twitter |
ruby-useragent | | HTTP User Agent parser |
ruby-vegas | | Sinatra/Rack app wrapper |
ruby-versionomy | | Generalized version number library |
ruby-xmpp4r | | XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby |
ruby-yaml_waml | | YAML WorkAround for Multibyte Language |
runas | | Wrapper around su for running a command as another user |
runcpm | | Z80 CP/M 2.2 emulator |
rust-analyzer | | LSP server for the Rust programming language |
rust-synapse-compress-state | | Tool to clean up matrix-synapse PostgreSQL databases |
rust177 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust177-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust178 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust178-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust181 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust181-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust182 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust182-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust183 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust183-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust184 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust184-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
rust185 | | Safe, concurrent, practical language |
rust185-bin | | Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution) |
s-nail | | BSD mail utility with MIME extensions |
s2tc | | S2TC - a subset of a well known texture compression scheme |
s3cmd | | Tool for copying files to/from Amazon S3 |
s3funnel | | Multithreaded tool for performing operations on Amazon S3 |
s5cmd | | Ultra-fast tool for managing s3 compatible storage |
sabnzbd | | Web-interface based binary newsgrabber in python, with nzb support |
sabnzbdplus | | Web-interface based binary newsgrabber in python, with nzb support |
sacc-git | | Console gopher client |
safekeep | | Centralized and easy to use backup application |
sagittarius | | R6RS/R7RS Scheme system |
sailor | | Wannabe portable container system |
samhain | | Open-source IDS/file integrity checking |
samtools | | Tools for manipulating sequence alignment maps |
sapling | | Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System |
sara | | Security Auditor's Research Assistant |
sarf | | Arabic Morphology System |
sbc | | Bluetooth subband codec |
sbcl | | SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation |
sbcl-git | | SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation |
sblim-sfcc | | Small Footprint CIM Client Library |
scare | | Interpreter for interactive fiction written in Adrift |
scc | | Count physical lines of code in many programming languages |
sccache | | ccache with Rust and Cloud storage support |
scheme48-sdl | | scheme48 with SDL bindings |
schur | | Calculating properties of Lie groups and symmetric functions |
scilab | | High-level scientific math programming environment with graphics |
scim-git | | Text-mode spreadsheet |
scimark | | Java benchmark for scientific and numerical computing |
scintilla | | Source code editing component |
scip | | Solver for mixed integer, mixed integer nonlinear programming |
scite | | Source code editor |
scm | | Portable scheme interpreter |
scmail | | The scmail is a mail filter using Gauche |
scourge | | Graphical 3D roguelike, vermin extermination |
scr2png | | Converts the output of FreeBSD vidcontrol -p to PNG |
scrc | | SpecC Reference Compiler |
scrcpy | | Display and control your Android device |
scsh-install-lib | | SCSH installation library for third-party libraries |
scummvm-bass | | Beneath a Steel Sky |
scummvm-fotaq | | Flight Of The Amazon Queen |
scummvm-git | | LucasArts Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion |
scx | | Scx - a GUI library for scsh and Scheme 48 |
scythe | | 3'-end adapter contaminant trimmer |
sdd | | Replacement for 'dd' |
sddm | | QML based X11 and Wayland display manager |
sdict-tools | | SDict conversion tools |
sdif-git | | Side-by-side diff viewer (for ANSI color terminal) |
sdl-sopwith | | Classic biplane shoot-'em up |
SDL2_testgamecontroller | | Gamepad and joystick configuration tools from SDL2 |
seafile-client | | Seafile client |
seafile-gui | | Seafile client |
seafile-server | | Seafile server |
seagull | | Open source multi-protocol traffic generator |
SecLists | | Collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments |
sector-decomposition | | Used to compute numerically the Laurent expansion of Feynman integrals |
seeks | | Decentralized metasearch engine |
segvcatch | | C++ library converting hardware exceptions into a software exceptions |
self-git | | Prototype-based dynamic object-oriented programming language |
semanticscuttle | | SemanticScuttle is a social bookmarking tool |
semgrep | | Syntax-aware semantic code pattern search for many languages |
semgrep-core | | Lightweight static analysis for many languages |
send-pr | | Problem reporting tool for GNATS bug-tracker |
sendmailX | | Modular Mail Transfer Agent |
sent | | Simple plaintext presentation tool |
seqtk | | Tool for processing sequences in FASTA/FASTQ format |
serendipity | | Blogging tool written in php |
serious-engine-tfe-git | | Open source version of a game engine for the Serious Sam games |
serious-engine-tse-git | | Open source version of a game engine for the Serious Sam games |
service | | Small tool to handle rc.d service scripts |
seturgent | | Set an application urgency hint using x11 |
sfeed_curses-git | | sfeed curses UI |
sfeed-git | | RSS and Atom parser |
sflphoned | | Multiplatform softphone for IP telephony using SIP (VOIP) |
sgmltools-lite | | Friendly Python interface to SGML software |
shaarli | | Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone |
shadow | | User administration and passwd database tools for Linux |
shairport-sync | | AirPlay audio player with multi-room audio synchronisation capability |
shaper | | Bandwidth limiter for Linux |
sharif-univ-ttf | | This font was created by Sharif University |
shed | | Simple curses-based hexadecimal editor |
shell-fm | | Console based player for Last.FM radio streams |
shellharden | | Shell script syntax highlighter and rewriter |
shellinabox | | JavaScript/CSS web server instrumentation for terminal emulation |
shoutcast | | Internet Streaming server for MP3 audio |
showfont | | Displays font data from an X font server |
showmesh | | Display program for easymesh |
shtool | | Small but very stable and portable shell scripts into a single shell tool |
shttpd | | Lightweight, easy to use web server |
shunt | | Burning multi-set CDROM backups |
sic | | Simple IRC client |
sickle | | Windowed adaptive trimming tool for FASTQ files using quality |
sigdigger | | Graphical digital signal analyzer |
sigutils | | Digital signal processing library |
sil | | Roguelike that stays true to the writing of Tolkien |
sil-scheherazade-ttf | | Smart unicode font for arabic |
silky | | Silky is an easy-to-use graphical SILC client |
silvertree | | Silver Tree, an open source role playing game |
simdutf | | Library for unicode validation, transcoding and processing |
simgrid | | Simulator of distributed applications |
simpa | | Agent-oriented framework for concurrent, multi-core, distributed programming |
simple-mtpfs | | FUSE module for interacting with MTP devices |
simplec | | Port of SmallC/i386 compiler |
simplehttpserver | | Go alternative of python SimpleHTTPServer |
simplesocket | | Simple socket helpers for C++ 2014 |
simulavr-git | | Simulator for Atmel AVR microcontrollers |
singular | | SINGULAR is a Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations |
sioyek | | PDF viewer with a focus on textbooks and research papers |
sipp | | SIPp is a free Open Source SIP test tool/traffic generator |
siptoolbox | | Scilab Image Processing toolbox |
sipwitch | | Secure peer-to-peer VoIP server that uses the SIP protocol |
sis | | Classic logic synthesis tool |
siscone | | C++ code for a Seedless Infrared-Safe Cone jet finder |
sjg-mk-files | | Mk-files for bmake from Simon J. Gerraty |
skinlf | | |
skint | | Cheap and fast R7RS Scheme Interpreter |
skippy-xd | | Full-screen Exoise0styke standalone task switcher for X11 |
slack-libpurple | | Slack protocol plugin for libpurple IM clients |
slack-term | | Slack client for your terminal |
slackpkg2pkgsrc | | Simple script for easy generation of Slackware binary packages |
slade | | It's a Doom Editor |
slashem | | Slash'EM is a Nethack variant with more stuff |
slate | | Prototype-based object-oriented programming language |
slclust | | Single-linkage clustering with Jaccard similarity |
slicot | | Numerical algorithms from systems and control theory |
slideml | | HTML slide generator based on SlideML |
slime | | Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs |
slowhttptest | | Tool implementing some Slow HTTP attacks |
slune | | Action game, featuring cars, races and Tux the Penguin |
sm-change_ldappass | | Allows users to change their LDAP password from SquirrelMail |
sm-change_qldforward | | Allows users to change their LDAP password from SquirrelMail |
sm-compatibility | | Provides backward compatibility to SquirrelMail plugins |
smallbasic | | Fast and easy to learn BASIC language interpreter |
smallbasic-gui | | SmallBASIC with GUI |
smap | | SIP network scanner |
smc | | Super Mario (World) Clone using pretty 2D graphics |
smithwaterman | | Smith-waterman-gotoh alignment algorithm |
smocker | | Simple and efficient HTTP mock server and proxy |
smplayer | | Free open source media player |
smproxy | | Proxy to allow non-XSMP apps to be managed by xsm |
smstools | | Send and receive short messages via GSM phones |
smtp-gated | | Proxy for SMTP sessions with virus and spam scan |
smtp.proxy | | The smtp.proxy is an application level gateway for SMTP |
smtprc | | Open relay scanner |
smtprc-gui | | Open relay scanner Tk GUI |
smtpscan | | Remote SMTP version checker |
smw | | Super Mario War - stomp the Marios |
snallygaster-git | | Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers |
SNAP | | Gene finding for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes |
snapraid | | Backup program designed for disk arrays |
snark | | BitTorrent application suite in Java |
sndio | | Small audio and MIDI framework |
snes9express | | Frontend for snes9x written in GTK2 |
socklog | | System and kernel logging services |
softether | | Powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software |
softflowd | | Flow-based network traffic analyser capable of Cisco NetFlow export |
soil | | Tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL |
solarus-zsdx | | Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX |
solvespace-git | | Parametric 2D/3D CAD program |
songwrite2 | | Music score and songbook editor |
sonic-visualiser | | Application for viewing and analysing music audio files |
sophia | | Modern embeddable key-value database |
soplex | | Optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs) |
soqt | | Legacy library that provides glue between Coin and Qt |
spai | | Sparse Approximate Inverses |
spamassassin-cvs | | Mail filter to identify spam (CVS snapshot) |
spamd-devel | | OpenBSD spam deferral daemons and tools |
spark2014 | | SPARK 2014 toolset |
spatt | | Statistics for Patterns |
spcm | | Simple, portable cluster management |
spectra | | Header-only C++ library for large scale eigenvalue problems |
speed-dreams | | (no description) |
speedx | | Car racing game for X |
spfmilter | | Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) as a milter |
spice-html5 | | Pure Javascript SPICE client |
spice-vdagent | | Agent for Spice guests |
spid-compliant-certificates | | Generate X509 certificates according to Avviso SPID 29 v3 |
spidermonkey24 | | Standalone JavaScript implementation in C |
spidermonkey31 | | Standalone JavaScript implementation in C |
spiralloops | | Loop based sampler |
spiralsynth | | Polyphonic analogue softsynth |
spirv-tools | | API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules |
splix | | Driver for SPL printers (Samsung and Xerox) |
spot | | Library for omega automata manipulation and model checking |
spread4 | | Group communication system providing a number of messaging services |
sq | | Jq-style access to structured data sources |
sqlc | | Generate type-safe code from SQL |
sqlitewrite | | CSV-like storage to sqlite |
sqlux | | Sinclair QL emulator |
squeak3 | | Squeak version 3.x |
squeak5 | | Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows |
squeak5-vm | | Cross-platform VM for Squeak, Pharo, Cuis, and Newspeak |
squeak6 | | Squeak 6.x, Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows |
squirrel | | The Squirrel programming language |
squirrelmail-avelsieve | | Sieve Script editing plugin for SquirrelMail |
squirrelmail-chg_sasl_passwd | | SASL password changing plugin for SquirrelMail |
squirrelmail-compatibility | | Previous version compatibility plugin for SquirrelMail |
squirrelmail-vlogin | | Easy Virtual domain support plugin for SquirrelMail |
sra-tools | | NCBI's toolkit for handling data in INSDC Sequence Read Archives |
src | | Simple Revision Control |
srecord | | Manipulate EPROM load files |
srvx | | Srvx IRC services |
sselp | | Simple X selection printer. Prints the X selection to stdout |
ssh_ping | | Utility for measuring SSH session latency |
ssid | | Simple setsid replacement |
ssiv-git | | Simple SDL Image Viewer |
ssu | | Command-line access to local and remote Source Safe/VSS repositories |
st-term-git | | Simple terminal implementation for X |
stackdriver-collectd | | Statistics collection daemon base, Stackdriver version |
stacks | | Software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences |
starfighter | | Side-scrolling shoot 'em up space game |
StepTalk | | GNUstep scripting framework |
stksolver | | Stokes flow solver using the boundary element method |
stmd-git | | Standard markdown converter implementation |
stmpclean | | Secure /tmp cleaner |
stonx | | Atari ST Emulator |
stormlib | | Blizzard MPQ archive tool |
stracciatella | | Improved, cross-platform, stable Jagged Alliance 2 runtime |
stratagus | | Real-time strategy gaming engine |
streamlink | | Tool that pipes video streams into a video player |
stress | | Deliberately simple workload generator for POSIX systems |
stress-ng | | Stress test benchmarks |
stringtie | | Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-seq |
strongswan | | strongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec-based VPN solution |
structure | | Multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure |
subread | | High-performance read alignment, quantification and mutation discovery |
subsync | | Synchronize your subtitles with machine learning |
suitesparse | | Set of packages for sparse matrices calculation |
sulley | | pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework |
sundials | | SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers |
sunterlib | | Scheme Unterground library, a collection of libraries for scsh |
sunxi-mali-fb | | Linux OpenGLESv2/EGL binaries for Allwinner framebuffers |
supercat | | Supercat is a text colorizer |
superchic | | Monte Carlo Event Generator for Central Exclusive Production |
supercollider | | Real time audio synthesis and composition programming language |
superhtml | | HTML Language Server (LSP) |
superlfv | | Calculate lepton flavor violating observables |
supermodel | | Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator |
surf-git | | Fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit/GTK+ |
suscan | | Realtime DSP library |
suse121_32_libbz2 | | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_32_libgcrypt | | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_32_libgpg-error | | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgpg-error |
suse121_libbz2 | | Linux compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_libgcrypt | | Linux compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_libgpg-error | | Linux compatibility package for libgpg-error |
suse131_fpc | | Linux compatibility package for Free Pascal Compiler |
suse131_gcc | | Linux compatibility package for GNU GCC |
suse131_gconf2 | | Linux compatibility package for libbz2 |
suse131_libbz2 | | Linux compatibility package for libbz2 |
suse15_gcc | | Linux compatibility package for GNU GCC |
suse15_glibc-locale-base | | Linux compatibility package for glibc-locale-base |
suwidgets | | Sigutils-related widgets |
suxus | | Readable bitmap font for low-res displays |
svgalib | | Low level console graphics library |
svgalib64 | | Low level console graphics library (64 bit video) |
svkbd | | Simple virtual keyboard |
svnup | | Lightweight program to pull source files from subversion |
svrcore | | Netscape svrcore is a kind of library to handle NSS PIN requests |
svt-vp9 | | VP9 encoder |
swami | | SoundFont2 instrument editor |
swarp | | Simple mouse pointer warping tool for X |
sway | | Sway is an i3-compatible Wayland compositor |
swfmill | | Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities |
swftools | | Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities |
swift | | Swift XMPP Client |
swift-git | | Swift XMPP Client |
swig4 | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 4) |
swinehub | | Subversion frontend |
swisseph | | High precision ephemeris developed by Astrodienst |
sxcs | | Minimal X11 Color Picker and Magnifier |
sxemacs | | SXEmacs text editor version 22 |
sxid | | Suid, sgid file and directory checking |
sylfilter | | Bayesian spam filter |
sylvan | | Multi-core Decision Diagram (BDD/LDD) implementation |
symbolic++ | | C++ and POO programming to develop a computer algebra system |
symmetrica | | Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library |
symon | | System monitoring suite |
symphony-of-empires | | Real-time strategy and map game |
sympol | | SymPol is a C++ tool to work with symmetric polyhedra |
sympow | | Special values of symmetric power elliptic curve L-functions |
syn68k | | ARDI's 68LC040 CPU emulator |
synce-dynamite | | Microsoft cabinet file extraction library |
synce-orange | | Extract installable files from self-extracting installers |
syncthing-discosrv | | Syncthing discovery server |
syncthing-relaysrv | | Syncthing relay server |
synfig | | Vector-based 2D animation renderer |
synfigstudio | | Animation studio for 2D animation renderer |
sysklogd | | System and kernel log daemons for Linux |
sysstat | | System performance tools for Linux |
system-config-printer | | CUPS printer configuration tool and status applet |
system-tools-backends | | DBus interface for system configuration |
systemc | | C language for system design |
systemsettings | | KDE system settings |
sysvinit | | The Linux System V init and miscellaneous Linux tools |
syx | | Free and portable smalltalk implementation |
t-coffee | | Multiple Sequence Alignment Package |
t-gnus | | Gnus is a flexible message reader running under GNU Emacs |
ta-lib | | Unix POSIX Library for Technical Analysis |
tabbed-git | | Simple generic tabbed frontend to xembed aware applications |
tabixpp | | C++ wrapper to tabix indexer |
tac_plus-libradius | | Version of Cisco's tac_plus Tacacs server with RADIUS support |
tagtool | | GTK-based Ogg Vorbis and MP3 file tagger |
talksoup | | IRC client for GNUstep and MacOSX |
tamago-anthy | | Tamago(Emacs CJK input) + Anthy engine interface |
tardy | | Manipulate attributes of files within tar archives |
tasks | | Simple To Do list application for GNOME |
tavrasm | | Assember for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family |
tc | | 2-stroke non associative direct input for Kanji |
tc-git | | 2-stroke non associative direct input for Kanji |
tc-hasida-table | | Kanji table for t-code input (PostScript and PDF) |
tcc | | The Smallest ANSI C compiler |
tcc-git | | The Smallest ANSI C compiler |
tcl-curl | | Curl bindings for Tcl |
tcl-expect | | Extensions to Tcl to support scripting of interactive programs |
tcl-fossil | | Tool Command Language, a dynamic language |
tcl-itcl3 | | Framework for building mega-widgets using [incr Tcl] |
tcl-iwidgets | | Object-oriented mega-widget set which extends Tcl/Tk |
tcl9 | | Tool Command Language, a dynamic language |
tcmplex-panteltje | | Re-write of the A/V multiplexer from the transcode distribution |
tcprelay | | Relay TCP connections between a client and a server |
tcpspy | | TCP/IP connections logger |
tcptrack | | Watch TCP connections |
tcptunnel | | Simple TCP port forwarder |
tcpxtract | | Extract files from network traffic based on file signatures |
tctool | | Speed Modem 50B/50B+/200/Cellpipe CELL 19A-BX utility |
tde | | Thomson-Davis Editor |
tdlib | | Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients |
tdlib-purple | | Libpurple Telegram plugin using tdlib |
teamspeak | | Talk to other people over the internet |
teco | | Powerful and compact editor with nongrafical user interface |
telegraf | | Plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics |
telegram-cli | | CLI for telegram messenger |
telegram-desktop | | Telegram Desktop messaging app |
telegram-purple | | libpurple protocol plugin for the Telegram messenger |
telepathy-butterfly | | Telepathy-butterfly is the MSN connection manager for telepathy |
template-glib | | Glib template expansion library |
tendra | | Multi-targetted C and C++ compiler |
tendra.org-sid | | SID (Syntax Improving Device) is an LL(1) parser generator |
teng | | Teng is a general purpose templating engine (whence Teng) |
tengwar-ttf | | Family of fonts covering J. R. R. Tolkien's Tengwar script |
tenmado | | Vertical scrolling shoot'em-up game |
termbox | | Library for writing text-based user interfaces |
termdbms | | TUI for viewing and editing database files |
Terminal | | GNUstep terminal emulator |
terminology | | Enlightenment terminal |
termit | | Simple vte-based terminal with tabs and encoding switching |
termshark | | Terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark |
terraform | | Meta package providing preferred version of Terraform |
terraform-docs | | Generate documentation from Terraform modules |
terraform-provider-archive | | Terraform archive provider |
terraform-provider-aws | | Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services |
terraform-provider-aws-modules-http | | Terraform provider for interacting with generic HTTP servers |
terraform-provider-aws3 | | Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services |
terraform-provider-aws5 | | Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services |
terraform-provider-cassandra | | Terraform provider for Apache Cassandra |
terraform-provider-cloudinit | | Terraform provider for rendering cloud-init configurations |
terraform-provider-flux | | Terraform provider for Flux version 2 |
terraform-provider-gandi | | Terraform provider for Gandi |
terraform-provider-github | | Terraform provider for GitHub resources |
terraform-provider-google | | Terraform provider for Google Cloud Platform |
terraform-provider-hcloud | | Terraform Hetzner Cloud provider |
terraform-provider-http | | Terraform provider for interacting with generic HTTP servers |
terraform-provider-kafka | | Terraform provider for managing Apache Kafka Topics and ACLs |
terraform-provider-kubectl | | Terraform provider to handle raw Kubernetes manifest YAML files |
terraform-provider-kubernetes | | Terraform provider for Kubernetes (K8S) |
terraform-provider-kubernetes1 | | Terraform provider for Kubernetes (K8S) |
terraform-provider-local | | Terraform provider for local resources |
terraform-provider-null | | Terraform provider for nothing |
terraform-provider-oci | | Terraform provider for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure |
terraform-provider-postgresql | | Terraform PostgreSQL provider |
terraform-provider-random | | Terraform provider for randomness |
terraform-provider-scaleway | | Terraform provider for Scaleway |
terraform-provider-template | | Terraform template provider |
terraform-provider-time | | Terraform provider for Time-Based Resources |
terraform-provider-tls | | Terraform provider for TLS resources |
terraform-provider-vultr | | Terraform Vultr provider |
terraform013 | | Infrastructure orchestration tool |
terraform014 | | Infrastructure orchestration tool |
terraform015 | | Infrastructure orchestration tool |
terraform11 | | Infrastructure orchestration tool |
terraform13 | | Infrastructure orchestration tool |
terrascan | | Static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code |
tesseract-game | | First-person shooter game based on Cube 2 |
tesseract-game-svn | | First-person shooter game based on Cube 2 |
testssl | | Checks servers for TLS/SSL flaws |
tetrinet | | Console tetrinet client |
tex-attachfile-doc | | Documentation for tex-attachfile |
tex-babel-japanese-doc | | Documentation for tex-babel-japanese |
tex-breqn-doc | | Documentation for tex-breqn |
tex-commutative-diagrams | | CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX |
tex-commutative-diagrams-doc | | Documentation for tex-commutative-diagrams |
tex-fancyref-doc | | Documentation for tex-fancyref |
tex-lineno-doc | | Documentation for tex-lineno |
tex-lshort-japanese-doc | | Documentation for tex-lshort-japanese |
tex-mathtools-doc | | Documentation for tex-mathtools |
tex-mendex-doc-doc | | Documentation for tex-mendex-doc |
tex-platexcheat-doc | | Documentation for tex-platexcheat |
tex-poormanlog | | Logarithms and powers with (almost) 9 digits |
tex-poormanlog-doc | | Documentation for tex-poormanlog |
tex-ptex-manual-doc | | Documentation for tex-ptex-manual |
tex-relsize-doc | | Documentation for tex-relsize |
tex-setspace-doc | | Documentation for tex-setspace |
tex-simplekv | | Simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX |
tex-simplekv-doc | | Documentation for tex-simplekv |
tex-svg | | Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents |
tex-texlive-ja-doc | | Documentation for tex-texlive-ja |
tex-tkz-grapheur | | A LaTeX package with tools for graph plotting (and TikZ) |
tex-tkz-grapheur-doc | | Documentation for tex-tkz-grapheur |
tex-tzplot | | Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations |
tex-tzplot-doc | | Documentation for tex-tzplot |
tex-uptex-doc | | Documentation for tex-uptex |
tex-xint | | Expandable operations on long numbers |
tex-xint-doc | | Documentation for tex-xint |
tex-xint-regression | | Classic regressions, with xint |
tex-xint-regression-doc | | Documentation for tex-xint-regression |
tex-yhmath | | Extended maths fonts for LaTeX |
tex-yhmath-doc | | Documentation for tex-yhmath |
TextEdit | | GNUstep text editor |
textile-mode | | Emacs mode for editing Textile documents |
tflint | | Pluggable Terraform Linter |
tfschema | | Schema inspector for Terraform / OpenTofu providers |
tftp-hpa | | Enhanced version of the BSD TFTP client and server |
tg_owt-git | | WebRTC build for Telegram |
tg-timer | | Open source Time Grapher for timing mechanical watches |
thabit-ttf | | Thabit (from Arabic:fixed) is a fixed width OpenType font family |
thcrut | | Gathers information from local and remote networks |
theama | | Theama is a curses-based version of the famous HangMan game |
thedarkmod | | First-person stealth video game inspired by the Thief series |
theforceengine | | Modern Jedi Engine replacement supporting Dark Forces |
thepeg | | Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation |
ThirdParty-ASL | | COIN-OR autotools harness to build AMPL Solver Library |
ThirdParty-Mumps | | COIN-OR autotools harness to build Mumps |
thunderbird | | Organize, secure and customize your mail |
thunderbird68-enigmail | | GnuPG support for mail/thunderbird68 |
ti99sim | | SDL-based TI-99/4a simulator |
tigervnc113 | | VNC client/server (older version for SPARC) |
tilda | | Terminal like the classic first-person-shooter games |
tilix | | Tiling terminal emulator |
timescaledb-tune | | Tune timescaledb to match system's CPU and memory resources |
timewarrior | | Command-line time tracking application |
timg | | Terminal image and video viewer |
tint2 | | Lightweight panel/taskbar for X11 |
tintin++ | | Free Mud client for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows |
tinyca2 | | GUI written in Perl/Gtk to manage a small CA |
tinycobol | | Tiny COBOL compiler for IA32 platforms |
tinyfugue-beta | | Beta-version of tinyfugue |
tinygo | | Go compiler for small places |
tinylogin | | Suite of tiny Unix utilities for handling logging |
tinyssh | | Minimalistic SSHv2 server |
tipp10 | | Touch typing tutor |
tk-itk3 | | Framework for building mega-widgets for Tcl/Tk |
tkblt | | Extension to Tcl/Tk |
tkgate | | Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator |
tkhtml3 | | Tk widget displaying content formatted to HTML and CSS standards |
tkpng | | Open source package that adds PNG photo image support to Tcl/Tk |
tktile | | Improved themeing engine for Tk |
tleenx2 | | Client to tlen.pl - polish IM / chat system |
tleenx3 | | Polish IM communication client |
tllist | | C implementation of a typed linked list |
tme | | The Machine Emulator |
tmuni-ttf | | Unicode Font for Tibetan, Dzongkha and Ladakhi |
tmux-git | | Terminal multiplexer |
tmva | | Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis with ROOT |
tmw | | Free open source 2D MMORPG in development |
tnt | | Template Numerical Toolkit |
todotxt-git | | Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file |
tolua++ | | Tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua |
tome | | Troubles of Middle Earth |
tome2 | | Troubles of Middle Earth |
tops-bin | | Protein Topology Cartoons Tools |
tor-browser | | Tor Browser based on Firefox |
tor-dev | | Anonymizing overlay network for TCP |
torcs | | The Open Racing Car Simulator |
torque2d | | Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames |
torque3d | | Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames |
torrentzip | | Convert zip archives to torrentzip format |
torsocks-git | | Library to torify applications |
tortunnel | | Partial onion proxy for single-hop circuits through TOR |
toxic-git | | CLI Tox client |
tpdne-dl | | Download tool for thispicturedoesnotexist.com |
tpico2 | | The Pico language interpreter, http://pico.vub.ac.be |
tpico2-experimental | | The Pico language interpreter with extensions, http://pico.vub.ac.be |
tpl | | Store and reload your C data |
tpp | | Tpp is an ncurses-based presentation tool |
tqsllib | | Tqsl library for ARRL LoTW |
tr2latex | | Troff to LaTeX converter |
trac-plugins-AuthOpenId | | This plugins allows to login to Trac using OpenID |
trac-plugins-FullBlog | | Blog plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-FullBlogNotification | | E-mail Notification for the FullBlog plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-GraphViz-svn | | Graphviz plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-MasterTickets-svn | | Ticket dependency plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-Paste | | Paste plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-RoadmapHours-svn | | RoadmapHours plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-screenshots | | Screenshots plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-SensitiveTickets-svn | | Ticket dependency plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-spamfilter-svn | | Spam Filter plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-TimingAndEstimation-svn | | TimingAndEstimation plugin for Trac |
trackballs | | SDL-based Marble Madness clone |
tracy | | Real time, nanosecond resolution frame profiler |
transient | | |
trayion | | FreeDesktop trayicon area for Ion3 |
tree-sitter-query | | tree-sitter query grammar for tree-sitter |
tree-sitter-vim | | vimscript grammar for tree-sitter |
tree-sitter-vimdoc | | vimdoc grammar for tree-sitter |
treetool | | Treetool is for displaying, editing, and printing phylogenetic trees |
trf | | Genome tandom repeats finder |
triangle | | Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator |
trifecta | | Educational image sharing website |
triforceafl | | AFL/QEMU fuzzing with full-system emulation |
triforcenetbsdsyscallfuzzer | | NetBSD syscall fuzzing with TriforceAFL |
trigger-rally | | A 3D rally simulation racing game. |
trimadap | | Trim adapter sequences from Illumina data using heuristic rules |
trinity | | Assembles transcript sequences from Illumina RNA-Seq data |
tripwire2 | | File and directory integrity checker |
trurl | | Command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation |
tscrape-git | | Twitter scraper |
tsh | | Lightweight remote shel wity 128AES and file transfers |
tslib | | Touchscreen access library |
TT2020-ttf-git | | Advanced, hyperrealistic, multilingual typewriter font |
ttf-indic-fonts | | TTF Indic Fonts from Debian |
ttr | | Text Text Revolution |
ttyd | | Simple command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web |
ttyload | | Color-coded console load graph |
ttysnoop | | Snoop TTYs on Linux for kernels 2.6 |
ttytter | | Twitter client written in perl |
tuareg-mode | | GNU Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing Caml and OCaml programs |
tuba | | Mastodon browser |
tudu | | Command line interface to manage hierarchical todos |
tutos | | Time and team management software |
tuxanci | | Czechoslovak multiplatform action game like Bulanci |
tuxanci-server | | Server of Czechoslovak multiplatform action game like Bulanci |
tuxpaint-config | | Configuration program for tuxpaint |
tuxpaint-cvs | | Drawing program for small children |
tuxtype2 | | Educational typing tutorial game for children |
tvmet | | Tiny Vector and Matrix template library |
twamp-gui | | GUI for doing and visualizing TWAMP measurement |
twemproxy | | Fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis |
twin-environment | | Text mode window environment |
twinkle | | SIP-based VOIP client |
twintk | | Terminal Windows Toolkit |
twitmail | | Curses-based mail-like interface to twitter |
twittering-mode-git | | Emacs client for twitter |
txt2tags | | Text formatting and conversion tool |
typespeed | | Game to measure your typing speed, with network mode |
typhoon | | Database management system |
typst-lsp | | Language server for typst |
u-boot | | The mkimage utility of the u-boot bootloader |
u-boot-full | | Das U-Boot -- the Universal Boot Loader |
u-boot-khadas-vim3 | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (khadas-vim3_defconfig) |
u-boot-mangopi-mq-pro | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (mangopi_mq_pro_defconfig) |
u-boot-nanopi-r2s | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi-r2s-rk3328_defconfig) |
u-boot-orangepi-pc2 | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_pc2_defconfig) |
u-boot-pinebook-crust | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pinebook_defconfig) |
u-boot-rock5b | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (rock5b-rk3588_defconfig) |
u-boot-sifive-unleashed | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (sifive_unleashed_defconfig) |
u-boot-tools | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (tools) |
u-boot-visionfive2 | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (starfive_visionfive2_defconfig) |
uade | | Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator |
uchime | | Algorithm for detecting chimeric sequences |
uclibc | | C library for developing embedded Linux systems |
udhcp | | Embedded DHCP Client/Server |
udp-ping | | UDP Ping is a tool to selectively send UDP packets |
udunits2 | | Library for manipulating units of physical quantities |
ueberzugpp | | Command line utility allowing to draw images on terminals |
uebimiau | | Web based email client |
ufc | | Unified framework for finite element assembly |
uffizi | | Generates photo galleries from directories of image files |
uget | | Open Source download manager application developed with GTK+ |
uhd-git | | USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) Hardware Drivers |
ulfius | | HTTP Framework for REST Applications in C |
umix | | Adjust mix levels |
umoci | | Tool to modify Open Container images |
unagi | | Modular compositing manager |
undo-tree | | Treat Emacs undo history as a tree |
unicorn5hc | | Quest for the Unicorn version 5, a rogue-like game, Hard Core edition |
unifi | | Provisioning software for network products made by Ubiquiti |
unimrcp | | Open-source cross-platform implementation of MRCP[v1-2] |
unimrcp-apr | | Patched APR version for UniMRCP |
unimrcp-aprutil | | Patched APR-UTIL version for UniMRCP |
unimrcp-sofiasip | | Patched SOFIA-SIP version for UniMRCP |
unison-snapshot | | File-synchronization tool |
unity | | Unit testing framework built for C |
universal-test-runner | | Language-agnostic, zero-configuration test invoker |
universalcodegrep | | Extremely fast grep-like tool for searching source code |
unix2tcp | | UNIX socket to TCP tunnel |
unmo3 | | MO3 decoder |
unnethack | | Variant and further development of NetHack |
unpaper | | Post-processing scanned and photocopied book pages |
unrealtournament-server | | Server for Unreal Tournament first person shooter |
unzip | | List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive |
uperf | | Network performance tool |
ups-nut | | Network UPS Tools |
uptimed | | Keeps track of current and past system uptimes |
uqwk | | Tool to collect news and mail packets for offline reading |
urlwatch | | Watch web pages and arbitrary URLs for changes |
urw-base35-ttf | | URW++ base 35 font set |
usbmuxd | | Multiplexing connections over USB for Apple iOS devices |
uschedule | | Secure management of job scheduling |
using-mpi | | Sample programs from Using MPI (2nd ed.) book |
usrsctp | | A portable SCTP userland stack |
ussp-push | | OBEX object pusher for BlueZ |
util-linux | | Miscellaneous essential utilities for Linux systems |
uTox-git | | Lightweight Tox client for the desktop |
uzbl-git | | Web interface tools which adhere to the UNIX philosophy |
v8 | | V8 JavaScript Engine |
v8-316 | | V8 JavaScript Engine |
vacuum | | World's fastest OpenAPI and Swagger linter |
vacuum-magic | | Vacuum Magic, a fast-paced action game |
vala-panel-appmenu | | Global Menu for Vala Panel (and xfce4-panel and mate-panel) |
vale-current | | Media streaming library |
valgrind-netbsd | | Debugging and profiling tools |
vamp | | VAMP is WHIZARD's adaptive multi-channel integrator |
vamps | | Requantizer for shrinking DVDs |
vanitygen | | Vanity address generator |
varnish-modules | | Collection of modules extending Varnish VCL |
varnish-slash | | Storage Engines for Varnish-Cache |
VASSAL | | Game engine for building and playing board and card games |
vault | | Tool for managing secrets |
vaultwarden-web-vault | | Bitwarden web vault with the patches to make it work with security/vaultwarden |
vcf-split | | Split a multi-sample VCF into single-sample VCFs |
vcf2hap | | Generate .hap file from VCF for haplohseq |
vcftools | | Tools for working with VCF genomics files |
vcg | | Visualization Tool for compiler graphs |
vcglib | | Template library for manipulation of triangle meshes |
vche | | Hex Editor for console |
vcmi | | Open-source engine for Heroes of Might and Magic 3 |
vcsh | | Version Control System for the home directory |
vee | | Command line blog tool that is very portable across Unix systems |
velero | | Backup/migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes |
venom | | Manage and run your integration tests with efficiency |
verilator | | Convert HDL (Verilog etc) into a C++ or SystemC model |
vhdtool-git | | Tool to convert raw .IMG files into Microsoft .VHD/.VHDX format |
video-trimmer | | Trim videos quickly |
video2x | | Machine learning-based lossless video super resolution framework |
vidrioclock | | Vidrioclock is a simple X11 clock that uses vidriolib |
vidriolib | | Viriolib is a windows, menus and so on development library |
viewer | | OpenGL based multipurpose image viewer |
viewglob | | Utility designed to complement the shell in graphical environments |
vim-nox11 | | Vim editor (vi clone) with scripting languages support |
vimb-git | | Vim-like webkit browser |
vimrc-mode | | Emacs major mode for editing .vimrc configuration files |
vino | | VNC server for GNOME |
virt-manager | | GUI to manage virtual machines |
virtualbox | | General-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware |
virtualbox-svn | | General-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware |
virtualjaguar-git | | Jaguar emulator based on SDL |
virtualxt | | Portable, lightweight Turbo PC/XT emulator written in C |
virus | | VI resembling utility skeleton |
vis | | Classic logic verification tool |
vis-editor | | Vim like text editor |
visidata | | curses interface for exploring and arranging tabular data |
vista-fonts | | TrueType fonts from Microsoft Windows Vista |
vkeybd | | Virtual midi keyboard |
vlang | | The V Programming Language |
vlevel | | Dynamic compressor LADSPA plugin with look-ahead |
vm-pop3d | | POP3 server with support for virtual mail accounts |
vmsbackup | | Utility to read VMS backup tapes |
vmware-sercons | | Tool for attaching simply to VMware Fusion Serial Consoles |
vncselector | | Tool for managing VNC sessions |
volctl | | System tray applet for Pulseaudio |
vpnc | | Client for Cisco3000 VPN Concentrator |
vpr | | Classic place and route tool for FPGAs |
vscode | | The Open Source build of Visual Studio Code (vscode) editor |
vsearch | | Versatile open-source tool for metagenomics |
vulkan-loader | | Loader for Vulkan Graphics API |
w3c-httpd | | CERN httpd |
wackamole | | Peer-to-peer high availability cluster |
wadgadget | | WAD file editor for Doom engine games |
wadptr | | Command-line tool for compressing Doom WAD files |
waffle | | OpenGL runtime selection library |
wakeonlan | | Wake up computers via wake-on-LAN magic packets |
wanderer | | Wanderer is a game similar to Boulderdash, Repton, XOR and others |
wang-ttf | | Chinese TrueType fonts made by Dr. Hann-Tzong Wang |
wargus | | Importer and scripts for Warcraft2 and Aleonas Tales |
warsow | | Free fast-paced first-person shooter |
wasi-compiler-rt | | LLVM runtime libraries for WASI/WebAssembly |
wasi-libc | | libc for WebAssembly programs built on top of WASI |
wasi-libc-git | | WASI libc implementation for WebAssembly |
wasi-libcxx | | C++ Standard Librares (libc++/libc++abi) for WASI/WebAssembly |
watch | | Execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen |
watchman | | Watches files and takes action when they change |
wcstools | | Tools to manage WCS-related keywords of FITS files for astronomy |
weatherman | | Display weather information from WeatherBug on the command line |
web-mode | | Emacs mode for html/php editting |
webbrowser | | Proxy script for launching best available web browser |
webcleaner | | Filtering HTTP proxy |
webdump-git | | Text-based web client/page dump |
webhookd | | Simple webhook server launching shell scripts |
webkit-gtk | | GTK port of the WebKit browser engine |
webkit-gtk-2.46 | | GTK port of the WebKit browser engine |
wendzelnntpd | | Free Usenet server with SQL backend and RBAC |
WEPCrack | | Open source tool for breaking 802.11 WEP secret keys |
weplab | | Weplab is a tool to review the security of WEP encryption |
west | | Web scripting/stress tool |
weston | | Wayland desktop. Wallpaper, launchers, clock, terminal |
wgrib2 | | Tools for managing GRIB weather data files |
whatscli | | Command line interface for WhatsApp |
which | | Locate a command |
whisper.cpp | | OpenAI's Whisper LLM inference in C/C++ |
why | | Why is a software verification platform |
wicd | | Wired and Wireless network manager for Linux |
will-it-scale-git | | hwloc benchmark |
wine | | Compatibility layer for running Microsoft Windows applications |
wine-wow64 | | Compatibility layer for running Microsoft Windows applications |
wine64 | | Compatibility layer for running Microsoft Windows Applications |
wine64-dev | | Compatibility layer for running Microsoft Windows Applications |
wings | | 3D modeling program with a friendly interface |
winwrangler | | WinWrangler desktop daemon to manipulations window managers |
wip-tools | | Tools for developing wip packages |
wipeout-rewrite | | Reimplementation of the 1995 PSX game |
wipeout-ttf | | WipEout TrueType fonts |
wireless-tools | | Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions |
wireshark2 | | Network protocol analyzer |
wise2 | | Tool for Comparing bio polymers like DNA and Protein sequences |
wise3 | | TODO: Short description of the package |
witchblast | | Roguelite dungeon crawler game |
with-editor | | |
wjelement | | Flexible JSON manipulation and schema validataion in C |
wl-snapshot | | Mail/news management system with IMAP4rev1 support for Emacs |
wla-dx | | Assembler that targets many CPUs |
wla-dx-git | | Assembler that targets many CPUs |
wlroots | | Wayland compositor library |
wmbattery | | Dockapp that shows battery status |
wmc2d | | Dockapp to monitor coretemp temperature and cpufreq frequency |
wmii-devel | | Window manager improved 2 |
wmname | | Prints/sets the window manager name property of the root window |
wmnetload | | Windowmaker dockapp to monitor network interface usage |
wmsupermon | | Universal monitoring dockapp |
wmswallow | | Dock any (!) Application into the WindowMaker dock |
wolf4SDL | | Wolfenstein 3D ported to SDL |
wordle | | The wordle game, in rust |
worker | | Orthodox file manager for the X Window System |
workrave | | Wrist break reminder program for prevention of RSI |
wp2md-git | | WordPress to Markdown Exporter |
wpro | | Wget with PRO features |
wput | | Wput is a command-line ftp-client that looks like wget |
wqy-microhei-ttf | | WenQuanYi Open Source Outline Fonts based on Droid font |
wqy-zenhei-ttf | | WenQuanYi Open Source Outline Fonts (Chinese simplified) |
wrcs | | Wiki Revision Control System |
wsjtx | | Weak Signal Communication by Joe Talor (K1JT) |
wsmake | | Software for production and maintenance of web sites |
wvstreams | | WvStreams is a network programming library in C++ |
wxmaxima-git | | Graphical UI for maxima |
wyeb-git | | Vim-like webkit2gtk browser |
wyebadblock-git | | adblock extension for wyeb, also webkit2gtk browsers |
wyrmgus | | Game engine for Wyrmsun |
wyrmsun | | Strategy game with elements of mythology, history and fiction |
xace | | Jupiter Ace emulator |
xalan-c | | XSLT processor of the Apache Project |
xalan-c-1.10 | | XSLT processor of the Apache Project |
xapps | | Components which are common to multiple desktop environments |
xar | | The eXtensible ARchiver |
xaralx-bin | | Vector graphics program |
xargon-git | | SDL port of the DOS game Xargon |
xbase | | Xbase (i.e. dBase, FoxPro, etc.) compatible C++ class library |
xbelmark | | XBEL XML bookmarks to readable HTML converter |
xbnbt | | Alternative BitTorrent tracker written in C++ |
xbps | | The X Binary Package System |
xbsql | | SQL frontend for DB4 (DBF) files with xbase |
xcape | | Configure modifier keys to act as other keys when pressed |
xcb-util-xrm-git | | XCB utility functions for the X resource manager |
xchat2-tcl | | TCL scripting plugin for xchat |
xdg | | General purpose X11 library. Usable for anything graphical e.g. window managers or 3D. |
xdg-desktop-portal | | Desktop integration portal (from Flatpak) |
xdiskusage | | Graphical space disk viewer |
xebece | | Multipurpose tool for information visualization and organization |
xemacs-hg | | XEmacs text editor (HEAD version) |
xemu | | Emulators of various machines, incl the MEGA65 |
xerces-c-2.8.0 | | Validating C++ XML parser with DOM and SAX support |
xesam-glib | | Xesam GLib is a client library for the XESAM specification |
xf86-input-keyboard-dfbsd | | Modular Xorg keyboard driver |
xf86-input-libinput | | Generic input driver for the X.Org server based on libinput |
xf86-input-mouse-dfbsd | | Modular Xorg mouse driver |
xf86-input-synaptics | | Synaptics touchpad driver for X.Org |
xf86-input-vboxmouse | | Modular Xorg Virtualbox mouse driver |
xf86-input-ws-dfbsd | | OpenBSDs wscons input driver for modular X.org |
xf86-video-ati-dfbsd | | Modular Xorg ATI Radeon video driver |
xf86-video-geode | | Modular Xorg AMD Geode GX/LX driver |
xf86-video-intel-dfbsd | | Modular Xorg Intel video driver |
xf86-video-intel-git | | Modular Xorg Intel video driver |
xf86-video-intel-old | | Modular Xorg Intel video driver (2.7.x branch) |
xf86-video-scfb-dfbsd | | X.Org syscons display driver |
xf86-video-virtualbox | | Modular Xorg Virtualbox video driver |
xf86-video-wsfb-dfbsd | | Modular Xorg wsdisplay framebuffer video driver |
xf86rushproto | | XFree86-derived rush protocol headers |
xfce4-wm-dfbsd | | Xfce window manager |
xfs | | Xorg version of X font server |
xhyve | | Port of FreeBSD's bhyve to OS X |
xine-plugin | | Plugin for www/firefox for using multimedia/xine-lib |
xinetd | | Secure replacement for inetd |
xinput_calibrator | | Generic touchscreen calibration program for X.Org |
xinvaders3d | | Vector-graphics Space Invaders clone for X11 |
xiphos | | Bible study tool utilizing the sword framework |
xlossage-git | | Display pressed keys in X11 in a readable way |
xmail | | SMTP, POP3 and finder server |
xmatchview | | Genome alignment visualization |
xmds | | XMDS is a code generator that integrates equations |
xmim | | GUI interface for multicast MPEG-I stream viewer |
xml-light | | Xml-Light is a minimal XML parser & printer for OCaml |
xml2tsv | | Simple xml-to-tsv converter, based on xmlparser |
xml2tsv-git | | Simple xml-to-tsv converter, based on xmlparser |
xmlada | | XML/Ada: An XML parser for Ada95 |
xmlformat-docs | | Configurable XML formatter, documentation files |
xmlformat-perl | | Configurable XML formatter, Perl version |
xmlformat-ruby | | Configurable XML formatter, Ruby version |
xmlsysinfo | | System monitor that provides XML encoded stats |
xmms-skin-AdamAmp | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-Chaos | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-CherryBest | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-Cobalt | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-CoolBlue | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-Cracked | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-Eclipse | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-Fire | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-HelixSawfish | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-LinuxDotCom | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-m2n | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-MarbleX | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-maXMMS | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-nixamp | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-NoerdAmp-SE | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-Plume | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-Sword | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-UltrafinaSEM | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-VegetalBlues | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skin-WinampX | | Skin for XMMS |
xmms-skins | | Skins for XMMS |
xmms-volnorm | | Volumne normalizer for XMMS |
xmms2 | | Audio player featuring a client-server model |
xmoto | | 2D motocross platform game |
xnee | | Record, replay, and distribute user actions under X11 |
xoo | | Graphical wrapper around Xnest/Xephyr |
xoreos | | Open source implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine |
xoreos-tools | | Tools to help the development of xoreos |
xorgxrdp | | X.org modules for RDP server |
xorriso | | ISO 9660 Rock Ridge filesystem manipulator |
xoscope | | Sound card oscilloscope |
xournalpp-git | | Handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support |
xpde | | Desktop environment for X11 (Windows XP interface clone) |
xpdq | | X11 interface for pdq printing subsystem |
xpi-quick_locale_switcher | | Quickly change the locale preference in Mozilla applications |
xpilot-ng | | Enhanced version of XPilot network space battle |
xpipe | | Split input and feed it to the given utility |
xplore | | X11/Motif File Manager |
xplugd | | Monitor, keyboard, and mouse plug/unplug helper for X |
xpopple | | Display tool for PDF files (based on Motif and Poppler) |
xpp | | X Printing Panel |
xqf | | XQF is a server browser and launcher for games |
xrdp | | Remote Desktop Protocol server |
xrdp09 | | Remote Desktop Protocol server |
xroar | | MC6809-based Dragon and Colour Computer (CoCo) emulator |
xsb | | Logic Programming and Deductive Database system |
xspd | | Http application server |
xspdapp | | Sample C programs for xspd |
xspread | | X11 spreadsheet based on sc |
xssp | | Software for creating DSSP and HSSP files |
xtags | | Little keyboard-driven Window Manager for X11 |
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc10 | | Cross GCC for Espressif ESP8266 bare metal environment |
xtensor | | Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing |
xtitle | | Outputs title of the active window |
xtl-quant-stack | | Template library that supports other quantstack projects |
xtraceroute | | Graphical version of traceroute, tracing the route IP packets go |
xtreemfs-client | | cloud file system |
xtreemfs-server | | cloud file system |
xu4 | | Remake of Ultima IV |
xwallpaper | | Wallpaper setting utility for X |
xwax | | Vinyl emulation software |
xwelltris | | Tetris like popular game |
xwindiff | | The x11-clone of windiff |
yabar | | Modern and lightweight status bar for X window managers |
yaegi | | Another Elegant Go Interpreter |
yafray | | Yet Another Free Raytracer |
yaggo | | Generate command line parser using getopt_long |
yakuake | | Drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology |
yamlfmt | | Extensible command line tool or library to format yaml files |
yap | | ISO-compliant Prolog |
yaupspe | | Cross-platform PSP emulator, based on Potemkin |
yder | | Logging library written in C |
yersinia | | Layer 2 vulnerability scanner (switches, spanning tree, 802.1q ...) |
yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter | | Prometheus exporter for AWS CloudWatch |
yoda | | Yet more Objects for Data Analysis |
yosys-dev | | Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite |
you-get | | Web scraper to download media contents |
yp-tools | | Linux NIS (YP) Tools |
ypbind-mt | | Multithreaded NIS (YP) client daemon |
ypserv | | NIS (YP) Server |
zabbix64-agent | | Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone |
zabbix64-frontend | | Zabbix PHP 8.0+ frontend |
zabbix64-java | | Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone |
zabbix64-proxy | | Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone |
zabbix64-server | | Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone |
zbackup | | Globally-deduplicating backup tool |
zdbsp | | ZDoom's internal node builder |
zed | | Tooling for super-structured data |
zeek | | Passive network traffic analyzer |
zellij | | Terminal workspace with batteries included |
ZenNode | | Node/blockmap/reject builder for Doom and Hexen level formats |
zephyr-smalltalk | | A Silverhawk Software smalltalk implementation |
zero-epwing-git | | Tool that converts EPWING files to JSON |
zetacoin | | Secure and fast digital cryptocurrency |
zf | | Commandline fuzzy finder designed for filtering filepaths |
zig-git | | Programming language designed for robustness and clarity |
zimpl | | Language to translate the LP models into .lp or .mps |
zip-devel | | Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip |
ziparchive | | Library for ZIP compression and decompression |
zipios | | java.util.zip-like C++ library for reading and writing Zip files |
zlua | | Lightweight tool that lets you quickly jump around your filesystem |
zmap | | Network scanner that scales to Internet-wide network studies |
ZMusic | | GZDoom's music system as a standalone library |
zodiac | | Static website generator written in awk and sh |
zpaq | | Incremental Journaling Backup Utility and Archiver |
zrepl | | One-stop ZFS backup & replication solution |
zynaddsubfx | | Software synthesizer |
mk | | Subfolder |